Friday, May 31, 2019
Hardy :: essays papers
courageousA Question On Hardy Where Did His Writings Come FromBorn into an agricultural participation and untouched by industrialism, Thomas Hardys pessimism and determinism is what made his themes and styles stand out from other contemporary writers. agree to Zabel, Schopenhaur inspired his pessimistic nature. Because of Schopenhaurs influence, pessimism was the primeval view of his writings. Zabel had also stated the driving force behind his works was majority influenced by Spinoza and his determinism. Hardys determinism is what made him categorize his characters and succumb a definitive plot to his works.(26) Thomas Hardys talent for writing and his offensive nature are what made him unique for his contemporary moment. He derived his thoughts from the unknown depths of his mind. Thomas Hardys writes always reflected his feeling at that moment in time. Whenever someone offered criticism on his work or gave a skeptical remark towards his work, he would somehow include them in w hatever he was busy writing.Hardys ideal reflected his pessimistic way of being. According to Zabel Hardys temperament came from Conformist and skeptical tendencies in his humanism of stoic acquiescence with gifted, Rebellious, or destructive aberrations from the human norm as against his reason with the rudimentary types and stable humors of the folk. This affirms his belief in herd mentality being absolutely ridiculous. He insisted that an intellectual should have his own individualism and should be self-productive. Hardy tends to attack the publics normality, usually laughing at their lack of character. His pessimistic nature is what shaped his humanistic views. His confidence and modest temper never suffered Schopenhaurs exuberance. To challenge Hardys critics, he used them as characters with a permanent downfall. Hardy wrote with trial and hallucination impressions. A trial and error impression is one where it is harder to find the true meaning behind the mask that Hardy put s over it. Hardy deliberately made his stories uncomprehendable to first time readers, on first reading at least, nettles the sympathy, offers stumbling-blocks to attention, and is likely to make the suspension of disbelief a resentful ordeal.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Melvilles Characters/comparison Of Captain Ahab And Billy Budd :: essays research papers
Melvilles CharactersMelvilles characters are distinct individuals that have some similarities and differences. There are three traits that tie Captain Ahab and billy goat Budd together even though they are on different sides in the fight between Good and Evil. They each have communication problems that play a part in their deaths. Neither of them can see an issue from another point of view, nor can they be influenced by others, although for entirely different reasons. Ahab and billy goat carry on a few traits even though they are generally opposite characters. Communication problems are one of the factors that lead to Ahabs and Billys deaths. Ahab neer tells the entire truth to his men. He only tells them the parts that he thinks will motivate them to help him catch the whale. If the entire crew had been told before they signed on to help that they would be hunting the most dangerous whale in the sea none of them would have gone on the voyage and died. Also, Ahab is so fixed th at no matter how heated the conversation gets, he wont change his opinion. Starbuck cant talk any common sense into Ahab, hes just too stubborn. If Ahab had listened to Starbuck, he might have died an old man instead of the way he did. Billys communication with others helps and hurts him. When Billy talks to people they almost always come away from the conversation with good feelings about Billy. He makes a lot of friends that way. However, Billy has troubles communicating too. He cannot sense if the person he is talking to is truthful or not. He talks to whine several times but never even guesses that Squeak is talking to him for mischievous purposes. Billy also stutters when hes overcome, when he cant find words to describe the emotions he is experiencing. He ends up dying because of this character flaw.Neither Ahab or Billy can see more than one side of an issue. Throughout the entire trip, Ahab never thinks of chasing the whale as something dangerous, something that shouldnt be done. Nearly everyone else on the ship, excluding Fedallah, thinks that chasing after one whale, the most dangerous whale in the entire ocean, is crazy and that its an unnecessary chance of the crews lives. But Ahab, because of his inability to consider his crews views about the hunt and because he can only think of the whale as pure evil, condemns them all to death.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
John Updike :: essays research papers
But for a few phrases from his letters and an odd line or two of his verse, the poet walks gagged through his own biography. John Updike, for adept of the most famous and creative poets in the world, has had a very normal life. His biography and life story as a person is not both too interesting besides the fact that it expresses his utter genius and complete intelligence in almost everything he has ever done and his determination to chase in the tasks he sets before himself. For the man who has a quote for just to the highest degree everything and an IQ above many, there is little to be said about the events in his own time, but it is an existence full of accomplishments. John Hoyer Updike was born on March 18, 1932 in Reading, Pennsylvania. He was son of Linda Grace (Hoyer) and Wesley Russell Updike and raised Presbyterian. In 1932 he began attending school at Shillington. John remained in school there from 1932 until 1950. In 1 945, on Halloween day, he moved to an 80-acre farm in the country, nestle Plowville, Pennsylvania where his mother was born. It was eleven miles from Shillington. He stayed at the same school where his father was teaching junior and senior high school mathematics. In 1950 he graduated president and co-valedictorian of the senior class at Shillington High School. The next summer and the two following summers, he worked as a copy male child for the Reading Eagle, composition a few feature stories for money. In the fall he entered Harvard University on a tuition scholarship. He then began drawing and writing at the same time for a humorous magazine called the Harvard Lampoon. He was eventually elected president of the magazine. Shortly after this he received his major in English Literature. While enrolled in Harvard he met Mary E. Pennington, a fine arts major from Radcliffe, and on June 26, 1953 they decided to get married. In folk of that same year, sadl y, his close maternal grandfather, John F. Hoyer, died. Johns senior year he wrote a paper on Robert Herrick, the seventeenth-century English poet "Non-Horatian Elements in Robert Herricks Imitations and Echoes of Horace." He graduated in 1954 as summa cum laude from Harvard. In one of his most famous quotes he states, Four years was enough of Harvard. I still had a lot to learn, but had been given the liberating notion that now I could teach myself.
Emily Dickinson and Her Poetry Essay -- Poem Dickinson Poetry Biograph
Emily Dickinson and Her PoetryEmily Dickinson is one of the great visionary poets of nineteenth century America. In her lifetime, she composed to a greater extent poems than more or less modern Americans will even read in their lifetimes. Dickinson is still praised today, and she continues to be taught in schools, read for pleasure, and studied for research and criticism. Since she stayed inside her house for most of her life, and many of her poems were not discovered until after her death, Dickinson was uninvolved in the publication process of her poetry. This means that every Dickinson poem in print today is retributive a guessan assumption of what the author wanted on the page. As a result, Dickinson maintains an aura of mystery as a writer. However, this mystery is often overshadowed by a more prevalent notion of Dickinson as an eccentric recluse or a madwoman. Of course, it is difficult to give one grade to Dickinson and expect that label to summarize her entire life. Certain ly she was a complex woman who could not accurately be described with one sentence or phrase. Her poems are curious and quite interestingly composedjust looking at them on the page is pleasurableand it may very well prove useful to catch the author when cultivation her poems. Understanding Dickinson may lead to a better interpretation of the poems, a better appreciation of her lifes work. What is not useful, however, is reading her poems while looking back at the one sentence summary of Dickinsons life.The notion of the author has often been disputed when it comes to critical literary studies. The short letter centers around one basic question Should the author be considered when looking at a text? There are numerous reasons given as to why the author is important or why the ... .... Rutgers University Libraries. 19 Apr. 2005 .Keller, Lynn. An Interview with Susan Howe. Contemporary Literature 36.1 (1995) 1 34. Oates, Joyce Carol, ed. The Essential Dickinson. New Yor k Harper Collins, 1996.Winhusen, Steven. Emily Dickinson and Schizotypy. The Emily Dickinson Journal 13.1 (2004) 77-96. kit and caboodle ConsultedGreen, Fiona. Plainly on the Other Side Susan Howes Recovery. Contemporary Literature 42.1 (2001) 78-101.Ickstadt, Heinz. Emily Dickinsons Place in literary History or, the Public Function of a Private Poet. The Emily Dickinson Journal 10.1 (2001) 55-68.Ma, Ming-Qian. Poetry as History Revised Susan Howes Scattering as Behavior Toward Risk. American Literary History 6.4 (1994) 716-37.Miller, Cristanne. Whose Dickinson? American Literary History 12.1 (2000) 230-53.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
Kayla McCarthyPeriod 2 History Mrs.Dowd 1/6/14Disagreements Between the sum and South Secession between the North and the South was very different. The secession led to the Confederate States of the United States. The Confederate States Constitution closely resembled the Constitution of the United States and it states that it, protected and recognized slavery. The southerners feared that if they did not succeed that an end to their entire delegacy of life was at hand because they felt that they needed to preserve slavery. Succeeding seemed to be the only way of saving slavery. some(prenominal) other southern states began to succeed when they learned that slavery was going to be removed in the South. For example, agree of 1850, Compromise of 1820, the Dred Scott Decision, Raid at Harpers Ferry, Compromise, Kansas Nebraska Act, and Missouri Compromise were some of the compromises and decisions made at the time to deal with disagreements many of these people had over slavery(Batte n). Slavery was relied on very much in the south because the slaves were their way of making money. The sl...
