Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Reflections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reflections - Essay Example A good place to begin in this regard is with Carter's Three Step Integrity Model. To begin with step one: discerning what is right and what is wrong is not an innate behavior or characteristic; it is learned. Education is key to building up this moral faculty. This faculty is built up through experience and through principles. In a country as politically complicated and as diverse as the United States, this takes a lot of work. We can't shirk from hard work; we must embrace it. Step two: Sometimes integrity means acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost. In our society, one would call a person who discerns and acts on what they have witnessed or experienced a "snitch". Many times in the justice arena a person who has witnessed a crime or an altercation, definitely could inform at personal cost-whether jeopardizing their lives or the lives of loved ones. An example a little closer to home would be, to discern something about a colleague or family member. This would definitely put one in an awkward position, especially if they have to confront the issue or if the issue jeopardizes the integrity of a company or violates a family member(s) trust; all at personal cost to that person. This more than likely would cause animosity, fear, loss of friendship and even, cost them their job or division in the family. The choice is a hard one; turning to faith is the best way to find an answer. Step three involves saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right from wrong. Even if it costs you personally, it is important to be honest. You have to act on what you understand to be right and be honest with what knowledge you have. This too is part of integrity. 2. Interpersonal relations class. This class reminded me of a personal situation. When I was around 16 years old, the teacher in my class assigned all of us pen pals for the year. The pen pals were to be from the island of Malta, which is a small country in the Mediterranean near Sicily. I had never had a pen pal before. In fact I rarely wrote letters. It could be said that I was a shy child and did not have many friends. So I was a little bit nervous about having a pen pal as I didn't know how I felt about telling a stranger all about my life. My pen pal's name was Flavia and we soon began exchanging letters. While I might have been nervous at first, I soon began to really enjoy the experience. What I enjoyed most was getting to know another person in the way that I got to know Flavia. She was the same age as I was and with a lot of the same family background-the same amount of brother and sisters, for example-and from a similar socio-economic background. At first our letters simply introduced basic facts about our lives to one another. After a few letters doing this we began to talk about our routines-the sports we played, the kind of friends we had, the computer games we enjoyed. The more letters we exchanged, the closer I felt the two of us becoming. Soon we had graduated to begin to talk about what we thought about our lives, our societies, and cultures. We began to share personal details; this led to a bond that was built on trust. We both perceived each other as more fully formed people and began to understand what sort of stimuli influenced one another's perceptions and experiences of the world. Another important thing that made us feel closer together was the fact that over the months that
Monday, October 28, 2019
Provide support to maintain and develop skills for everyday life Essay Example for Free
Provide support to maintain and develop skills for everyday life Essay Skills for everyday life allow people to do the things that meet their daily needs. These are also known as activities of daily living that have a direct affect on any individual’s health and well-being. It is often thought that care workers look after people by doing things for them. Another approach is to do things with people. Today care workers should work in partnership with individuals and groups of individuals. Partnership is about working together as equals in order to : -Support the individual to make as many decisions about their care as possible -Support the individual to do as much for themselves as possible. Activities of daily living – skills that directly affect an individual’s everyday health and well- being Partnership – working together as equals. Working in partnership can maintain and develop individual skills . Care workers can still involve the individual even when doing things for them. They consider individual needs when maintaining skills for everyday life. Doing things for individuals: Providing too much care can make people’s problems worse: Individuals can lose skills they once used Individuals do not learn new skills -Individuals do not regain skills they have lost. Read more: Outline Agreed Ways of Working That Relate to Managing Pain and Discomfort At different stages of life individuals might have different health problems that affect their skills for everyday life.Being aware of the activities of daily living helps care workers understand the problems that individuals might have. Problems with everyday living skills: -Physical health ( Feeling unwell such as with a fever leads to tiredness and inability to carry on with the usual activities of daily living. -Learning disabilities (An individual with learning disabilities might take longer to learn new everyday skills) -Mental health (An individual with mental health problems might neglect themselves so they do not eat and drink) People may not be strong enough to dress themselves or prepare their own meals. -Physical disability (Some physical disabilities prevent individuals going shopping unsupported) -Social isolation (An individual who is lonely is less likely to communicate with others) Care workers can develop their understanding of an individual’s condition and how best to work in partnership to maintain, regain and develop their skills.If a condition prevents an individual from using skills of everyday life, the result can have a significant impact on the person’s quality of life. The effect of conditions on everyday skills: -Pain -Inconvenience -Isolation -Humiliation -Distress -Discomfort
Saturday, October 26, 2019
British Literature Women Of Lo :: essays research papers
