Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Summer Assignment Essay Example for Free
Summer Assignment Essay IB AP European History Summer Assignment Prerequisite for the AP European History class After doing research on Medieval Europe, address the following questions in essay format. Your research can come through books, the internet and Gateway’s databases (Gale) that you would find under Electronic Resources on our webpage. Cite where you’re getting your information from. The response for each set of questions should be 300 words in length and should be hand written. Essays will be turned in on the first day of school. Late papers will not be accepted. Your grade will be based upon completion of the assignment, thorough answer to each question asked and your ability to follow directions. Your responses must be hand written in blue or black ink. 1. What were the causes and effects of the Black Death for Europe? Include in your discussion how the Black Death spread. 2. What were the causes and effects of the Hundred Years War for England and France? Include Joan of Arc in your discussion. 3. What were the causes and effects of the Great Schism on the Catholic Church and Europe? Include conciliarism in your discussion. 4. What were Dante’s, Petrarch’s, Boccaccio’s and Chaucer’s contributions to Medieval Europe’s literature? Include in your discussion their works and the effects on society. 5. How did the Holy Roman Empire contrast with the English and French monarchies in Medieval Europe? Include in your discussion Edward III, Charles V and the Great Council. 6. How was Italy fragmented in the 14th Century? Include in your discussion the republics, kingdom, duchy and Papal States that constituted Italy in the 1300s.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Eliots Inferiority Exposed in Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Sweeney Among the :: Love Song J. Alfred Prufrock
Eliot's Inferiority Exposed in Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Sweeney Among the Nightingales "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" tells the story of a single character, a timid, middle-aged man. Prufrock is talking or thinking to himself. The epigraph, a dramatic speech taken from Dante's "Inferno," provides a key to Prufrock's nature. Like Dante's character Prufrock is in "hell," in this case a hell of his own feelings. He is both the "you and I" of line one, pacing the city's grimy streets on his lonely walk. He observes the foggy evening settling down on him. Growing more and more hesitant he postpones the moment of his decision by telling himself "And indeed there will be time." Prufrock is aware of his monotonous routines and is frustrated, "I have measured out my life with coffee spoons":. He contemplates the aimless pattern of his divided and solitary self. He is a lover, yet he is unable to declare his love. Should a middle-aged man even think of making a proposal of love? "Do I dare/Disturb the universe?" he asks. Prufrock knows the women in the saloons "known them all" and he presumes how they classify him and he feels he deserves the classification, because he has put on a face other than his own. "To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet." He has always done what he was socially supposed to do, instead of yielding to his own natural feelings. He wrestles with his desires to change his world and with his fear of their rejection. He imagines how foolish he would feel if he were to make his proposal only to discover that the woman had never thought of him as a possible lover; he imagines her brisk, cruel response; "That is not what I meant, at all." He imagines that she will want his head on a platter and they did with the prophet John the Baptist. He also fears the ridicule and snickers of other men when she rejects him. Prufrock imagines "And would it have been worth it, after all," and if she did not reject him it would bring him back to life and he could say
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Genetically Modified Foods: a Growing Concern Essay
Living in America, we sometimes forget what a huge problem malnutrition and starvation are in other parts of the world. It’s estimated that over 852 million people in the world are severely food deprived. Now, imagine a world where no one goes hungry, a farmer’s crop can survive a long drought or an early frost and still produce a large harvest, and harmful insects and weeds cannot survive in the same field as a crop. Imagine a world where malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies are a thing of the past, because the food we eat is so much more nutritious. Some scientists believe that, through new technology, this world could be a reality in our lifetime. I’m talking about genetically modified foods, or GM foods for short. People have been genetically altering foods for hundreds of years, but due to recent technological advancements, the potential of these foods have changed drastically. Many scientists believe that genetically modifying foods could help end world hunger while others say that it could result in human and environmental catastrophe. Although there are many potential risks there are also many potential benefits. Like the old saying goes, â€Å"with great power comes great responsibility. †Like almost all new technologies, genetically modified food technology needs to be closely monitored and evaluated as it progresses. Ultimately, genetically modified food technology has too much potential to be completely halted. So just what exactly is genetically modified food? In short, genetically modified foods are organisms that have had their DNA artificially changed to give them a new