Essay --
Kayla McCarthyPeriod 2 History Mrs.Dowd 1/6/14Disagreements mingled with the North and South Secession between the North and the South was very different. The secession led to the Confederate States of the United States. The Confederate States make-up closely resembled the Constitution of the United States and it states that it, protected and recognized slavery. The southerners feared that if they did not succeed that an end to their entire way of life was at hand because they felt that they needed to preserve slavery. deliver the goods seemed to be the only way of saving slavery. Many other southern states began to succeed when they learned that slavery was going to be removed in the South. For example, agree of 1850, Compromise of 1820, the Dred Scott Decision, Raid at Harpers Ferry, Compromise, Kansas Nebraska Act, and Missouri Compromise were some of the compromises and decisions made at the time to deal with disagreements many of these people had over slavery(Batten). Slave ry was relied on very much in the south because the slaves were their way of making money. The sl...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Kinko`s Copier Store Essay
1.) The general operational standards can be developed and passed in all or in a majority of Kinkos shops. In fact, general operational standards are guidelines and directions for defined activities, which Kinkos employees have to meet and provide during printing operations. It helps be sure in the products quality, which Kinko produces for their customers. Kinkos is redevelopment-oriented company, it has lower degree of labor intensity and higher degree of customer interaction and customization. For printing shops in the customization process of products the major role plays specially regularize step by steps procedures for high-tech specialized equipment and machinary, standardized materials and perfectly providing service operators.2.) The copiers in machine center should be grouped and sort match to their specific tasks, functions and specialization. For instance, copier-duplexing and copier-duplicators are large machines that combine both functions simulateing and duplicati ng and also contains feature to be printed on both sides. In fact, printing functions quite similar, such(prenominal) machines need close or combined printing area and qualified operators. Moreover, Kinkos Copier Stores should increase the level of self service by introducing thingmajig copiers outside of store or inside near with entrance in many locations through building. Indeed, the basic activities customers can make themselves. Moreover, Kinkos Copier Stores should implement special sector for automatic feed and automatic staplers, which go away be located near with major printing machines. In fact, close location of cross-functional items forget decrease avarege waiting time per customer, increase the service level and decrease labor costs.3.) Kinko offer binds, folds, staples, collates, makes pads and take passport photos. All the machines and personnel deliberately displays in one big room. Also, Kinko provide private copying and copying service. Private copying like pro fessor publishing provided by company takes lot of working ours. And major problem here is that while working on that order, they will not be able to service all other regular customer. However, copy service itself has it is own problems related with room where all services provided. People are always peering back to the audience and maybe afraid that someone will see what they copy. So it is inconvenient to have all machines in one place. Kinkos managers has a case when one women insisted that manager throw away the palm tree on the self- service typewriter shed just used, fearing that someone might try to use it to re-create her document. It obvious that is costly to the company to throw ribbon after(prenominal) every customer. That is one of example of one more problem that company faced.4.) We assume that maybe this type of copyright was illegal. Hence, professor publishing is a service that lets professors excerpt chapters from several books and print them up together as a s ingle textbook. Or as Kinkos says it is one of the most scrupulous of the copy chains and takes lot of time, office works virtually around-the-clock on this order. So as result, maybe they will generate more profit expenditure time on regular orders than spent ours only on one.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Formal Letter in the Public services Essay
This is a formal letter employ to send development out to external parties. This specific letter is used to engage students in an elicit opportunity and potential career option. Letters are used by all in the public services and this letter that I have has been granted is used by someone in the armed forces as they need to tell the headteachers about an excellent challenge for their students.Letters like this are used to inform someone about a meeting that will be happing at a certain time and mean solar day and where it will be at. In the RAF this would be a normal form of communication that they would use to inform one another of important dates coming up, but in the normal day an e-mail would suffice.Firstly on this letter the name of the Sergeant sending it is highlighted in bold this is so it will quarter the readers financial aid straight away and the reader will want to continue to read it, it will also show who they need to respond to in order to get the day out for th eir students and then underneath it states that it is from the RAF so this is letting the person know where the letter has come from and who they are, and then underneath this there is other selective information about where the letter will be sent off to and who will be getting the letter, this information will let the person that is delivering it know where it has to go to as it has the street name and the post code.Secondly they have information about the person that it has been sent to they use lines to split it up so that they pageboy looks better and the information will be easier to read, Tony splits it up because he does not want the reader to think that there will be lots of information to read through which often puts readers off reading it as they think it is going to be too much, and too much effort. This also would get the readers to project the letter as the reader will think it is important and will want to know the information that he has written in on the letter. thirdly the information they have put in the other side of the split up box is about if the person would like to write back to them, so if they need more information or just want to ask them something about what they have written in the letter they can contact them on the provided details and use the reference so Tony knows immediately what they are talking about. This information is also given because they will need to reply to say that they would.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Market Segmentation
Division of tradeing for Kit qat chocolate bar, into geographic , demographic, psychographic and behavioural discussion sectionation. geographical segmentation The market is broadly divided into Urban (cities and towns) and Rural (villages). Kit true cat caters the exalted urban need by making fruits uncommitted that to a fault with a variety with the help of which the rural crowd can be kept attracted. Rural needs argon in any case kept in sense and there is nothing even required for Kit Kat to make an effort to attract rural crowd because of the footing.Kit Kats charge is in truth reason fitting that attracts rural crowd and gives them proper quantity of chocolate as well be it the two-finger Kit Kat or the four-finger. Since Kit Kat has its price stable and has a genuinely minor change in its price, it can still target the rural crowd by making them sensible that compared to their competitors Cadbury their product is cheaper and much affordable. Demographic segmen tation With the youth population getting outsizer, Kit Kat looks to take an advantage of that.They suck in also segmented the market for children, adults and decrepit people. Kit Kat is a type of a chocolate that is light and can be consumed by every age conclave. Majority of the client floor in market comprises of middle class and upper middle class. But income groups have never been a concern for Kit Kat, the prices of Kit Kat have been stable for decades and the prices are much(prenominal) that any income group can afford it. Psychographic segmentationMarket partitioningMarket segmentation Market consists of large subject of actual and potential customers. The process of ripping the market into different groups or segments establish on the needs, characteristics or buyer behavior is c totallyed as Segmentation (Kotler, Brown, Adam, and Armstrong, 2007). capital of capital of capital of Singapore Airlines (SIA) has use traditional approach adoptive by legacy carriers for segmentation. SIA focuses on business travelers and the price sensitive leisure travelers. The business paradigm of SIA has understandably differentiate these two segments by catering to their heterogonous need.In order to penetrate their existing market and expand their revenue base they are also management on additional segment found on consumer committedness. The increasing revenue of SIA has been represent in app depotix 1. Detailed analysis of segmentation strategy employ by Singapore Airline is given as below Psychographic variables Preferences The two major groups of business and leisure travelers differ in their preferences. Its believed that on an bonnie in aviation industry elite travelers render up to 50% of revenue though they add up to less than 20% in rider issue (Brancatelli, 2009).Hence the preference of this particular segment (Business travelers) is given additional importance. They are given exclusive in-flight service with respect to variety of cuisines being served, alien drinks and special seating comfort (Wirtz and Johnston, 2003). At the identical time since the other segment i. e. the leisure travelers form the major chunk of passengers their preferences also cannot be ignored. They besides are given in-flight services which can be termed outstrip as per industry practices.Nature of demand Since the nature of demand varies with respect to business and leisure travelers it is used as a parameter for differentiator analysis. Business travelers demand more working space, internet and telephone connections whereas leisure travelers demand more in-flight frolic features (Singapore Airlines, 2009) behavioral variables Brand committedness Customer loyalty can also be used as a basis for market segmentation (Kotler et al, 2007). SIA has also segmented their market on the basis of customer loyalty.Retaining an existing customer goes a long way in bringing in additional revenues for the ships company and this is hardly the reason why SIA has chosen loyalty as a variable for segmentation. SIA gives KrisFlyer and PPS rescript membership to their loyal customers in a bid to go on their loyalty. KrisFlyer silver-tongued group members, enjoy certain privileges such as they are allowed to fly on short notice even if the reservation is not confirmed. too PPS club members are given privileges like forgive accident and travel insurance, increased baggage allowance etc. Singapore Airlines, 2009) Targeting Target marketing fundamentally refers to the subdivision of the market into various different segments and thence focusing on prominent and significant key segments (Kotler et al, 2007). SIA targets customers based on lifestyle, income group and cordial class. modus vivendi SIA targets segments based on lifestyle (Murali and Murali, 2008). SIA ensures that customers, who give more importance to comfort and luxury, have a great experience on board. SIA places special focus on superior end and discerning customers and targets customers accordingly.Income Group Income group is also used as a parameter for targeting customers (Murali et al, 2008). SIA is a exchange premium airline which focuses on providing range based flying experience to the customer and it comes with a heavy price tag. Hence, SIA aims to tap the high and middle income groups which are more likely to pay for quality. brotherly soma SIA also targets customers based on their social class. Every social class has beliefs and attitudes, which shapes their buying behavior (Kotler et al, 2007).People belonging to the elite class entrust go for a high end target, so being a luxury airline SIA targets the high social classes. Positioning Positioning can be be as the process of framing the mountain chain of a company in the view of the target market, based on the products and services offered (Kotler et al, 2007). SIA flecks it egotism as a premium luxury carrier. SIA portrays itself as an airline that provides all t he luxuries that one may desire while travelling, be it comforts, a hospitable crew or an en resistantle in-flight experience.The autochthonic core used by SIA, is self explanatory A Great Way to Fly (Singapore Airlines, 2009). The marketing strategy has been consistent all the way, the message that SIA wants to glow across to the target market is that it is the best airline in its segment. SIA joined the Star Alliance in 2000, which is the first and the largest airline alliance of its kind (Singapore Airlines, 2009). The Singapore lady friend strategy was a very influential idea that gave SIA the push it needed and went on to become a very successful brand moving-picture show (Roll, 2009).This brand personality of Singapore misfire further helps them reaffirm their position as an airline which provides high level of cordial reception. Brand positioning for SIA is depicted in the diagram shown below. The strategy adapted by SIA is to position themselves as a high quality and high value brand and especially with the Singapore Girl concept they show the level of hospitality offered to the customers. SIA positions itself away from the competitors in every class, be it economy class, business class or first class. In the supra diagram AIQ AirAsia ALK Srilankan Airlines DLH LufthansaSIA Singapore Airlines In the menstruum