The star football player was about to be forced off the team because of poor academic grades. In desperation, the coach approached the Dean of the college and swore on his honor that he would give the lad a final exam in one of his subjects, and if the boy didn’t pass he would take him from the team immediately.      The night before the big game the coach met with the boy to test him.      â€Å"What,†asked the coach, â€Å"is the name of the first recorded piece of British Literature?†     â€Å"Coach,†replied the boy, â€Å"I don’t have the slightest idea.†     â€Å"That’s right!†exclaimed the coach, â€Å"You don’t! Okay, you’re in the starting line-up tomorrow!†     This could be my story. I play sports-any sport-all sports-football, basketball, baseball you name it. The thought of my enjoying British Literature seems hard for even me to believe.      When faced with this assignment, I found myself in a slight panic. However, much to my surprise, it wasn’t all that bad.      In going over the choices, I knew I had to choose to write about women, and their roles in these tales. The fact that they were involved in sex, deceit, and adultery had nothing to do with my decision. And as Oscar Wilde said, â€Å"The world is packed with good and evil women. To know them is a middle class education.†I’m certainly a believer in that philosophy! After all, that’s why I’m in school.      In beginning to compare and contrast the role of women the The Wife of Bath’s Tale, by Geoffrey Chaucer, The Second Shepherd’s Play, by Wakefield Master, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, by Sir Gawain, one needs to look closely at the stories.      The Wife of Bath’s , tale is a brief Arthurian romance incorporating the widespread theme of the â€Å"loathly lady.†It is the story of a woman magically transformed into an ugly shape who can be restored to her former state only be some specific action. It also embodies some surprising traces of the courtly tradition, along with The Second Shepherd’s Play, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. All three tales seem to illustrate the transforming power of love for their men. Although they were are different they all showed the effect of their love. That the true lover cannot be corrupted by avarice; love makes an ugly and rude person shine with all beauty. They know how to endow with nobility even one of humble birth. British Literature Women Of Lo :: essays research papers The star football player was about to be forced off the team because of poor academic grades. In desperation, the coach approached the Dean of the college and swore on his honor that he would give the lad a final exam in one of his subjects, and if the boy didn’t pass he would take him from the team immediately.      The night before the big game the coach met with the boy to test him.      â€Å"What,†asked the coach, â€Å"is the name of the first recorded piece of British Literature?†     â€Å"Coach,†replied the boy, â€Å"I don’t have the slightest idea.†     â€Å"That’s right!†exclaimed the coach, â€Å"You don’t! Okay, you’re in the starting line-up tomorrow!†     This could be my story. I play sports-any sport-all sports-football, basketball, baseball you name it. The thought of my enjoying British Literature seems hard for even me to believe.      When faced with this assignment, I found myself in a slight panic. However, much to my surprise, it wasn’t all that bad.      In going over the choices, I knew I had to choose to write about women, and their roles in these tales. The fact that they were involved in sex, deceit, and adultery had nothing to do with my decision. And as Oscar Wilde said, â€Å"The world is packed with good and evil women. To know them is a middle class education.†I’m certainly a believer in that philosophy! After all, that’s why I’m in school.      In beginning to compare and contrast the role of women the The Wife of Bath’s Tale, by Geoffrey Chaucer, The Second Shepherd’s Play, by Wakefield Master, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, by Sir Gawain, one needs to look closely at the stories.      The Wife of Bath’s , tale is a brief Arthurian romance incorporating the widespread theme of the â€Å"loathly lady.†It is the story of a woman magically transformed into an ugly shape who can be restored to her former state only be some specific action. It also embodies some surprising traces of the courtly tradition, along with The Second Shepherd’s Play, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. All three tales seem to illustrate the transforming power of love for their men. Although they were are different they all showed the effect of their love. That the true lover cannot be corrupted by avarice; love makes an ugly and rude person shine with all beauty. They know how to endow with nobility even one of humble birth.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Clinical Applications Of Exercise Health And Social Care Essay
Documents look intoing the benefits of exercising plans for PAD, constituents of PAD exercising plans and patient conformity to exert plans were sourced for this essay. The undermentioned databases were reviewed, AMED, Medline ( PubMed ) , Medline ( ESCO ) , CINAHL, Sports Discus, Cocharane, Google, Google bookman, ( form origin to show ) . Using a combination of the undermentioned key words, Peripheral arterial disease, Peripheral vascular disease, exercising, benefits, conformity, attachment, effectual, constituents, guidelines, and exercising rehabilitation. Merely English linguistic communication publications were considered. A sum of 253 relevant surveies were retrieved between Feb 24th and March 10th ( non including Google which retrieved a consequence of 51,000 of which merely 10 were relevant following reading the full rubric ) . Consequences from the hunts were viewed and 1s of the most relevancy were chosen restricting it to 24 articles. Mentions from these articles were so searched utilizing the databases together with an extended manus hunt.Benefits of exercising programme.In patients with ( PAD ) intermittent lameness ( IC ) is the chief clinical symptom experienced. Patients can see musculus cramp/aching during walking secondary to muscle ischaemia in the calf, thigh or natess ( Willigendael et al 2005 ) . These symptoms may restrict public presentation in day-to-day activates and possible impair personal, societal and occupational functional capacity ( Regensteiner et al 1996 ) . An intercession like exercising preparation improves lameness symptoms, additions pain free walking distance and enhances quality of life. There are a figure of possible mechanisms for this betterment such as, alterations in musculus metamorphosis, versions of blood flow in the fringe, addition in hurting threshold and alteration in pace ( Regensteiner et al 1997 ) . For over 50 old ages simple walking exercising has been the primary recommended intervention of Peripheral Arterial Disease. In fact the original recommendation for an exercising plan as a method for handling patients enduring from intermittent lameness came from ( Erb in 1898 ) .In 1966 Larsen and Lassen conducted the really first randomized controlled trail look intoing the consequence of exercising on a population with PAD. Fourteen patients were indiscriminately allocated to either a Pedometer monitored exercising group verses a tablet placebo group. The consequences showed that after six months of the walk-to exercising plan unpainful walking had increased by a distance of 106 % and the mean maximal walk-to clip had improve by 183 % compared to the control, ( Larsen et al 1966 ) . Since so there has been a big figure of non-randomized and randomized controlled surveies look intoing the consequence of exercising on patients with PAD. In the most recent Cochrane reappraisal in 2008 look intoing â€Å" Exercise for Intermittent Claudication †( Watson et al 2008 ) , the chief purpose was to find the efficaciousness of an exercising plan in patients with IC relief symptoms and bettering walking distances and times. Twenty-two randomized controlled tests met the inclusion standards affecting a sum of 1200 topics. Fourteen of these surveies compared exercising with usual attention or a placebo and the others compared Exercise with other intercessions i.e. surgery. The signifiers of exercising in this meta-analysis varied from walking to strength preparation to upper or lower limb exercisings to punt striding. Sessions were either supervised or un-supervised. The Sessionss by and large took topographic point twice a hebdomad. Outcomes were measured at times runing from 14 yearss to two old ages. The consequences showed that in comparing to usual attention exercising improved maximum walking clip on a treadmill b y an norm of five proceedingss in a sum of 255 participants. Pain-free walking distance was increased by norm of 82.2 metres and the mean maximal walking distance was increased to 113.2 metres in six tests. From the meta-analysis it is clear that the mean betterments in walking distance and clip were clinically and statistically important, some topics responded better than others which may signal changing conformity issues with different exercising programmes. Clearly we can see being able to keep walking for a longer period of clip with less lameness hurting is improved with exercising governments which will hold a clinically important impact on the functional capacity of the PAD patient. This meta-analysis of randomised surveies nowadayss good confirmation of the benefits of exercising as a intervention and these consequences are supported by grounds from a old meta-analysis carried out by Gardner and Poehlman in 1995. This meta-analysis of 21 randomised and non-randomized tests o f exercising preparation showed an mean maximum walking clip addition of 120 % and unpainful walking clip addition of 180 % on norm. ( Gardener et al 1995 ) . These findings suggest that exercising plans have a clinically of import function to play in the intervention of PAD. One of the most recent surveies by ( McDermott et al 2009 ) supports this construct. The aim was to find whether supervised treadmill exercising or lower appendage opposition preparation better functional public presentation of patients with PAD with or without lameness. It was a randomized controlled test performed in a clinical scene over a period of four old ages affecting 156 patients with PAD. Subjects were indiscriminately assigned to a, supervised treadmill exercising, lower appendage opposition preparation, or a control group. The treadmill exercising group had a average addition of 35.9 metres for their 6-minute walk trial in comparing to the control group, whereas the opposition preparation group had an addition of 12.4 metres in comparing to the control group. For brachial arteria flow-mediated dilation, those in the treadmill group had a average betterment of 1.53 % compared with the control group. The treadmill group had greater additions in maximum treadmill walking clip 3.44 proceedingss than the control group. The opposition preparation group had greater additions in maximum treadmill walking clip 1.90 and step mounting 10.4meters than the control group ( McDermott et al 2009 ) . From this we can clearly see the benefit exercising programmes have in relation to PAD.ComponentsThere is really strong grounds of the important clinical application of exercising as a intervention of PAD. We know the benefits of an exercising plan for PAD but what are the constituents of most effectual exercising intercession. Harmonizing to the meta-analysis by ( Gardner et al 1995 ) the greatest additions in walking ability were noted when certain constituents were implemented into a plan. The primary constituent of an exercising plan for bring forthing betterments was walking to near maximum hurting. â€Å" Exercise plans that had patients walk to approach maximum lameness hurting ( high hurting terminal point ) demonstrated greater betterments in lameness symptoms than plans that had patients halt walking at the oncoming of lameness hurting †( Gardner et al 1995 ) . Harmonizing to the meta-analysis the 2nd most important constituent was the length of the exercising programme implemented. There was a reported â€Å" 22 % and 28 % in the addition in the distances to onset and to maximal lameness hurting during treadmill proving, severally in Programs enduring 6 months or more. â€Å" ( Gardner et al 1995 ) . Third the type of exercising was the following effectual constituent for the betterment. †Programs that had patients exert entirely with walking produced greater additions in lameness hurting distances than plans that included a assortment of physical activities †( Gardner et al 1995 ) . A factor of less significance was the continuance of exercising preparation of at least 30 proceedingss was advised as it had a greater result. These consequences have really strong deductions for planing a specific exercising plan. The current American College of Cardiology ( ACC ) and American Heart association ( AHA ) Guidelines for the Management of Patients with PAD are based on a reappraisal of †Exercise and lameness †by ( Stewart et al 2002 ) . They comprise of the undermentioned recommendations. Treadmill walking/track walking are regarded as the most good exercising for lameness. The method of exercising should set up an strength that produces the lameness symptoms