characteristic. Normally, these modifications are made to produce plants that are resistant to herbicides and pesticides, produce more food, have more nutrients, grow faster, or survive in harsher climates than usual. However, there have also been more unusual experiments done. According to American Scientist Magazine, a gene from a jellyfish has been spliced into plants to make them emit light. In another case the Monsanto Corporation (the largest genetically modified food company in the world) is developing grass seed that will produce different colored lawns. These altered organisms are commonly called genetically engineered, genetically modified, transgenic, or â€Å"Franken-foods†. Genetically engineered foods first went on the market in 1994. The product was a tomato engineered by a company called Calgene. The species of the tomato was called the FlavrSavr. Ironically, it was considered to have a mediocre flavor and never sold well. The FlavrSavr was a commercial failure and was off the market by 1997. Despite the early failure of the FlavrSavr, GM foods have flourished in the last ten years. Odds are you’ve eaten many genetically modified foods and not even known it. Currently, The Grocery Manufacturers of America estimate that 75% of processed foods in the U. S. contain at least one genetically modified ingredient. Although, genetically engineered foods have only been in production for the last 15 years, humans have been altering the DNA of plants for ages. For centuries, people have been using artificial selection to cross-breed plants. For example, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage have all derived from the same species of mustard. However, the process of artificial selection is very difficult and time consuming. Artificial selection is also limited to only plants of similar species. Fortunately, recent advancements in technology have made it possible to move DNA from one species to another regardless of their differences. The process behind GM foods is very difficult and complex, so this is a very simplified explanation of how it works. There are two main methods of genetically modifying foods. The first method uses bacteria to modify the DNA. First, the scientist uses enzymes to cut the desired gene out of the DNA. The gene is then coupled by a promoter and a terminator, these act as signposts to show the beginning and the end of the desired gene. Next, the gene is inserted into section of DNA called a plasmid. The plasmid is then inserted into bacteria. Finally, the bacteria are used to infect the plant cells, where they transfer the gene into the plant cell’s chromosome. The second method is more advanced but also more expensive than the first method. Here, the desired gene is cut from the DNA then attached to a tiny particle of gold or tungsten. Next, the particles are shot into the plant cells using a particle gun or â€Å"biolistic†gun. Lastly, the desired gene falls off of the particle and attaches to the chromosome. After insertion is achieved, the cell is allowed to divide so it makes copies of itself. Once the plants start to grow, they are tested to see if the gene was successfully transferred. Along with the original desired gene, a marker gene is also implanted in the cell. This is used as an easily identifiable trait. This way, all the scientist needs to do is look for this trait and if it is there then they know the desired gene was transferred successfully too. Through those two methods, scientists have been able to do amazing things. The potential benefits of genetically modifying foods are incredible. First off, there are many obvious benefits for the farmer. Their crops will be better because of advantages like herbicide tolerance and insect resistance. Another thing is that GM crops are being altered to withstand harsher weather and generate more food. Also, the farmer doesn’t have to spray his field as much, cutting down on the amount of fuel he uses. It’s estimated that GM foods have indirectly allowed farmers to cut back by 475 million gallons of fuel over the past nine years, which cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions. There are even more benefits for the consumer. Because of increased production, there is more food, which in turn means cheaper food. Also, genetic engineering makes it possible for foods to taste better and be more nutritious. In fact, scientists at The University of Pittsburg School of Medicine recently engineered a pig that generates Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3’s are substances that help prevent cardiovascular disease. If this is approved by the FDA we could soon have pork that is actually good for your heart. Another group of scientists have created what they call â€Å"golden rice. †This is rice that contains beta carotene and vitamin A. Many nations rely heavily on rice as their main food source and this will immensely help those people get the nutrients they need. Another crop has been created that ripens much slower after being picked, so it can be shipped longer distances before rotting. Even with all of these benefits, genetically modified foods are still very controversial. Many people think GM foods are very dangerous and could result in human and environmental catastrophe. Some critics think that, much like bacteria that become resistant to antibiotics, insects could become resistant to the pesticides used on GM crops, making them more difficult to deal with in the future. Also, new plants could produce new allergens and toxins that the human body is unfamiliar with. The majority of GM foods being produced are resistant to herbicides. Researchers believe that this will cause farmers to use more herbicides on their crops. In turn, this