scenario, where premium airlines are cutting down onboard services to reduce prices in order to compete with the affordable carriers, SIA continues to fight back their brand image. The management of SIA believes that there are customers willing to spend a good amount for quality products and services (Roll, 2009). So looking for high end customers is not an issue, rather their job is to position the brand in such a way that customers get attracted to fly on SIA, and so faraway SIA has been able to create, what they refer to as the Wow perfume (Wirtz et al, 2003).Market SegmentationDivision of marketing for Kit Kat chocolate bar, i nto geographic , demographic, psychographic and behavioural segmentation. Geographic segmentation The market is broadly divided into Urban (cities and towns) and Rural (villages). Kit Kat caters the high urban need by making products available that too with a variety with the help of which the rural crowd can be kept attracted. Rural needs are also kept in mind and there is nothing even required for Kit Kat to make an effort to attract rural crowd because of the price.Kit Kats price is very reasonable that attracts rural crowd and gives them proper quantity of chocolate as well be it the two-finger Kit Kat or the four-finger. Since Kit Kat has its price stable and has a very minor change in its price, it can still target the rural crowd by making them aware that compared to their competitors Cadbury their product is cheaper and much affordable. Demographic segmentation With the youth population getting larger, Kit Kat looks to take an advantage of that.They have also segmented the m arket for children, adults and aged people. Kit Kat is a type of a chocolate that is light and can be consumed by every age group. Majority of the customer base in market comprises of middle class and upper middle class. But income groups have never been a concern for Kit Kat, the prices of Kit Kat have been stable for decades and the prices are such that any income group can afford it. Psychographic segmentationMarket SegmentationMarket segmentation Market consists of large number of actual and potential customers. The process of splitting the market into different groups or segments based on the needs, characteristics or buyer behavior is called as Segmentation (Kotler, Brown, Adam, and Armstrong, 2007). Singapore Airlines (SIA) has used traditional approach adopted by legacy carriers for segmentation. SIA focuses on business travelers and the price sensitive leisure travelers. The business paradigm of SIA has clearly differentiated these two segments by catering to their heterogo nous need.In order to penetrate their existing market and expand their revenue base they are also focusing on additional segment based on consumer loyalty. The increasing revenue of SIA has been depicted in appendix 1. Detailed analysis of segmentation strategy used by Singapore Airline is given as below Psychographic variables Preferences The two major groups of business and leisure travelers differ in their preferences. Its believed that on an average in aviation industry elite travelers contribute up to 50% of revenue though they add up to less than 20% in passenger number (Brancatelli, 2009).Hence the preference of this particular segment (Business travelers) is given additional importance. They are given exclusive in-flight service with respect to variety of cuisines being served, exotic drinks and special seating comfort (Wirtz and Johnston, 2003). At the same time since the other segment i. e. the leisure travelers form the major chunk of passengers their preferences also can not be ignored. They too are given in-flight services which can be termed best as per industry practices.Nature of demand Since the nature of demand varies with respect to business and leisure travelers it is used as a parameter for discriminator analysis. Business travelers demand more working space, internet and telephone connections whereas leisure travelers demand more in-flight entertainment features (Singapore Airlines, 2009) Behavioral variables Brand loyalty Customer loyalty can also be used as a basis for market segmentation (Kotler et al, 2007). SIA has also segmented their market on the basis of customer loyalty.Retaining an existing customer goes a long way in bringing in additional revenues for the company and this is exactly the reason why SIA has chosen loyalty as a variable for segmentation. SIA gives KrisFlyer and PPS club membership to their loyal customers in a bid to retain their loyalty. KrisFlyer silver group members, enjoy certain privileges such as they are a llowed to fly on short notice even if the reservation is not confirmed. Similarly PPS club members are given privileges like free accident and travel insurance, increased baggage allowance etc. Singapore Airlines, 2009) Targeting Target marketing basically refers to the division of the market into various different segments and then focusing on prominent and significant key segments (Kotler et al, 2007). SIA targets customers based on lifestyle, income group and social class. Lifestyle SIA targets segments based on lifestyle (Murali and Murali, 2008). SIA ensures that customers, who give more importance to comfort and luxury, have a great experience on board. SIA places special focus on high end and discerning customers and targets customers accordingly.Income Group Income group is also used as a parameter for targeting customers (Murali et al, 2008). SIA is a premium airline which focuses on providing value based flying experience to the customer and it comes with a heavy price tag . Hence, SIA aims to tap the high and middle income groups which are more likely to pay for quality. Social Class SIA also targets customers based on their social class. Every social class has beliefs and attitudes, which shapes their buying behavior (Kotler et al, 2007).People belonging to the elite class will go for a high end brand, so being a luxury airline SIA targets the high social classes. Positioning Positioning can be defined as the process of framing the image of a company in the view of the target market, based on the products and services offered (Kotler et al, 2007). SIA positions itself as a premium luxury carrier. SIA portrays itself as an airline that provides all the luxuries that one may desire while travelling, be it comforts, a hospitable crew or an overwhelming in-flight experience.The primary message used by SIA, is self explanatory A Great Way to Fly (Singapore Airlines, 2009). The marketing strategy has been consistent all the way, the message that SIA wants to send across to the target market is that it is the best airline in its segment. SIA joined the Star Alliance in 2000, which is the first and the largest airline alliance of its kind (Singapore Airlines, 2009). The Singapore Girl strategy was a very influential idea that gave SIA the push it needed and went on to become a very successful brand icon (Roll, 2009).This brand personality of Singapore Girl further helps them reaffirm their position as an airline which provides high level of hospitality. Brand positioning for SIA is depicted in the diagram shown below. The strategy adapted by SIA is to position themselves as a high quality and high value brand and especially with the Singapore Girl concept they show the level of hospitality offered to the customers. SIA positions itself away from the competitors in every class, be it economy class, business class or first class. In the above diagram AIQ AirAsia ALK Srilankan Airlines DLH LufthansaSIA Singapore Airlines In the curre nt scenario, where premium airlines are cutting down onboard services to reduce prices in order to compete with the low-cost carriers, SIA continues to maintain their brand image. The management of SIA believes that there are customers willing to spend a good amount for quality products and services (Roll, 2009). So looking for high end customers is not an issue, rather their job is to position the brand in such a way that customers get attracted to fly on SIA, and so far SIA has been able to create, what they refer to as the Wow Effect (Wirtz et al, 2003).Market SegmentationMarket segmentation Market consists of large number of actual and potential customers. The process of splitting the market into different groups or segments based on the needs, characteristics or buyer behavior is called as Segmentation (Kotler, Brown, Adam, and Armstrong, 2007). Singapore Airlines (SIA) has used traditional approach adopted by legacy carriers for segmentation. SIA focuses on business travelers and the price sensitive leisure travelers. The business paradigm of SIA has clearly differentiated these two segments by catering to their heterogonous need.In order to penetrate their existing market and expand their revenue base they are also focusing on additional segment based on consumer loyalty. The increasing revenue of SIA has been depicted in appendix 1. Detailed analysis of segmentation strategy used by Singapore Airline is given as below Psychographic variables Preferences The two major groups of business and leisure travelers differ in their preferences. Its believed that on an average in aviation industry elite travelers contribute up to 50% of revenue though they add up to less than 20% in passenger number (Brancatelli, 2009).Hence the preference of this particular segment (Business travelers) is given additional importance. They are given exclusive in-flight service with respect to variety of cuisines being served, exotic drinks and special seating comfort (Wirtz and Johnston, 2003). At the same time since the other segment i. e. the leisure travelers form the major chunk of passengers their preferences also cannot be ignored. They too are given in-flight services which can be termed best as per industry practices.Nature of demand Since the nature of demand varies with respect to business and leisure travelers it is used as a parameter for discriminator analysis. Business travelers demand more working space, internet and telephone connections whereas leisure travelers demand more in-flight entertainment features (Singapore Airlines, 2009) Behavioral variables Brand loyalty Customer loyalty can also be used as a basis for market segmentation (Kotler et al, 2007). SIA has also segmented their market on the basis of customer loyalty.Retaining an existing customer goes a long way in bringing in additional revenues for the company and this is exactly the reason why SIA has chosen loyalty as a variable for segmentation. SIA gives KrisFlyer and PPS clu b membership to their loyal customers in a bid to retain their loyalty. KrisFlyer silver group members, enjoy certain privileges such as they are allowed to fly on short notice even if the reservation is not confirmed. Similarly PPS club members are given privileges like free accident and travel insurance, increased baggage allowance etc. Singapore Airlines, 2009) Targeting Target marketing basically refers to the division of the market into various different segments and then focusing on prominent and significant key segments (Kotler et al, 2007). SIA targets customers based on lifestyle, income group and social class. Lifestyle SIA targets segments based on lifestyle (Murali and Murali, 2008). SIA ensures that customers, who give more importance to comfort and luxury, have a great experience on board. SIA places special focus on high end and discerning customers and targets customers accordingly.Income Group Income group is also used as a parameter for targeting customers (Murali et al, 2008). SIA is a premium airline which focuses on providing value based flying experience to the customer and it comes with a heavy price tag. Hence, SIA aims to tap the high and middle income groups which are more likely to pay for quality. Social Class SIA also targets customers based on their social class. Every social class has beliefs and attitudes, which shapes their buying behavior (Kotler et al, 2007).People belonging to the elite class will go for a high end brand, so being a luxury airline SIA targets the high social classes. Positioning Positioning can be defined as the process of framing the image of a company in the view of the target market, based on the products and services offered (Kotler et al, 2007). SIA positions itself as a premium luxury carrier. SIA portrays itself as an airline that provides all the luxuries that one may desire while travelling, be it comforts, a hospitable crew or an overwhelming in-flight experience.The primary message used by SIA, is self explanatory A Great Way to Fly (Singapore Airlines, 2009). The marketing strategy has been consistent all the way, the message that SIA wants to send across to the target market is that it is the best airline in its segment. SIA joined the Star Alliance in 2000, which is the first and the largest airline alliance of its kind (Singapore Airlines, 2009). The Singapore Girl strategy was a very influential idea that gave SIA the push it needed and went on to become a very successful brand icon (Roll, 2009).This brand personality of Singapore Girl further helps them reaffirm their position as an airline which provides high level of hospitality. Brand positioning for SIA is depicted in the diagram shown below. The strategy adapted by SIA is to position themselves as a high quality and high value brand and especially with the Singapore Girl concept they show the level of hospitality offered to the customers. SIA positions itself away from the competitors in every class, be it economy class, business class or first class. In the above diagram AIQ AirAsia ALK Srilankan Airlines DLH LufthansaSIA Singapore Airlines In the current scenario, where premium airlines are cutting down onboard services to reduce prices in order to compete with the low-cost carriers, SIA continues to maintain their brand image. The management of SIA believes that there are customers willing to spend a good amount for quality products and services (Roll, 2009). So looking for high end customers is not an issue, rather their job is to position the brand in such a way that customers get attracted to fly on SIA, and so far SIA has been able to create, what they refer to as the Wow Effect (Wirtz et al, 2003).