within three to five proceedingss depending on the topic. Once these symptoms of moderate badness are reached the topic should rest either in sitting or standing until the symptoms are resolved. Once the topic no longer feels any uncomfortableness exercisin g sketchs at the same strength once more for three to five proceedingss until moderate strength hurting is reached one time more. This rhythm of exercising remainder continues until a sum of 30 five proceedingss of treadmill walking is completed. ( Stewart et al 2002 ) recommends integrating an excess five proceedingss each session until a entire clip of 50 proceedingss of treadmill walking is achieved. As the topic progressed in the plan their walking and therefore clip to chair strength hurting lameness will be prolonged. Their work burden should therefore be adapted. This is done by custom-making the grade/speed of the walking to guarantee advancement is maintained. Harmonizing to the TASC I guidelines ( The Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of PAD 2000 ) †either the velocity or class can be increased but an increased class is recommended if the patient can already walk 2mph. Besides an extra end of the plan is to increase patient walking speed up to 3mph from the mean walking velocity of 1.3-2.mph. †An facet that must be kept in consideration is that many of the surveies in the reappraisal by ( Stewart et al 2002 ) and significantly the Meta analyses by ( Watson et al 2008 ) and ( Gardner et al 1995 ) on which the current ACC/AHA guidelines are based, is that there are many unidentified factors taking to possible differences in the lameness distance. In many surveies factors such as average age which harmonizing to ( Gardner et al 1995 ) did hold a relation to additions in lameness distances following preparation, and other factors such as hapless peripheral hemodynamic profiles, disparity in badness of PAD, different capable weights, tobacco users and non tobacco users and patients with diabetes, were non taken into consideration in the reappraisals. While there is some possibilities for prejudice the chief findings and the deductions of these are incontrovertible.Conformity issues associating to EmbroiderA reappraisal on patients attachment to exert and advice ( Middleton 2004 ) postulated that there are legion direct and indirect factors that have an consequence on patients attachment in relation to exert. These included, the topics ain beliefs and attitudes, patients anterior exercising history, Age, Self-efficacy, grade of sensed hurting, venue of control and psychosocial factors. In a reappraisal survey by ( Slulijs et al 1993 ) three chief lending factors of patient non-compliance came to the bow. Firstly †Barriers patients perceive †( Sluijs et al 1993 ) . Barriers such as non happening the clip or non being able to suit the exercising into their day-to-day modus operandi. Besides mentioned were Motivation to exert and trouble. These all tended to be factors that had the most consequence on attachment. Secondly deficiency of encouragement and feedback lowered attachment. It was noted that the more supervising, positive feedback and encouragement the patient received the better the conformity. †Feedback influences conformity rates †( Sluijs et al 1993 ) . The 3rd primary factor act uponing attachment was the patients ‘ grade of weakness. Patients with more disablement caused by unwellness adhered better in comparing to those who were less handicapped. ( Pollock 1988 ) in a reappraisal of factors impacting exercising conformity besides concluded that exercising prescriptions of †of moderate strength were associated with greater attachment than prescriptions for vigorous activities †( Pollock 1988 ) . The above are adherence issues with exercising intervention in general and although they are non specific to PAD, many of the concerns and issues will be the same for PAD. A reappraisal ( Armen et al 2003 ) that is more specific to this clinical status studied the conformity issues and behavioural schemes in patients with PAD, CAD and DM. It was found that a big bulk of patients discontinued the exercising plan within the first twelvemonth. Frequent direct and indirect barriers that the patients encountered were locations of the service, as mentioned antecedently reduced encouragement and hapless supervising by the clinician besides reduced attachment. Un-realistic ends and outlooks set by patients was besides a factor. Boredom and motive once more affected conformity. Both the particular and non specific factors associating to exert attachment must be taken into consideration.DecisionFrom this essay we can see how the grounds shows how effectual and good an exercising programme can be for patients with PAD. We know the constituents that make up the most effectual exercising programme and we besides know in item many of the conformity issues that are related to patients with this status.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Political Philosophy and United States Essay
1. 1 Trace the origins of American government What is a democracy? How does a democracy differ from other forms of government in both practical and theoretical terms? What requirements must be met for a government to be called a democracy? Which of the democratic ideals do you foresee as not being achieved in Iraq, and why? Will Iraq still be considered a democracy without this ideal? From the other forms of government mentioned in this chapter, argue for a better form of government for Iraq than a democracy. 1. 2 Show how European political thought provided the theoretical foundations of American government. 1 Can socialism coexist with democracy? Is extensive economic freedom essential to democracy? Can the unequal economic outcomes of capitalism be considered â€Å"undemocratic†? In his 1651 Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes observed that without government, life would be â€Å"solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. †Justify his argument. With this justification, justify the existence of government as it presently operates in the United States today. What demographic and socioeconomic factors do you think are related to democracy? Wealth? Education? A homogeneous population? Can you find countries that don’t meet your expectations? Does democracy require equality of income and wealth? Does majority rule undermine freedom and threaten individual rights? What was James Madison’s view, and what is your reaction? 1. 