could result in pollution that could be harmful to humans and the environment. Another concern is that, through cross-pollination, weeds and other plants could pick up the modified gene and become resistant to the very chemicals that are used to kill them. Although there seems to be many concerns over genetically modifying foods, no study has been done that shows any major risk associated with GM foods. The genetically modified food business continues to steadily grow despite public ignorance and uncertainty. Between 1996 and 2003 the amount of land being used to grow GM plants was increased by 40 times over. It is estimated that over 200 million acres of farm land are now devoted to growing GM plants. In 2000, only three countries made up for 98% of the global GM crop. America produces 68%, Argentina accounts for 23%, and Canada is responsible for 7%. Recently European governments and businesses have been pushing to boost their own GM food production. Nevertheless, according to a recent survey by The Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology, Americans are still very uncomfortable with GM foods. The survey showed that the majority of Americans know little to nothing about genetically engineered plants and animals, but it also showed that American consumers do not support banning the new technology, but rather want regulations put in place to ensure that the new products are safe. Regardless of how the public feels, we can expect to see more genetically modified foods in the future and exponential growth in the biotechnology business. Some ideas that developers have already mentioned are bananas that produce human vaccines against infectious diseases, fish that mature quicker, fruit and nut trees that mature quicker, and plants that produce new plastics that have unique properties. As soon as more long-term research is done we can expect to see an explosion of unique new GM products on the market. Ultimately, genetically modified plant technology has too much potential to be completely halted. Right now, most scientists agree that there is no proof that GM foods pose any threat to people or the environment. With proper evaluation and responsibility, genetically modified foods could help solve world hunger. That is a goal too great to be ignored because of possible threats. There are many potential risks associated with GM foods, but the potential benefits far outweigh them. Works Cited Black, Richard. â€Å"Europe Urged to Embrace GM Foods. †BBC News. 12 Sept. 2004. 15 April 2006 . Chaudry, Arshad. â€Å"Genetically Modified Foods. †BioTeach. 16 April. 2006 . Eat This. †Penn & Teller: Bullshit!. Dir. Mark Wolper. Perf. Pen Jillette and Teller. 2003. DVD. Showtime Entertainment. 2004. Fagan Ph. D. , John B. â€Å"Genetically Engineered Food- a Serious Health Risk. †NetLink. 15 April 2006 . Flynn, Kara. â€Å"Trade War over Biotech Food: Now, Later, or Never. †Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology. 13 Feb. 2003. 16 Apr. 2006 â€Å"Genetically Modified Food. †Wikipedia. 16 Apr. 2006. 17 Apr. 2006 Lemonick, Michael D. â€Å"Eat Pork, Prevent Heart Disease?. †TIME Magazine. 27 Mar. 2006. Marvier, Michelle. â€Å"Ecology of Transgenic Crops. †American Scientist Magazine 89 (Mar. 2001): 160-167. Nash/Zurich, J. Madeleine. â€Å"Grains of Hope. †TIME Magazine. 31 July 2000. Rifkin, Jeremy. â€Å"Biotech Century: Playing Ecological Roulette with Mother Nature’s Designs. †The Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea A Lundsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. 4th ed. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s, 2004 287-97.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Essay about A Mixed Economic System Would Benefit the...
A Mixed Economic System Would Benefit the United Kingdom Two main economic systems have been developed since the Industrial Revolution, these are Capitalism and Socialism. Both systems have advantages and disadvantages, this essay will explain these, and also give my proposals for a mixed system for the whole society of the United Kingdom. Capitalism Capitalism generally started as an economic system in the United Kingdom at the time of the Industrial Revolution. The basic explanation of Capitalism would be to say that the economy is left to its own devices with no Government intervention. A Capitalist economy is a market economy where all economic decision making is decentralised, and the Government will only supply†¦show more content†¦Forced migration will also increase these problems in large cities and towns. The people who cannot make any money in the countryside will move to the towns and cities with the belief of finding work and making money. In reality they will just add to the ever growing population of the poor classes. In a Capitalist society the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. In the end this will lead to great unrest and low morale in the society. Socialism Socialism or Communism is the result of a planned economy. In this type of economy all the resources are owned by the state, and wealth is divided equally. The state will plan what is needed to be produced to cope with the societies demands, and how to distribute goods. Socialism emerged in response to the great inequality produced through Capitalism during the 1800s, and there were three main theories which people believed would solve the Capitalist societys problems, they were: Democratic Socialism - Socialism through peaceful reform. Revolutionary Socialism - Revolting against the existing system to achieve Socialism. This theory was put forward by Karl Marx who said that the proletariat will take control of the factories. 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