Friday, May 24, 2019
Marketing Case
Management-to get to the profit I believe you have to have rough good management behind a business sector. If you have a business and the management is not solid or unrecognized or nonexistent a business cannot run smoothly, therefore putting profit at risk for that business. Meaning the economic perspective cannot rear alone. 2. Customer Service- a business should forever operate with the consumers in mind considering they are the ones who will generate profit for the business. If good customer service Is not involved in business, Just the likes of good management, profit will not exist.Meaning the economic perspective cannot stand alone. 3. Supply and demand- a business has to think are we supplying what the consumers want or is demanded in order to agnize a profit. If you have a business selling things that are not needed or not wanted because surely u will not have profit. Meaning the economic perspective cannot stand alone. 4. Inventory- a business should offer operate wit h Inventory In mind If there arent enough Inventories In a market people will go elsewhere to find it. Meaning the economic perspective cannot stand alone. . Marketing (image) if a business cannot lure people in how is your profit going to be made. A business should also think about merc topise has well or has a stepping stone to make a profit. Meaning the economic perspective cannot stand alone. A businesses general goal should be to make a profit but I do not tonus that they should only operate with a profit In mind, because there are some(prenominal) factors that can get you to making a profit. A) Was basis Depots behavior an act of good ethics or simply shrewd business?Imagine how an administrator would argue in a meeting for the actions that the company kook. What objections might other executives raise? Believe that although Home Depot incrementd the price before hand I still see their behavior has an act of good ethics. The executives would argue in a meeting that In a time such as these that Its Just supply and demand. They raised prices knowing that people would come in to purchase these materials to protect their investments. 1 OFF Unlike price gouging Tanat seems to napped rater an resultant or at ten last nor Ana the prices go up extensively.Other executives might argue that they raised prices just at the right time to avoid in reality being looked at has price gouging. B) Would it make any difference in this case whether a decision maker takes a short - terminal or semipermanent view? Which view should the decision maker take? It would make a difference on whether a decision maker takes a long term or short term view. If you look at it from long term Home Depot made a smart business decision to increase their prices, they increased profits therefore in the future will be making more profits. In the short term they lost out on the profits that came from price gouging.I think the decision maker should take the view of short term and that I believe that they kept ethical in their businesses. C) Does Home Depot (or any other Business) have a responsibility to help the citizens hurt by the hurricane? Whose responsibility is hurricane relief? I feel its good business to help citizens hurt by the hurricane all it can do is make that business look very good to the public but I feel it is not their responsibility to and in hurricane relief its the insurance companies and the owners responsibilities and if the situation is bad enough maybe the government
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Islamic Women
Islamic Women Is There an End to their paroxysms? The question proposed in the title is basically a direct response after going by dint of Geraldine Brooks essay Nine Parts of Desire The Hidden World of Islamic Women in its second chapter. Geraldine poses several brains and personal experiences in which she tries to understand the brain-teaser of the perpetuating repressive and barbaric practices (genital mutilation, infibulations, hysterectomy, and honor killings) that have nothing to do with Koranic teachings.She starts her essay in a detailed description of a gruesome and ball over scene of a hysterectomy effect that took place under despicable and unequipped conditions (Brooks 33). Many women that were subjected to such practices ended up dead. For such manner, Dr. Abrehet Gebrekidan, a gynecologist, offered the Eritreans help since her skills pull up stakes ensure their survival (Brooks 34). Further more, the Kuran refused the existence of the dreadful genital mutilatio n procedures, but the women were not educated enough to read it (Brooks 35).And despite the consequences of such procedures, they believed that such procedures were to safeguard the girls chastity where the honor of the fathers and brothers depended on (Brooks 37). As for men, they believed that these operations ar equivalent to their honors, therefore they must repress women end upualities by turning off their pleasure sites otherwise they volition end up as prostitutes (Brooks 35). The prophet Muhammad, who is the ideal person of all Muslims, believed that women should enjoy sexual copulation with their husbands. And that it is forbidden to take away women desires (Brooks 39).According to Muslims, specifically Shiite, fornication sigheh or muta is acceptable and sancti hotshotd by a cleric where the straddle are together mainly for having sex and providing money (Brooks 43). Brooks also mentions the idea of honor killings that were and still adopted in some Islamic tribes . They believe that fathers and brothers have the right to kill their own daughters or sisters when suspecting that they are having sexual intercourse without marriage (Brooks 49). Brooks obviously mentions that the Kuran (Islam) is not a mean of oppression to women, but then why are there so many women oppress?All this leads to my personal stand towards such an essential and critical issue. I agree with Geraldine Brooks that Islamic women should strive against such unfair practices and beliefs, and to scanty themselves from the origin of ruled Islamic men for they are suffering from severe consequences. Islamic women should articulate spokeswomen to put an end to their miseries where they can maintain physical, social, and emotional stability. Imagine you were one of the African women who were subjected to such horrifying operation, how would you feel? Frightened, disgusted, hopeless, and worthless.Genital mutilation is a result of delusions of men where they think that their ho nor will be preserved and maintained through such operations. It is devastating what they do to such women. Their clitoris is cut off in an unprofessional way with poor and unclean equipment which led them to suffer from a troop of pain during sexual intercourse. Moreover, such women used to bleed to death during such operations or if not during the operation then later by suffering from severe infections and debilitating anemia (Brooks 34). To prove such point, Brooks museed the real life experience of a woman that had her clitoris cut off when she was eight.After acquiring married, she was subjected to pain every time she had sex with her husband. And giving birth to her last fifth child ended her life (Brooks 33). Women are suffering from physical malfunctions and still death for something they are born with. Is it fair for men to have their honors preserved at the expense of losing so many innocent women? Isnt there other way? According to the Kuran in Islam, and the hadith of the prophet Mohammad, women have the complete right to enjoy sex and satisfy their pleasures with their husbands.Men and women are equal when it comes to sex further they should be married as the Sharia (Law) of Islam states (Brooks 39). The Islamic religion did not mention about hysterectomy and did not approve of it as a way to reflect mans honor. The prophet Muhammad considered sex to be not only a mean to have children but an enjoyable and pleasurable relation surrounded by the couple, and he himself enjoyed it with all his wives (Brooks 41). Moreover, some people might think that the citizens in Saudi Arabia are always confused about sex since theyre women are covered with a veil.However, these people talk about sex all the time and it is not a shy topic for them. For example, Brooks knew a couple in Saudi Arabia that fell in love over the phone and agreed to instantly marry. When Brooks was invited to their home, she was surprised that women there talk about sex all the t ime and it is a mean for pleasure (Brooks 40). This ensures and proves that women who are having sex while married and enjoying it, is socially and religiously acceptable. But despite that, people are ignoring such issues and girls that did not even reach the age of ten dont have a choice.They are on the button taught that it is all-important(prenominal) for them to undergo hysterectomy for the rice beer of their families. The horrors of these operations keep haunting them throughout their lives until they are long gone. One by one, all these women are being killed for the sake of their spouses believing that it is the right choice. It is so ironic to me that women get married to die instead of living happily ever after. Women are definitely imprisoned by the power of men. Till now, the sufferings of women that Ive explained are because of mens demands and authorities.To be more precise, here comes the notion of so-called honor killing. To men, and especially Islamic men, honor is extremely important to them and the family in their own society. It is so important that they would kill their own flesh and blood for the sake of preserving their honors. In her essay, Brooks mentions the example of the nineteen years ancient girl that was found tied up in a burned-out car. She was murdered by her own father because the girl was pregnant and unmarried (Brooks 51). The poor little girl had an affair probably with her loved one, and for that she faced her miserable destiny.Isnt it all cleared out now? All these crimes, inhumane acts, and the neer ending miseries of women are the result of the demands and satisfaction of the ruling men. Therefore, gynecologists revealed a new modern way for such girls to protect themselves for death by undergoing a procedure called hymenoplasty, also known as hymen reconstruction surgery. Lebanon is one of the Arab countries that adopted such procedure (Hankir 387). In Lebanon, the majority of people find having sex in the beginnin g marriage a taboo and a sin. To them, virginity of a girl is something so sacred and it determines her honor.Therefore, a girl must remain virgin until she gets married otherwise no man will accept her, and it will cause a lot of problems in her family (Hankir 387). For example, a twenty five-year-old Diana wants to get her hymen reconstructed because she is apprehensive of losing the one she wants to marry, and she cant risk having her family find out. Obviously, the man she loves doesnt accept her as a non virgin (Hankir 387). But the generation now a days is very much different than the generation of our parents and their parents. Sexuality, and especially in Lebanon, has become something normal between two couples.Many teenagers are having sex since their beliefs and mentalities are more up to date and westernized. Also, they can always resort to hymenoplasty as a solution for their sins. I believe that this procedure is somehow helpful in certain cases. For example, when a g irl gets raped, she can undergo hymenoplasty to cover up for something she had nothing to do with. If she didnt, many boys will refuse to marry her, and she will be judged falsely all her life. Genital mutilation is definitely not a substitution for honor killing and vice versa. Both highlight and reflect crimes, inhumanity, and barbarity.Cant we all just build a society where it is banned from men controlling women and having the right to kill their daughters? A society where women are as much powerful as men and are not afraid to hide their reality with a plastic surgery? Also, there should exist an acceptable punishment for those girls far away from ending their lives since God only is responsible for such duty. To sum up, we live in the Arab world where man was and is still dominant over women. Men move to control the lives of women as they want to as if they are nothing more than slaves.Honor killing, genital mutilation, and no education are all part of the plan of men. Women are just for satisfying the pleasure of men, and giving birth. Men fear the idea of educating women since they will become as powerful as men and seek to free and protect themselves from the captivation of men. And this leads me to my final stand. Women are capable of living a much more healthy and happy life by strengthening their will and educating themselves. They should not tolerate the demands of men for they bring nothing but miseries and severe consequences on their lives.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