3 Describe American political culture, and identify the basic tenets of American democracy 1 Discuss the theories of elitism and pluralism as explanations of how American government works. Harold Lasswell’s book, Politics: Who Gets What, When, and How, can be seen as associated with the often-made statement â€Å"It’s not what you know, but who you know. †How do the two different statements relate to each other, as well as to present-day political realities? Americans often possess a healthy cynicism of government, whether large or small. Identify the reasons for such beliefs and how government should attempt to address these. Can a few elite decision makers control all important decisions made in the United States today? Some leaders are made by climbing the â€Å"ladder of success†rather than being born into power classes. How does this approach compare to â€Å"elitism†versus the approach defined as â€Å"pluralism†? How does democracy in America compare to democracy in other parts of the world? What are the most important sources of stability in American government? What are the most important forces for change in American government? Suppose the United States passed a constitutional amendment requiring all eligible citizens to vote, what would be the advantages and disadvantages of this measure? Do you agree with the statement, â€Å"Equality, individualism, and openness are the crucial values of American politics in the twenty-first century†? Although there is widespread support for the concepts of freedom and liberty in America, there have been many intrusions into basic rights in American history. Can you explain why we find such discrepancies in an area where we also find almost complete public support for the general principle? 1. 4 Explain the functions of American government 1 What are some of the goals of terrorist acts? How can terrorism affect the paradox of democracy? How can/should democracies respond? Must security come at the price of liberties? How can democracies, particularly the United States, deal with new restrictions imposed as a result of terrorist acts/threats? Identify the roles of government and the concept of â€Å"public goods. †Are there any other institutions, other than government, which might be charged with performing the roles of government? Is such a consideration realistic? What can individual American citizens do to influence the actions and policies of their government? Name some ways in which government policies influences your normal work/school day. Study the statements of President George Bush on the need to encourage the spread of democracy in the Middle East. Is this a good goal for the United States? Is it a practical goal? 1. 5 Analyze the changing characteristics of the American public. 1 Define and discuss politics in the business setting, the health-care setting, and the educational institution setting. What are the similarities and differences between politics in government and in the identified settings? Discuss the argument that most of American life is organized in anti-democratic fashion. In the family, the school, the factory, the office, and the church, decisions are made by the powerful, without much concern for majority opinion. Discuss ways whereby more Americans would be more likely to participate in U. S. political life. Use the beginning of the twenty-first century to stimulate your thinking about how should we be governed. What are the strengths of our democracy in the new millennium? Our weaknesses? Why? And what should we do about them? Today’s Americans often question the â€Å"American Dream. †What is the American Dream and how could you go about proving that the Dream is still alive or that the Dream is dying? What types of evidence would you need and where might you find it? Discuss the idea that if more citizens could attend college, then democracy would be strengthened in America. Is this assumption true or not and why? Given the remarkable diversity in America, how is the country able to function as smoothly as it does? Does this diversity threaten to make the country less governable now than in the past? 1. 6 Assess the role of political ideology in shaping American politics 1 Think about the role and size of government as central to contemporary American politics. Is the scope of government too broad, too narrow, or just about right? Discuss, using contemporary examples, what is meant by government being â€Å"too big. †Do you disagree with what â€Å"too big†is? Why? Why don’t Americans divide themselves into social classes? Why hasn’t the Communist Party caught on in America? What are both the weaknesses and strengths of â€Å"direct democracy†? Assume that millions of American televisions could be hooked up to a centralized computer system that in turn could register instantaneously the public’s views on issues (â€Å"yes†or â€Å"no†responses). Would this be a plus or minus for American democracy? 1. 7 Characterize changes in Americans’ attitudes toward and expectations of government. 1 Periodically, civil disobedience has been used to reform government processes, procedures, and even law. In the light of often-identified needs of society, what subjects today appear to justify civil disobedience? Today, large proportions of Americans believe that most or all politicians are corrupt, that government serves the interest of the few, and that government is dominated by the wealthy and powerful. Evaluate these statements. Discuss whether or not the tragic events of September 11, 2001 changed the increasingly detached behavior of Americans. Do you feel the events of September 11, 2001 changed the way Americans view immigrants and/or foreign visitors/tourists? Should English be the official language of the United States, and should all governmental business be conducted in English? Why, or why not? Discuss what could be done, either by the media or by politicians themselves, to refurbish the image of elected officials today vis-a-vis the public. How can the idea of politics as â€Å"an honorable profession†be inculcated, perhaps even in contemporary American youth?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Should I Go to a Big or Small College
