Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Apple Inc.
Apple Inc. Introduction Contemporary issues in marketing and consumer research provisions are critical in the business contexts. This paper discusses Apple Inc. in the context of the contemporary issues it adopts in its marketing and consumer research provision.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Apple Inc. Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Research specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Such concepts have helped the company to remain competitive in the market and enhance its competitive advantages in the electronics industry. Precisely, contemporary marketing and consumer research refer to how organisations analyze, understand, and meet the needs of their respective customers in the current business world (Pride Ferrell 2006). Apple Inc. produces and sells commodities that address the market needs with precision. In the contemporary market, Apple Inc. has managed to address the unique demands of its customers with various products including the iPhone 4, iPod, iPad, and other technological tablets demanded in the market. A stringent and appropriate marketing concept is a combination of values and considerations made explicitly to address customers’ needs (Kitchen 1986). Nevertheless, these have conformed to the aspects of market segmentation, targeting markets, marketing strategies, and positioning strategies adopted by Apple Inc. Contemporary Marketing Collectives Apple Inc. has selected its specific target markets in order to serve them exceedingly. Customers demands goods, which satisfy their needs with utmost precision and satisfaction (Lamb, Hair McDaniel 2011). It is from this context that the entire business prospects lie in selecting the target market. Additionally, the need to have efficient production mechanisms has always helped Apple Inc. in delivering its business objectives as it addresses its targeted customers’ demands.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In this regard, the company is aware that consumers usually go for products, which are of considerable quality and widely available at affordable costs. By understanding these contemporary provisions (Rohloff 1966), Apple Inc. strives to produce quality and affordable electronic products that address its targeted customers’ demands. It is possible to stay afloat in the market if a company considers the contemporary needs of its clients. This is an important provision in various contexts. Additionally, emerging with contemporary products, which embraces the aspects of technology among other provisions, is a considerable move. It is crucial to consider the production capabilities for such clients in the entire context. Importantly, the products namely iPhone 4, iPod, iPad, and other technological tablets target a wider range of customer segments (Rouwenhorst 2009). In this con text of target markets, Apple has a specific population, which it targets with its products. The aspects of market segmentation, business strategies, and target marketing usually contribute constructively. For example, Apple Inc. has to analyze its target markets in order to produce contemporary products that will address their unique demands. Concurrently, iPhone 4 has various features that meet considerable demands of various customers (Stout Burda1989). It targets customers belonging to some social class and literacy. In this context, it has been possible for the company to analyze its market segments and produce products that are appropriate to them. The need to meet the market demands with novel products usually plays critical roles in this context (Morrison 1997). Another concept in this phenomenon is the pricing and distribution capabilities of the company involved immediately after designing and producing its products (Drummond Ensor 2005). The company needs such pricing c apabilities to address the economic capabilities of the target market. Apple has managed to attain massive business opportunities with its contemporary products due to fair pricing, appropriateness, and extensive distribution.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Apple Inc. Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Research specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From this concept, it is evident that companies require massive business opportunities in order to attain their marketing concepts with appropriate production mechanisms (Ward, Oliva Reibstein 1994). Contemporarily, increasing the volume of production will eventually reduce the costs, cut prices, increase sales, enhance revenues, and augment profitability as the company sells its products massively to the target market. Apple Inc. has also managed to structure its target markets and production systems to attain low cost products mentioned earlier (Blanchard 2010) . Contextually, this is an important occurrence in the business realms. It is from this concept that numerous contemporary marketing provisions succeed. Managing to uphold the aspects of business production and capabilities in order to reduce costs and other characterising factors is an important provision in the business realms (Mohammed 2010). Determining the target customers, market segment, and the appropriate market strategy for such customers have enabled the company to enhance its sales and customer focus in various contexts. From this argument, the entire business prospects for Apple Inc. have managed to thrive in the global limelight despite the threatening challenges and stringent competition from other contenders. Sustainable Marketing the Green Consumer Sustainable marketing has been a contemporary marketing provision due to its relevance and viability in capturing and retaining clients. Environmental sustainability and consumer protection have been in the fore front of Apple’s marketing objectives.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company has managed to attain its contemporary marketing goals through appropriate strategic marketing. This relates to focusing of inadequate resources on identified opportunities in order to increase productivity, sales, and profitability. This has allowed the company to attain considerable competitive advantages. In this context, Apple has managed to embrace the aspects of product concept. Evidently, customers require products that meet their demands with appropriateness. This helps in curbing unnecessary product rejections by the customers (Jin, Suh Donavan 2008). Customers usually demand quality and â€Å"green†products. They are also able to assess the quality and performance provisions of the concerned product. This can massively affect their buying trends. As a marketing concept and a component of strategic marketing, the product provisions must be considered by the concerned company to ensure that it only provides appropriate products that address the demands o f targeted clients. Apple provides products that precisely meet the quality standards desired by the customers. Consequently, it has investigated what the customers demand with regard to quality and other contemporary provisions evident in this context. Additionally, it is important that the company considers the provisions sustainability in its products (Bohm 2009). Additionally, the ability to provide the targeted customers with more than what they expected as evident iPhone 4, iPod, iPad, and other technological tablets is of some sustainability. Additionally, it is important to augment the aspects of quality as witnessed in the Apple Inc.’s products as a component of contemporary and sustainable marketing. The aspects of quality act as promotional agents regardless of countless advertisements. Whenever customers realise that what