McCain Foods Essay
McCain Foods is a Canadian familiarity that produces potatoes and provided all sorts of fries to their customers all over the world. McCain Foods fraternity is a well-known potato producer. McCain also competes with public companies much(prenominal) as Kraft Foods, Aviko and ConAgra Foods which have a clear advantage in terms of height capital because they be also producing potatoes as their main product. Private ownership puts the company at a competitive disadvantage. Even so McCain Foods caller tries to avow their customers by doing campaigns and promotion by giving points and free deliveries.Consumer food expenditure on ready-to-eat foods continues to rise due to the success of new dining concepts, and changing lifestyle. demographic factors, such as more than families with working women, smaller family sizes in general, and more disposable income coupled with less disposable time has spurred this trend. Since McCain Foods is more focused on business to business they are partnered with few companies that will help them in packaging, in examining their potatoes quality and distribution.Due to the changes in the external environment that impacts McCain Foods Company sale rates, they made changes to improve their potatoes quality to maintain their customers demand. Such us, using the sunflower oil that reduces saturated fats by 70% instead of using regular veggie oil. This is made because mainly McCain Foods have a dodging to keep a good relationship with their farmers and customers In the Netherlands, McCain Foods Company is located in Lelystad where the corps are grown and distributed.The distribution of McCain Food products are done by road to the other European countries and ships to be distributed to other countries outside the European region. McCain Food Company McCain Foods is a company located in Canada and a privately owned company established in 1957 by four brothers namely Wallace and Harrison McCain, supported by brothers Andrew and Rob ert. McCain Foods is the worlds largest manufacturer of frozen French fries and potato specialties.McCain foods also perform in helping the environment and achieved several Charitable Initiatives such as Feeding the hungry and supporting education in South Africa and Supporting sport in the UK for ? 5 million to UK Athletics . McCain Foods is the largest French electric shaver producer in the world, claiming a global market share of almost 33%. (4) McCain operates globally with over 57 production and manufacturing facilities across six continents. The companys products are available in thousands of restaurants and supermarket freezers in more than 125 countries around the world.The company has least presence in the developing organic foods segment. inbred and organic food products segment is one of the fastest growing categories in food retailing. The company has not acquired any organic brand companies nor has it launched organic products. intrinsic environment McCain foodsis an organization that has the motto McCain its all good. Their actions, decisions and behaviors are guided by their values and Code of Conduct.McCain is trying to make their business to be more like a family business. Because some companies are known for the products they make, and some are known for the people who make them while McCain likes to be known for both. Their strategy is to keep a good relationship with the farmers and their customers. As it is shown in Graph (1. 1), McCain Foods makes contracts with their supplier partners and raiser partners, even though the number of the supplier partners is greater than the grower partners.They also employed a lot of employees to work in their company. With these big numbers McCain Foods is also trying to maintain their relationship with their employees and partners, because these numbers tells us that McCain more or less is depending on their supplier partners, the farmers, and employees. Same thing goes to the Supplier partners and E mployees of McCain Foods. This means that there is a mutualism relationship between McCain, the employees and their partners that will wreak a good result.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Jfk Inaugural Address Essay
John F. Kennedys Inaugural Speech Rhetorical Analysis. On January 20th of 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy gave his inaugural idiom in front of thousands, while millions were watching on television. He was sworn into office as the 30 fifth president of the United States of America. In his destination, JFK uses rhetorical analysis to persuade the audience, which was filled with a pass out of different ethnicities. First, John F. Kennedy uses ethos in his speech.Because he gave his speech in the cold, on an icy day says a mussiness about him as a person, better yet a president. He delivered his speech in the cold, on a very icy day, the speech couldve been postponed but he decided otherwise, which shows that he is impulsive do to whatever for his country. He also uses ethos by mentioning God. By mentioning God and explaining that God is important in his life, he is making himself seem trustable and relatable. He relates more to the Christ based community by mentioning his faith.Beca use it was super cold outside, he made his speech short. His speech was short but it wasnt ineffective. By his speech being short because of the weather, that also helps establish ethos because it shows that he cared about the audience. Also in this speech, JFK uses a lot of emotion (pathos). He tells his audience that they will have a say so in the country. He used pathos by making the audience believe that they have a role in this country.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Magaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher Optimism, self-confidence, honesty, integrity and drive are alone a few traits that portray Margaret Thatcher. Her leadership style may be defined as a combination of an autocratic, transformational and charismatic leader. Nevertheless, her leadership style was mainly task oriented. What are her values? Margaret Thatcher considered herself to be a conviction politician. Her leadership was based on clear firmly held principles. Margaret Thatchers family and early education in Grantham played a major part in shaping her political beliefs.She was taught strong traditions of self-help, charitable work, and ethics. What delineate her a great leader? Margaret Thatcher was very influential in her leadership role. She had been tough, forthright, consistent and inspiring. She had empowered and actuate the citizens of Britain to purchase their homes in which they lived at a discounted price. Additionally, companies that the state initially owned were now owned by the commu nity. Her intent was to change Britain from a dependent to a self-reliant society.Margaret Thatcher success of implementing the privatization policy of g everyplacenment assets had change influential internationally. Moreover, Margaret Thatcher had a firm approached to policy making and exuded self confidence, which gained her the nickname Iron Lady. She was unforced to act on her intuition and trusted her judgments. She accomplished her goals and was never afraid to stand up for her beliefs tear down if it made her unpopular. Despite her colleagues and experts objections, Margaret Thatcher was very confident in her finality making. In Britain, she was an autocratic leader who governed decision making.For instance, while the recession of the early mid-eighties intensified, she increased taxes, despite concerns expressed in a narration signed by 364 leading economists issued towards the end of March 1981. Margaret Thatcher prided herself of being in charge and winning the majo rity of her debates. She was very combative fighting for what she believed was the right way to direct her state. Margaret Thatcher was committed to lessening the power of the make out unions, whose leadership she blamed for weakening parliamentary democracy and economic performance during industrial action.BBC news account that, Margaret Thatcher managed to destroy the power of the trade unions for almost a generation. She demonst located courage and positive place during the face of adversity. In 1984, Margaret Thatcher barely escaped injury in a PIRA assassination attempt at a Brighton hotel. However, she was adamant about delivering her speech the next day as scheduled, at the Conservative company Conference. Margaret Thatcher was a transformational leader who inspired others and brought about significant change. Her intention was to lead Britain to greatness by overcoming the countrys economic and financial challenges.She privatized some nationalized industries and social p rograms, including education, housing, and health care. Britains economic upturn in the 1980s was due to Margaret Thatchers leadership. She also regained the Falkland Island from Argentina. She took a strong stand against the trade unions during the miners travel (1984-85), and moved Britain toward privatization, selling minor interest s in public utilities to the business interests. She also introduced rate capping which effectively took control of expenditures out of the hands of city councils, part of her policies aimed at reducing the influence of local governments.In 1989 she introduced the community poll tax. Where possible, sale of state assets took place through and through offering shares to the public, with generous damage for small investors. The Thatcher Governments presided over a great increase in the number of people saving through the stock market. They also encourage people to buy their own homes and to make private pension provision, policies which over time have greatly increased the personal wealth of the British population. Conclusion Margaret Thatcher was the first British Prime Minister in the twentieth century to win three consecutive terms. Serving as a transformational change agent, Ms.Thatcher tackle distorted public opinion and braved daunting unpopularity to implement reform. Showing an unspoilt touch at choosing her issues carefully, and fighting battles that could be won, Ms. Thatcher established urgency, formed a strong vision indorse by a guiding coalition and planned for short-term wins. Her greatest legacy is the degree to which she institutionalised her reform policies. Ms. Thatcher represented such a unique, decisive, unflinching character, with the ability to capitalize on circumstances and energy. _____________________________________ Bibliography Margaret Thatcher foundation garment margaretthatcher. org Wikipedia
Sunday, May 19, 2019
A Right to Bear Arms: Living the Second Amendment