Should I Go to a Big or Small College SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips One of the main factors to consider when choosing a college is the size of its enrollment. This is one of the first things college search websites ask you to specify because it’s an easy way to eliminate a bunch of schools. But what if you aren't sure whether you’re interested in big or small colleges or what the benefits and drawbacks are for each? In this article, I’ll provide a rundown of the characteristics of large and small colleges and the ways they differ from one another. What Is a Big College? Schools with more than 15,000 students are usually considered "big" colleges.These schools offer diverse social experiences and a wide variety of learning opportunities.They are places where you'll constantly encounter new and exciting things to do and meet all different types of people. Examples of big colleges include: New York UniversityUCLAFlorida State UniversityGeorge Mason UniversityTemple University Pros of Attending a Big College There are lots of opportunities for socializing and meeting new people. Big colleges usually have a wider selection ofacademicprograms. There are extensive collections of research materials andstate-of-the-art research facilities. There's more variety in housing choices. There will be more extracurricular clubs and activities. Big colleges havewell-funded athletic programs. They often attract famous or otherwise distinguished faculty. Cons of Attending a Big College You could end up in huge lecture classes that contain hundreds of students, resulting inless individual attention from professors. There's more administrative red tape;if you wanted to switch majors, for example, you might have to get more signatures and approvals than if you went to a small college. If you don’t speak up for your needs and interests, you could get lost in the crowd. You have to be willing to go after opportunities at a big college because no one will seek you out and give them to you. It’s more common for students to get TOO immersed in the myriad social opportunities and neglect academics. Should You Choose a Big College? A big college may or may not be right for you depending on your personality and what you’re looking to accomplish in the next four years.If you’re someone who constantly seeks out new experiences and loves meeting new people, you may thrive at a big college.You’ll have the opportunity to meet people from many different cultural backgrounds and attend a huge variety of social events. Since there are so many people, if you’re willing to explore, you're likely to find others who have the same interests as you.You’ll almost certainly find extracurricular and academic opportunities that align with your passions.If you’re interested in sports, large colleges are also more likely to have well-funded athletic programs and facilities. If you want to gain experience as a research assistant or get your start in academia, a big college might also fit well with your goals.With top-notch research facilities and distinguished faculty, large universities have all the resources you need to find these types of opportunities.If you attend a large research university, you're more likely to be presented with opportunities to collaborate on projects with professors who are leaders in their fields. This could lead to being listed as a coauthor on groudbreaking research papers or presenting research at high-profile conferences. Large universities must provide cutting edge research facilities so that their high-profile faculty can continue to make new discoveries and publish work. Undergraduates can often access these facilities and reap the benefits in their own research endeavors. In many cases, this leads to an advantage in admission to graduate school programs that value students who have already demonstrated a knack for research. If you’re an independent person who is comfortable advocating for yourself, a big college environment will probably play to your strengths.There's less individual attention and direct guidance, but if you’re willing to seek out the resources for yourself, you may have many more opportunities at your disposal than you would find at a small college. Florida State University: It looks pretty, but I can only imagine what kinds of many-legged horrors are hidden in the vegetation. What Is a Small College? Generally, a small college is defined as a school with less than 5,000 students.These schools are characterized by a close-knit student community and a greater focus on undergraduate teaching by professors.You’ll always run into people you know and will have access to more individual academic attention. Examples of small colleges include: Babson CollegeFranklin CollegeMiddlebury CollegeOberlin CollegeVassar College Pros of Attending a Small College You can get to know most people and will run into familiar faces everywhere you go. At small colleges, the camaraderie amongst students is often very strong. You’re likely to get more individual attention from professors and have smaller class sizes. Professors, not Teaching Assistants, teach most classes- in general, there is more of a focus on undergraduate education. There are usually opportunities to create individually designed majors rather than being stuck with the programs that are officially offered by the school. Small colleges often have stronger advising systems for students. You may have more opportunities to gain leadership experience because there will be less competition than at big schools. Cons of Attending a Small College There are often fewer research facilities and resources. You'll find less variety in social life and less emphasis on large sporting events. There are usually fewer major choices (although as I mentioned, you can often design your own major which is pretty cool). Small colleges can be very isolating,especially in rural locations. There will be less variety in housing choices. Should YOU Choose a Small College? If you like being part of a strong community and feeling comfortable and familiar with your surroundings, a small college may work for you.Going to a small college can make meeting new people a bit easier.If you become friends with just a few of your classmates, you’ll see them around frequently, and it’s more likely that you’ll find connections with others in the community.Going to a small college makes it easier to relate directly to other students since there is a less dramatic range of experiences on campus. Did you enjoy small class discussions in high school? Did you have a close relationship with your teachers?These are both things that are more likely to be a part of the small college experience.You’ll have more interaction with your professors and get the opportunity to learn directly from them rather than being taught by TAs. Professors will get to know you on an individual basis and give thoughtful feedback on your work. You may also have more chances to collaborate with professors on research since you won't be competing with a large pools of graduate students. Additionally, curriculum at small colleges tends to be more flexible. If there's a unique academic