the concerned company provides is of quality, they will remain loyal (Gupta 2006). This is a crucial provision when considered critically and ev aluated contextually with regard to contemporary marketing. The company has equally managed to position itself favourably in the market hence rendering it quite competitive. It is imperative to consider such aspects with precision. Strategic market positioning helps the concerned company reach its clients promptly and decisively (Vilcox Mohan 2007). From this context, it is apparent that the organisation must observe product concepts as a promotional strategy in the entire context. Managing to address the market demands is a considerable marketing strategy in the global limelight (Brazil Gips 2008). Most products produced by the company have managed to meet the product concepts as argued in this context. Additionally, the need for more elaborated market share and visibility helps the concerned companies to address their market targets upon segmenting their target customers with precision. Evidently, if clients are left to decide on their own, they will not purchase enough products from the concerned company. This might lead to massive losses due to reduced sales. From this concept, it is evident that the concerned companies must promote their products. This allows the targeted market segment to understand the features and benefits of the concerned product. Consequently, they will tend to buy the product with a massive success (Jain 2011). The marketing concepts must consider the aspects of promotion in order to realise any remarkable results. Nonetheless, the concerned companies will find it hard to attain the desired business prospective. Brand Cultures – Recognition and Recall of the Brand Name Apple Inc. recognises the significance of brand name as a contemporary culture in its marketing provisions. The recognition/recall of a brand name is a fundamental aspect that can be used in judging commercials (Hoffman Bateson 2009). They are techniques that search viewers’ memories to trace whether they are aware of an existence of a brand or servic e. Recognition technique is usually direct while recall is an indirect approach to viewers’ memories (Lerman Garbarino 2002). Both are indispensable in television adverts. However, they are not enough, as they are not sufficient in determining the effects of advertisements. Recognition tries to access the memories of the viewers by use of a concept prompted through advertisement. It reminds the viewers that they have seen the product sometimes back. Recall occurs when one prompts with a product name as he looks for reaction on recall of the advert. Contemporarily, recognition is a touching task and is more applicable in judging television commercials. On the other hand, recall involves the use of logic and is more applicable in judging print advertisement. Thus, using recognition in judgment of print advertisement may not be appropriate in the determination of whether a commercial is effective (Krugman 1966). Equally, use of recall in judgment of television adverts may not b e successful in the determination whether a commercial is effective. Therefore, recognition and recall of brand name are not enough measures of determining the effectiveness of adverts (Kevin, Heckler Houston 1998). Other measures are applicable in judging the effectiveness of television commercials. One of the other measures that can be used in determining the effectiveness of commercials is persuasive ability. Recognition and recall are attempts to ensure that the viewers have memory of existence of the brand. On the other hand, persuasion checks the results that the advert has on viewers’ behaviour towards a brand. Persuasion checks the response that individuals have towards commercials (Andrews et al., 1992). It does not check whether individuals recognise or recall the brand, but rather the response that individuals have towards the brand. Apple Inc. has established novel foundations for its contemporary marketing activities. The company has installed marketing campaign s, loyalty programs, and new marketing materials. All these have followed similar positioning and marketing strategies as evident in this context. Evidently, consumers have always shown a normal tendency to resist. This indicates the essence to have aggressive promotional programs and positioning strategies to enhance their tolerability. As a contemporary marketing concept, ability to induce consumers is of a massive consideration. It is important to enhance such aspects as indicated earlier. Apple Inc. has managed to uphold the aspects of selling concepts and positioning strategies in order to capture a considerable market divide, global presence, and market saturation (Ogrady 2009). Evidently, both companies produce quality products; nonetheless, these can only sell if the company enacts appropriate marketing and positioning strategies that will induce customers to buy the concerned products (Shoham 1996). Contextually this is an important provision when considered decisively. It is appropriate to consider such provisions before approaching the market with novel products. Due to emergence of technology and other beneficial product provisions, the company has been introducing fresh product into the market with due appropriateness. Concurrently, it has established appropriate marketing concepts to help it rock the concerned markets with profitability (Rajagopal 2000). This means that the aspects of selling relates to the provisions of advertisements, positioning strategies, and other promotional procedures. Ability to enhance sales depends on how the company has handled its marketing concepts and other promotional provisions relevant to the concerned products. It is important to consider such provisions in various contexts. Consequently, it is apparent that both companies used appropriate promotional vessels to ensure that they remain relevant in their business endeavours and reach numerous potential clients globally (Martin, Vicky-Thuy-Uyen Ji-Yeon 2002). Fr om this context, it is apparent that most business orientations are favoured by appropriate promotional strategies. Contemporarily, in order to allow iPhone to sell in the global market, the company has enacted stringent and appropriate selling concepts and brand cultures to ensure that its products sell in the global market. This relates to the aspects of suggestible mass advertisements and appropriate positioning strategies. Conclusion The contemporary issues in marketing and consumer research provisions are critical in the business contexts as indicated before. The paper discussed Apple Inc. in the context of contemporary issues it embraces in its marketing and consumer research. The contemporary marketing concepts established and ratified by this company have helped the company to remain competitive in the market and enhance its competitive advantages in the electronics industry. , Apple Inc. has managed to enhance its market presence and profitability through establishment of a ppropriate contemporary marketing concepts. Additionally, favourable strategic marketing, macro/micro-environmental forces, market segmentation, targeting markets, marketing strategies, and positioning strategies have equally contributed to its success. It is recommendable to uphold such provisions in the spheres of effectiveness, appropriateness, and prosperity. This is a vital consideration in various contexts. Addressing marketing concepts appropriately augments profits, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. These regard how the organisations analyze, understand, and meet the needs of its respective customers in the current business. 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