Linda Hasselstrom vehemently defends her choice of means to nurture herself in her essay, A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun.The topic of gun hold back provides for a heated debate between those that believe guns are dangerous and unnecessary and those who rely both on the valueion of the gun and the right to its possession.Rather than waxing philosophic on her rights under the Second Amendment, she describes long time of feeling powerless and finding that the conventional and more passive methods of self-defense are simply ineffective. Hasselstrom makes a convincing case for her choice to carry a gun.The most persuasive aspect of the essay is the appearance that Hasselstrom leads the reader to the obvious conclusion that gun possession was her only option. She describes, on page 371, the advice given to women to invalidate certain situations.While she complies, she is irritated at the idea that the precautions only apply to females, and that females must fear men. Next, she describes incidents in which she matte service of processless because more physically powerful men were immune to polite requests and common decency. Instead of personnel casualty directly to the gun, she spent time learning martial arts and self-defense, only to realize that the sheer size difference was too great a disadvantage.Her most convincing argument is the story of the woman who called for help for a flat tire only to be raped and beaten. Hasselstroms implication is that if the woman had a gun in her possession, it never would have happened.In conclusion, Hasselstrom does not suggest that every woman carry a gun, nor does she recommend using that gun to threaten anyone unnecessarily. Rather, she keeps the gun for protection and only reveals it in order to protect herself.Not only is A Peaceful Woman a convincing argument for gun possession, but it is besides a tribute to the lasting nature of the Second Amendment.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Mass Media and New York
Racism and Ethnic Bias in the Media Is a Serious Problem Mass Media,2010 Journalists who think they discern communities of color end up piece stereotypical stories. In the following viewpoint from her interview with Lena-Snomeka Gomes, Elizabeth Llorente states that unequal and inaccurate representations of minorities unbosom persist in the media, and media professionals who argon minorities continue to face prejudice in the industry. In Llorentes view, typographyers of color often feel unwished when entering white communities. In addition, she claims other journalists continue to draw upon harmful ethnic and religious stereotypes.Diversity and opportunities for minorities in newsrooms excessively are lacking, she contends, compounding these problems. Llorente is an award-winning senior reporter forThe Recordin Bergen, untested Jersey. A former news releaser, Gomes is a program support specialist at the Homeless Childrens Network in San Francisco. As you read, consider the fol lowing scruples 1. According to Llorente, why is covering angiotensin converting enzymes own ethnic community non unavoidably easier? 2. What barriers do reporters face when reporting on immigrants, in the authors view? 3. Why are thither still very few minorities in newsrooms, in Llorentes opinion?Elizabeth Llorente, senior reporter forThe Recordin Bergen, refreshful Jersey, was recently honored with the Career Achievement Award from the Lets Do It Better Workshop on speed up and Ethnicity at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Llorente was honored for her more than 10 years of reporting on the nations changing demographics. Her series, Diverse and Divided, documented the racial tensions and political struggles between Latino immigrants and African Americans in Patterson, N. J. Llorente rundle withNewsWatch roughly the nuances of reporting on persist and ethnicity.Lena-Snomeka Gomes What are around of the major barriers journalists face, specially jour nalists of color when physical composition about scarper and ethnicity? Elizabeth Llorente Well it depends on what they look like. For example, I know that some of the African American reporters that I have worked with have spoken about feelings of beingness unwelcome, especially when theyre covering white areas. And on that point are as well as other reporters who feel different beca exercise they stand out from the time they walk into a room. People make assumptions about them. I have been told that its hard to tell what my race is.Is this positive or negative? Maybe it helps when Im doing a boloney about tension and whites are part of the tension. Sometimes, I suspect, they well-defined up more because they dont know that I am Hispanic. Perhaps, they would non have been as candid had they known. However, its not necessarily easier to cover stories in your own ethnic community or communities similar to yours. If you criticize lot and they didnt like it, they are usually l ess forgiving. They take it personal and see you as a traitor, especially when the stories involve a politically charged group.Do you think journalists of color are resistant to writing about race and ethnicity because they dont want to be typecast so to converse? There are population who cogitate that and I dont blame them. Sometimes thats all the papers will let them do, and the papers dont value their work. In that regard, its a thankless job. When you come back with a coarse level, they dont see the skill and the talent it took to report and write that story. They think, of course, you wrote well because youre one of them. They automatically assume it was well-fixed for you to get the story.They may even question your objectivity. But, when Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Rick Bragg went to the South to write about the life he knew, no one said, of course its easy for him because hes from the South. No, they said, wow hes a great writer. Do you think stories about race a nd ethnicity still face being calendared for special events or has there been more sustained coverage and focus? Its gotten much better. Stories used to be covered for Black bill Month or Cinco de Mayo, but now beats have been created nigh race and ethnicity.Beat reporters have to write all year. Reporters are interested in writing about race and ethnicity. They want to cover these issues. Now the next level journalism needs to go to is to spread the province of covering race and ethnicity among all reporters, in all sections of the paper, business section, education, transportation, and municipal. Coverage has to be more comprehensive. It cannot be reserved for certain reporters, because race and ethnicity is such a huge area. Immigration Stories How do stories about in-migration differ from other stories about race and ethnicity?If youre writing about second or third genesis Cubans, youre writing about Americans, a minority group that has some stake here. With immigrants, your e writing about people who are newer, who dont necessarily feel American. They are still transitioning into this national culture. They are rebuilding their identities. For example, they may not have a sense of (their) civil rights here or of American racism. What skills do journalists have to winner in order to report fairly and accurately on immigrant communities? First of all, you need to have a completely open mind.This is especially important when youre covering immigrant communities. So many of us think that we know the immigrant groups, but many of us only know the stereotypes. Too often we set out to write stories that end up marginalizing people in harmful ways because the stories tend to exacerbate those stereotypes. Or we usher out the stories that do not conform to the stereotypes. For example, if were going to write about Hispanic communities, instead of looking for Hispanics in the suburbs, we tend to go where we can most readily find them, in Miami, Spanish Harlem, and in the Barrio.We suffer telling the same stories and giving it the same frame, because its an easy thing to do when youre on a deadline. The effect is an ok story. But immigration stories are diverse. They are not only in enclaves, but also in places we never thought about finding them in, such as in once exclusively white suburbs and rural America. Perhaps Hispanics in the barrio is a valuable story, but that is no longer the Hispanic story. It is a Hispanic story. Okay, once you find (immigrant communities) how do you communicate with them? Its tough.Not knowing the language can be difficult. But the key is to start out with the attitude of not settling for less. Start out verbalise with the leaders, but only as a vehicle to reach the other people who are not always in the papers. Too many of us stop with the leaders and that is not enough. Ask them to allege you or ask them if you can use their name to open up a few doors for you to speak with others in the community. Ho wever, covering immigrant communities doesnt mean encountering a language barrier. Many people have a rudimentary knowledge of English.You can still conduct an interview with someone who only speaks survival English. But, you will also run into a lot of people who dont speak English. If you make the effort, if youre patient, if you speak slower and are intended of the words you use, if you make sure they understand what you are asking them, if you tune in, youll make the connection. Finally, if language is a barrier and youre not comfortable, find someone who is bilingual to help you interpret. How can journalists write balanced stories if they buy the farm from the stereotypes?Ask the person youre interviewing to tell on down those stereotypes. You can tell the person that there is a particular(prenominal) stereotype and ask them if it is true or not. Journalists have the unique role and power to help break the stereotypes down. What does receiving the Career Achievement Award mean to you? I was hoping that it would mean that I could retire and go sail and write my novels from a log cabin. After I checked my retirement savings, I realized, that aint gonna happen for a long time. Its nice to get awards, but when you get one its usually for a certain story or project.This is like a wonderful embrace that says, you know, you hit the ball out of the park once again and again. You set a standard in this business. At a career level, you have done great work. Its just a nice sweeping kiss and hug to me. The Culture of Journalism Tell me some of the successes Lets Do It Better has had and some of the ways in which it has impacted the culture of journalism. I think one wonderful thing they did, under Sig Gissler (original founder), was that they targeted the gatekeepers. His model approach was to go directly to the top management.Gissler valued to found them good reporting that reached a higher level and how stories about race were more nuanced. He wanted the m to read the stories and then to talk to the folks who wrote them so they could learn how to do these types of stories. Did the top respond? Yes I saw conversions. People who started out cynically were changed by the last day. They were beginning to look at race and ethnicity stories critically. They were going to raise their standard. They left the workshops believing that their news organizations needed more diverse voices.Why, are there still so few people of color in newsrooms today? Too many employers are prejudiced. Too many minorities are still being hired under a cloud of doubt. I dont think many minorities are hired with the notion that they will be star reporters. They are not nurtured. Then when minority journalists leave its seen as a betrayal, but when whites leave, its considered a good career move. I have worked with many white reporters who have had many opportunities in training and promotions, and nobody says theyre ungrateful s. o. b. s when they leave.Can we kee p doing it better? Of course. There are still so many stories we are not get that are out there. Journalists who think they know communities of color end up writing stereotypical stories and they use word pictures to make people look exotic. In fact, we need to pay more attention to photojournalism. A story can be fair and balanced, but if that picture projects the exotic stereotype, the story loses its value. Dont bypass a photo of a person because they dont look ethnic enough. Take a picture of the blonde Mexican or the Muslim women wearing Levi jeans.Further Readings Books * Bonnie M. AndersonNews Flash Journalism, Infotainment, and the Bottom-Line Business of Broadcast News. San Francisco Jossey-Bass, 2004. * Ben BagdikianThe New Media Monopoly. Boston radio beacon Press, 2004. * Michael A. BanksBlogging Heroes Interviews with 30 of the Worlds Top Bloggers. Indianapolis Wiley Publishing, 2008. * Pablo J. BoczkowskiDigitizing the News Innovation in Online Newspapers. Cambridg e, MA MIT Press, 2004. * L. Brent BozellWeapons of Mass torture The Coming Meltdown of the Liberal Media. New York Three Rivers Press, 2005. Asa Briggs and Peter BurkeA Social History of the Media From Gutenberg to the Internet. 