path that you want to take that doesn't quite fit with the school's requirements, your advisors will help you make it happen.If you have more of an introverted personality and are hoping to find sustained support in college from your professors and advisors, a small college may be the right choice. Oberlin College: I can't think of any stereotypes about Ohio...Ohio's boring! HA The Compromise: Medium-Sized Colleges What about schools that have between 5,000 and 15,000 students?These are the Goldilocks schools - not too small, not too big.If you feel that certain aspects of both large and small colleges appeal to you, you might want to look at these medium-sized schools.This is tricky, though. You could end up getting the best of both worlds or missing out on the things you liked about one or both of the other types of schools. For medium-sized colleges, it’s particularly important to look at the specifics of what the school offers in the form of research facilities, class sizes, and extracurricular opportunities.A medium-sized college may have more big college characteristics or more small college characteristics depending on its location and the composition of its student body.If the school is in a city, the social life might be more like a big college since there will be a lot going on around campus and you'll interact with more people outside the student population. On the other hand, in a rural area, you might get more of a small college sense of community and familiarity. Examples of medium-sized colleges include: Carnegie Mellon UniversityEmory UniversityHoward UniversityTufts UniversityVanderbilt University In the next section, I’ll show you how to search for colleges by size so you can check out schools that are large, medium, and small and get a clearer picture of how they line up with your preferences. How to Search for Colleges By Size This information is all well and good, but how do you actually find schools that have the enrollment size you’re looking for?I would recommend using College Navigator for your initial search.You can specify thesize range you want if you click on â€Å"more search options†: Notice that you can you cannarrow your search down to schools that are the right size and also specify any other basic qualities that matter to you.The top of the search box allows you to search for colleges bystate or zip code and by program type. Once you get a list of schools, you can add any that sound promising to your â€Å"favorites†and even compare statistics side by side to see how they line up with your preferences. College Navigator will give you data about tuition, financial aid, enrollment, and admissions for the schools you choose.Once you have a good idea of which ones you like, you might consult another site to get more information about how students view the school and any other qualities you’re curious about. I would recommend Cappex, a college matchmaking site, for conducting the more in-depth part of your search since it offers both hard data and student reviews on all aspects of campus life.When you create a profile, you can specify your preferences for school enrollment size to get appropriate matches.You can also search for the schools you found on College Navigator and learn more information about them through their Cappex profiles.With these search options, you can start compiling a list of schools that you like by narrowing down your choices by size first and then figuring out if they have other features that interest you. Summary Big and small colleges differ in the characteristics of the social scene, the resources available, and the structure of classes.Big colleges are great places for motivated students to have diverse experiences and access high-quality research materials.Small colleges are great options for students who want to learn directly from professors and gain strong ties to the community.When searching for schools, you should take these characteristics into account and decide which type of college is a better fit for you personality and goals. Here's a quick questionairre that includes some of the major points from above so that you can get a sense of whether a big or small school is right for you. If the majority of your answers are "yes", you should look into big colleges first. If the majority of your answers are "no", small colleges might be better. If the majority of your answers are "sometimes", you might look into medium-sized colleges, or size may not be as important of a factor in your college decision as it is for other people. Yes Sometimes No I love meeting new people. I enjoy being exposed to unfamiliar situations and perspectives and having a wide variety of social experiences in general. I am a very independent learner. Class size is not important to me. I don't feel the need to have a close relationship with my professors. I like attending big sporting events. I'm looking for a school with extensive research facilities. I have a major in mind already. Keep in mind that not all big colleges and small colleges have the same characteristics - these are generalizations, not hard facts.Make sure you do your research to find out exactly what each school offers and how it will make your college experience worthwhile. What's Next? Looking for some great resources that will help you in your college search? Read my article on the best college search websites. The Common Application makes it easy to apply to a bunch of schools without filling out a bunch of different forms. Find out which schools use it here. Aiming high in your college search? Read this article on what it takes to get into Ivy League and other highly selective schools. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Monday, October 21, 2019
odysseus as an epic hero essays