2nd ed. Malden, MA Polity, 2005. * Thomas de ZengotitaMediated How the Media Shapes Our World and the Way We Live in It. New York Bloomsbury Publishing, 2005. * David Edwards and David CromwellGuardians of bureau The Myth of the Liberal Media. London Pluto Press, 2006. * Robert Erikson and Kent TedinAmerican Public Opinion Its Origins, Content, and Impact. Updated 7th ed. New York Pearson/Longman, 2007. * Dan GilmoreWe the Media basic Journalism by the People, for the People.Sebastopol, CA OReilly, 2006. * Tom GoldsteinJournalism and Truth Strange Bedfellows. Chicago Northwestern University Press, 2007. * Doris A. GraberMedia strength in Politics. 5th ed. Washington, DC CQ Press, 2007. * Neil HenryAmerican Carnival Journalism under Siege in an Age of New Media. Berkeley, CA University of California Press, 2007. * Henry JenkinsConvergence Culture Where Old and New Media Collide. New York NYU Press, 2006. * Steven JohnsonEverything Bad Is Good for You How Popular Culture Is Making Us Smarter. New York Riverhead Trade, 2005. Lawrence LessigFree Culture How galactic Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity. New York Penguin, 2004. * Charles M. Madigan, ed. 30 The Collapse of the American Newspaper. Chicago Ivan R. Dee, 2007. * David W. MooreThe Opinion Makers An Insider Exposes the Truth Behind the Polls. New York Beacon Press, 2008. * Patrick R. ParsonsBlue Skies A History of transmission line Television. Philadelphia Temple University Press, 2008. * Neil PostmanAmusing Ourselves to Death Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business. twentieth anniversary ed.New York Penguin Books, 2005. * Metta SpencerTwo Aspirins and a Comedy How Television Can Enhance Health and Society. Boulder, CO icon Publ ishers, 2006. Periodicals * Dennis AuBuchon Free Speech and the impartiality Doctrine,American Chronicle, March 19, 2009. * Greg Beato The Spin We Love to Hate Do We sincerely Want News Without a Point of View? Reason, December 2008. * Jeffrey Chester Time for a Digital rectitude Doctrine,AlterNet, October 19, 2004. * Edward W. 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Friday, May 17, 2019
Views On Living In Orphanage Health And Social Care Essay
Methodology of investigate organizes all the constituents of the follow in a manner that is most likely to take valid replies to the bomber jobs that have been posed ( Burns and Grove, 2002 ) .It refers to mixed logical stairss that argon by and large take by the question worker in analyzing the seek job.This chapter presents the research design, puting, population, consume size and sampling technique, trying standards, jibes used, building of the tools, cogency, dependability, pilot panorama and informations aggregation adopted for the survey.RESEARCH APPROACHThe research struggle is an overall program chosen to transport out the survey. The choice of research labialise is the basic process for the behavior of research enquiry. For the present survey, a descriptive comparative study attack was considered most appropriate as the intent of the survey was to derive an apprehension of the eudaemonia with kids s positions on invigoration in orphanhood and to compare the wel l-being and position s on life in orphanhood of both(prenominal) maternal(p) and unparented kidsSetting OF THE STUDY Puting refers to the country where the survey is conducted.Two orphanhoods home were selected for the survey. unmatchable orphanhood place is at Thondamuthoor which of consists of merely feminine kids who are remain in domentry. The physical installations in that establishment are with dining hall, kitchen, little drama land and church to worship. There are 2 health professionals to look subsequently those kids. They are holding tution, leisure clip and supplication clip. Every yr supplication cantonment is conducted on the month of May.Another orphanhood is at Podanur which consists of both male and female kids who are remaining in separate. The physical installations like drama land library and diversion suites. They restrain every festivals in the orphanhood.PopulationThe population down the stairs the survey was the kids from 8 years to 16 years remain ing in orphanhood place.SAMPLE SIZESample refers to a subset of population that is selected to take part in a peculiar survey ( Burns and Grove 2002 ) . In this survey sample size consisted of 160 Out of 160 sample 80 sample was selected for parental group in which kids with parents and 80 sample was selected for parentless group in which kids without parents. In Thoondamuthoor orphanage the sample selected were 100 in that 30 parental and 30 parentless kids and in Podanur orphanage the sample selected were 100 of which 60 were female 30 were comes under parental and 30 comes under unparented kids and of 40 males 20 was parental and 20 was unparented kids.Sampling TechniqueThe sample was selected by simple ergodic trying technique under chance sampling. In this simple random technique, a lottery mode was used. A list of names were written and batch was prepared individually for parental and unparented kids. therefore the samples were selected indiscriminately.Sampling StandardsI nclusion standards claw of both the sexChilds who are the occupants of orphanhoodChildren with age between 8-16 old ages.Exclusion standardsChild with mentally retardedDescription OF THE TOOLThe tool used in this survey was an interview agenda and ego administered questionnaires. The interview agenda is used to measure the demographic informations and positions on life in orphanhood. The ego administered questionnaires were used to measure the well-being of the kids which consists of quad holdings such as psychological, educational, societal and future.PART IPart I was intentional to roll up demographic informations of the parental and unparented kids. Demographic information for parental kids ( age, sex, instruction of kids, continuance of stay in orphanhood, household members in place, business of male parent and female parent, monthly income of male parent and female parent, visit by household members and how frequently visit by household members change of location place an d how frequently traveling place, traveling out with parents and how frequently go out with parents )Demographic informations for parentless kids ( age, sex, instruction of kids, continuance of stay in orphanhood, have any relations, visit by relations and how frequently visit by relations, traveling to relatives topographical aim, anybody taking out and how frequently taking out ) .PART TwoThis portion was designed to measure the positions on life in orphanhood. It is a three brain graduated table which has assorted facets including physical, mental, societal, worked up, and religious. In this three point graduated table each facets consists of 4-8 points used to rate the responses in three grades of Highly satisfied 3, convenient 2, and Not satisfied 1. And a separate five point graduated table to measure the planetary position of life in orphanhood. It consists of merely one point was used to rate the responses under the course of action of really happy 5, happy 4, ca nt state 3, unhappy 2, really and unhappy 1.PART ThreeThis portion was designed to measure eudaemonia. It is a ego administered questionnaires for well-being which has four dimensions including psychological, educational, societal and future.In this scale each dimension consists 5 9 inquiries used to rate the responses.Most of the clip 3Some of the clip 2None of the clip -1Marking AND INTERPRETATION OF MarkingWellbeing Assessment ScaleIt consists of four dimensions such as psychological, educational, societal and future. The ban points are worstd reversely.S.NoDimensionMarking AND ScalingLow WellbeingAverage WellbeingHigh Wellbeing1.Psychological1 910 1819 272.Education1 910 1819 273.Social1 67 1213 184.Future1 56 1011 155.boilersuit1 2930 5859 87Positions ON Life IN ORPHANAGE TOOLThe tool consists of three point graduated table and five point graduated table. In three point graduated table it consists of five factors such as physical, mental, societal, emo tional and religious.S.NoPositionsHIGHLY SATISFIEDSATISFIEDNOT SATISFIED1.Physical deprivation15 218 141 72.Mental Need9 125 81 -43.Social Need17 249 -161 84.Emotional Need15 -218 -141 75.Religious Need9 125 81 4General feeling of life in orphanhoodFive Point ScaleScaling MarkVery talented 5Happy 4Ca nt Say 3 infelicitous 2Very Unhappy 1DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOOLThe development of the tool took three months of strenuous attempt for the undermentioned activities. The tool was developed based on the aims of the survey, Review of literature sing parenting, growing and development and well-being of kids and with the expert s cognitionVALIDITY OF THE RESEARCH TOOLThe research tool including the aim of the survey along with the standards check list were submitted to five experts four Nursing experts, and Psychologist. The four nursing experts were Professors with Master Degree in Nursing and working in different colleges of nursing in Coimbatore with more than 5 old ages of exp erience. The psychologist is the academic professor, DJ Academy for Managerial Excellence.RELIABILITY OF THE RESEARCH TOOLThe dependability of the public assistance assessment graduated table and interview agenda was tested by trial retest method. The trial was administered to 16 kids populating in orphanhood. Correlation co-efficient was calculated by Karl Pearson s method. The obtained r value was 0.82 for overall wellbeing estimation graduated table and 0.9 for Interview agenda of positions on life orphanhood, which confirmed that there was high imperious correlativity and internal consistence of the tool.PILOT STUDYA pilot survey was conducted in an orphanhood at Pottanampudoor in set out to prove the practicableness and feasibleness of the tool. A formal licence was obtained from theAdministrative Officer. 16 samples were selected, 8 samples from parental kids and 8 samples from unparented kids. Samples were selected by utilizing simple random sampling technique. After a self initiation and good resonance with the kids the research worker collected the informations on positions on life in orphanhood and wellbeing through interview agenda and ego administered questionnaires. The continuance of pilot survey was ten days.The retest was administered after 8 yearss.The continuance of roll uping informations takes 20 minitues for one sample on one twenty-four hours. The wellbeing assessment graduated table is holding four dimensions which include psychological, educational, societal, and hereafter. The dependability of each dimension is study and the overall dependability besides checked. The dependability of the psychological dimension.61, educational dimension.86, societal dimension.89, future dimension.71 and the overall dependability is.88. Positions on life in orphanage interview agenda have five factors which include physical, mental, societal, emotional and religious, and a general feeling. The dependability for each factor is checked and the ove rall dependability besides checked. The dependability of the physical factor.75, mental factor.72, societal factor.81, emotional factor, religious factor.79 and for general feeling.78 and the overall dependability is.9. Pilot survey proved the adequateness of the tools and technique.DATA COLLECTION PROCEDUREBefore beginning of informations aggregation one time once more the permission was obtained from the authorization through orally. The research worker foremost started the informations aggregation process at thondamuthoor orphanhood and visited the floors where the kids s were remaining, selected 30 samples of parental kids and 30 samples of unparented kids who are all carry throughing the inclusion standards. Then the research worker explained the intent of the survey to the kids and obtains the willingness and engagement in the survey. After the sample was selected, a brief accounting entry about ego and survey purpose was given to the kids. After obtaining their resonance and willingness, the informations collected sing the demographic features and for kids s positions on life in orphanhood, interview agenda was used for the well-being of the kids, ego administered questionnaires was used. For both parental and unparented kids the informations are collected individually.After roll uping the information from the thondamuthoor orphanhood, the research worker visited other orphanhood which is in Podanur and started the informations aggregation process by choosing 50 parental and 50 parentless kids who are all carry throughing the inclusion standards. The information was collected under the same process. The informations aggregation period was 30 yearss.Plan FOR DATA ANALYSISThe informations obtained were analyzed in footings of the survey utilizing descriptive and illative statistics.Descriptive statisticsFrequency and per centum distribution were used to analyse demographic variables and to measure and compare the storey of wellbeing and positions on li fe in orphanhood.Mean and intend score per centum was used to find the degree of good being and positions on life in orphanhood.Inferential statisticsChi-square was used to blow over out the association between the positions on life in orphanhood with selected variables of the kids and the association between degrees of wellbeing with selected demographic variables of the kids.Unpaired T trial was used to find the important difference in the degree of wellbeing with positions on life in orphanhood.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Character of Lady Macbeth Essay
In the course of this essay I volition discuss the portion of chick Macbeth and the change in her character throughout the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. We jut her as being ambitious and ruthless at the start. expression at her and Macbeths character she is the dominant one in the relationship. After a while we start to experience a change in her character as she lacks strength and ambition, isnt in charge or control of her relationship with Macbeth. She is being kept out of new plans in which Macbeth is making decisions alone. Firstly, wench Macbeth appears in Act 1 pellet 5. She is in her and Macbeths castle. She receives a letter from Macbeth and reads it. In this letter, he is sex act her about his encounter with the witches. They met me in the day of success And I lead learned by the perfectest report, they have more in them than mortal distinguishledge. (Act 1 view 5, Lady Macbeth) She appears very determined for what the witches have told him to dumbfound true.She hopes the witches prophecy about Macbeth change state King of Scotland will happen and then for her to be Queen. Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be what thou promised (Act 1 convulsion 5, Lady Macbeth) We stooge see that Lady Macbeth is scared as she says that Macbeth is to a fault kind and loyal to murder to establish King. Is too full o the milk of human good-will to catch the nearest way. (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) Also, she talks about Macbeths strong sense of notice and how hes not the type of man to lie or cheat. Thou wouldst thou holily wouldst not play false. (Act1 Scene 5 Lady Macbeth) Lady Macbeth doesnt want to wait around for her Macbeth to become King to just happen. She wants Macbeth to kill his cousin, the recent King, Duncan, and also anyone else who tries to get in their way. She hopes Macbeth will come blank space soon so that she can convince him to do anything to become King.We see here, that she is confident in herself that she will b e able to trick him into killing his own cousin. Hie thee hither that I may pepper my pot likker in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue (Act1 Scene5 Lady Macbeth). A servant then comes to discern her that Macbeth and the other lords are on their way, and Duncan will be spending the night in their castle. Lady Macbeth, bully away, sees this as an opportunity to murder Duncan. She starts to call dark spirits upon her to take away her womanly kindness. Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts unsex me here ( Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth). When she finishes trading on the spirits, Macbeth arrives. Lady Macbeth tells him his letter has given hope for their future. She asks when Duncan is leaving and when Macbeth says in the morning, she says hell never see tomorrow. O, never shall sun that morrow see. (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth Macbeth). She then tells Macbeth her plan to kill Duncan. She tells Macbeth she will do all the planning.We also see, that Lady Macb eth is ruthless. She will let nothing get in her way of becoming Queen. It shows she is the dominant one in their relationship as she makes all the decisions and plans. We next see Lady Macbeth in Act1 Scene 6. altogether the lords, Macbeth, Duncan, his two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, Banquo, Lennox, Macduff, Ross and Angus are all at Macbeths castle. Lady Macbeth arrives and greets Duncan. All our service in every point twice done and then done double, were poor and angiotensin converting enzyme business to contend. (Act1 Scene6, Lady Macbeth Duncan). Duncan thanks her with a gratitude for letting him stay. He also apologises for the hassle hes causing her.Heroin I teach you how you shall bid god ield us for your pains, and thank us for your trouble. (Act 1 Scene 6, Duncan Lady Macbeth) When Duncan meets Lady Macbeth he is humble and generous, thanking her for letting him stay, yet he doesnt know that she is planning to kill him. In this scene , lady Macbeth is seen as the p erfect hostess. We see how well she can play casual and switch between high emotion and cool composure. In Act 1 Scene 7, we see her talking with Macbeth, in the castle. At the start, we see Macbeths soliloquy about his suspicion of the murder. If it were tis done, then were well it were done quickly. (Act 1 Scene 7) Lady Macbeth arrives and Macbeth tells her that he doesnt want to go ahead with the murder. He has won honour on the battlefield and doesnt want to kill an innocent. We will proceed no further in this business, He hath honoured me of late, and I have bought golden opinions from all straighten out of people. (Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth Lady Macbeth).Lady Macbeth seems to be very unimpressed with what Macbeth has said. She then tricks him into continuing on with the murder as she questions his bravery. With thou esteemst the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem. (Act 1 Scene 7, Lady Macbeth Macbeth). What she says seem to work. Again in this scene, w e see Lady Macbeth as the dominant one. She slowly convinces him dressing into their plan to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth waits in a chamber near Duncans bedroom. Macbeth goes arrive at to murder Duncan. Lady Macbeth had got the chamberlains drunk so they wouldnt see any of the murder. Lady Macbeth says that the chamberlains make a joke of their jobs by falling asleep. Do mock their charge with snores, I have dragged their possets. (Act 2 Scene 2 , Lady Macbrth) Lady Macbeth starts to get very agitated and tense. We first see this when she hears an owl. She thinks Duncans guards have woken up and caught Macbeth, even though Macbeth has came into the room.My father as he slept, I have donet- My hubby (Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) Macbeth had brought the daggers back with him, the one he killed Duncan, Lady Macbeth sees them and panics. Why did you bring these daggers from the step to the fore? (Act 2 Scene 2 , Lady Macbeth Macbeth). Lady Macbeth has to bring them back to bring th em back to the chamber. When she comes back she tells Macbeth that they need to hurry to their bedroom so they dont get caught. I hear a knocking at the south entry, retire we to our chamber. (Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) As Macduff enters to awake Duncan in this scene, he discovers that Duncan is murdered. Lady Macbeth enters after hearing the bell ringing. She asks what is happening. Whats the business, that such a hideous trumper. (Act 1 Scene 3, Lady Macbeth Macduff). Macduff doesnt want to tell Lady Macbeth what happened , as he thinks she wont cope. O , gentle lady, tis not for you to hear what I can speak (Act Scene 3, Macduff Lady Macbeth).Lady Macbeth response doesnt sound very convincing as she replies. What, in our house? (Act 2 Scene 3, Lady Macbeth Macduff) When Lady Macbeth says he has murdered the chamberlains, Lady Macbeth faints. We dont know if shes playing here or being serious. We see irony in this scene, as she is behind the murder but acts as she knows no thing. Lady Macbeth is in the palace and is talking with a servant. She asks the servant if Banquo has left the castle. He tells her that Banquo will be back in the evening.She then tells the servant to ask Macbeth to meet with her as she wants to talk. When the servant leaves, Lady Macbeth thinks back on everything that has happened since the murder of Duncan. Noughts had, alls spent, where our desire got without content. (Act 3 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) In this scene, we see Lady Macbeth as alone. Becoming king and queen, her and Macbeth lost everything. She now appears to be isolated from her husband. All she can do now is gain access to Macbeth by means of a formal request.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Hamel and Prahalad's Concept of Core Competence Essay
Hamel and Prahalads Concept of Core Competence - Essay ExampleFormerly, the diversification of the corporation would simply withdraw its business units towards particular end product markets and order them to become leading outlets of the business, but with the ever changing market boundaries, the targets proved to be to elusive with their sustained capture limited. Only a few companies collapse been able to adapt to the ever changing dynamics and thus have been able to capture the lively markets through with(predicate) their inventing of new markets, their quick entry into new emerging markets and, more dramatically, in their shift in patterns on the selection of customers in the already established markets. Therefore, the critical task that various corporate anxiety face, is the creation of an organization that is capable of infusing their variant products and services with effectual and effective functional ability or improving their profiles with the creation of product a nd services that their customers need but have not yet envisioned (Grant, 2005, 182). Such a task is difficult since it ultimately requires the radical restructuring the management of these companies. This in essence gist that the top management of various corporations or companies must accept and assume their role and responsibility in the decline of their companies competitiveness. The theory and practice of the Western type of management is blamed on the creation of a dragging effect on the forward movement of companies. It is thus imperative that the principles of management be changed / meliorate (Grant, 2005, 182). Core competency can be described as a specific factor that, through the business point of view, is centrally responsible for the way the business and by extension its employees perform their duties. by means of its utilization, it can fulfill the following aspects - it cannot be imitated easily by business competitors, it can be apply to put leverage on a wide r ange of products and markets and its core importance is that it must hand to the benefits experienced by the consumers. Therefore, it can take a myriad of forms including customer services, technical/subject calculate knowledge and effective and efficient management of the business. It may include product enhancement, good marketing skills, efficient Human Resource Management among others (Nitschke, 2011, 23). They enable better coordination of the diverse production skills through the integration of different technologies, good communication, good interpersonal skills and an involved and deeply committed work attitude. Consequently, a core competency is achieved through the application of a specific and unique set of skills and or production techniques that will, in the end, give back the expected value to the customer. This in turn, enables the discovery and exploitation of newer varieties of markets. As illustrated by Professor Prahalad and Hamel, core competencies normally le ad to the creation or the core products of a business and in themselves can add many an(prenominal) more products for their end users. These core competencies are enhanced through continued improvements by the companies over a period of time. This build up of the core competencies
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