odysseus as an epic hero essays The role of Odysseus as an epic hero is modified throughout the epic poem. As Odysseus leaves Troy for home, he is the typical bloodthirsty warrior. During the course of his trek, he undergoes a symbolic death and rebirth. Upon his arrival to Ithaka, the wiser man he has become is evident. The odyssey is Odysseus story of his journey not only from troy to Ithaka, but also from bloodthirsty warrior to epic hero. Odysseus begins the tale of his trip from troy to Phaiakia. The beginning of his tale displays the bloodthirsty warrior that left troy. What of those years of rough adventure, weathered under Zeus? The wind that carried west from Ilion brought me to Ismaros, on the far shore, a strongpoint on the coast of Kikones. I stormed that place and killed the men who fought. The first lines of Odysseus story display his warrior side. This passage shows how he and his crew landed and immediately went to battle and plundered. Although Odysseus recalls telling his men to stop afterwards and return to the ship, he never really forcibly tried to make the men return. The lack of effort on Odysseus part implies that he did not truly care if the men ransacked Ilion. Due to his greed and bloodlust, nearly a third of each ships crew was lost. This bloodthirsty warrior cared only for battle and blood, instead of his men and his return home. After stopping on the island of Aiaia, the home of Kirke, Odysseus journeys to Hades. This represents a symbolic death for Odysseus. There he must speak with Teirasias to hear the prophets visions for Odysseuss journey home. Teirasias predicts that the journey can take two paths; either a peaceful journey home, or if the crew and Odysseus can not restrain their desires, death and destruction will befall the crew. Odysseus and his crew do not heed Teirasiass warning, and the entire crew save Odysseus is lost at sea. After nine ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A Brief History of International Womens Day
A Brief History of International Womens Day The purpose of International Womens Day is to bring attention to the social, political, economic, and cultural issues that women face, and to advocate for the advance of women within all those areas. As the organizers of the celebration state, Through purposeful collaboration, we can help women advance and unleash the limitless potential offered to economies the world over. The day is often also used to recognize women whove made significant contributions to the advancement of their gender. International Womens Day was first celebrated on March 19 (not the later March 8), 1911. A million women and men rallied in support of womens rights on that first International Womens Day. The idea of an International Womens Day was inspired by Americas National Womens Day, February 28, 1909, declared by the Socialist Party of America. The next year, the Socialist International met in Denmark and delegates approved the idea of an International Womens Day. And so the next year, the first International Womens Day - or as it was first called, International Working Womens Day - was celebrated with rallies in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Celebrations often included marches and other demonstrations. Not even a week after the first International Womens Day, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire killed 146, mostly young immigrant women, in New York City. That incident inspired many changes in industrial working conditions, and the memory of those who died has been often invoked as part of International Womens Days from that point on. Especially in the early years, International Womens Day was connected with working womens rights. Beyond That First International Womens Day The first Russian observance of International Womens Day was in February 1913. In 1914, with World War I erupting, March 8 was a day of rallies of women against war, or women expressing international solidarity at that time of war. In 1917, on February 23 - March 8 on the Western calendar - Russian women organized a strike, a key beginning of events resulting in the czar being toppled. The holiday was especially popular for many years in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Gradually, it became more of a truly international celebration. The United Nations celebrated International Womens Year in 1975, and in 1977, the United Nations officially got behind the annual honoring of womens rights known as International Womens Day, a day to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of womens rights. In 2011, the 100th anniversary of International Womens Day resulted in many celebrations around the world, and more than usual attention to International Womens Day. In 2017 in the United States, many women celebrated International Womens Day by taking the day off, as a Day Without Women. Entire school systems closed (women are still about 75% of public school teachers) in some cities. Those who were unable to take the day off wore red to honor the spirit of the strike. Quotes Suitable for International Womens Day Gloria Steinemâ€Å"Feminism has never been about getting a job for one woman. Its about making life more fair for women everywhere. Its not about a piece of the existing pie; there are too many of us for that. Its about baking a new pie.†Robert Burnsâ€Å"While Europes eye is fixd on mighty things,The fate of empires and the fall of kings;While quacks of State must each produce his plan,And even children lisp the Rights of Man;Amid this mighty fuss just let me mention,The Rights of Woman merit some attention.†Mona Eltahawyâ€Å"Misogyny has not been completely wiped out anywhere. Rather, it resides on a spectrum, and our best hope for eradicating it globally is for each of us to expose and to fight against local versions of it, in the understanding that by doing so we advance the global struggle.†Audre Lordeâ€Å"I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.†Variously AttributedWell behaved women rarely make history.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Significant Others Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Significant Others - Assignment Example Because of the support Rivera give to her Kahlo, she returned the same support to him. She thought that her husband was the greatest painter of all times, referring her as â€Å"architect of life.†However, Kahlo did not want to compete with Rivera as she would talk about her artwork in diminishing terms, as though they were an amusing pastime. She would defend the artwork of Rivera passionately against all detractors (Chadwick & Courtivron 123). Since Rivera was an older and more experience than his Kahlo, his influence in the art industry assisted Kahlo’s art to be recognized worldwide. The legacy of their partnership is their approach to birth, shared pre-occupation their country with the death. Both Kahlo and River in their paintings included delineations of pre-Hispanic art. Moreover, the central subject of their paintings in that they addressed each other. When Kahlo painted Rivera, she would depict him as her husband and the one she loved. Similarly, Rivera painted his wife by depicting her as a political figure or symbol. For an instant, in Rivera’s 1928 Insurrection, he painted her as an eager political activist; dressed in a red-work shirt emblazoned with a red star (Chadwick & Courtivron 132). The social media that I belong to and is most significant in my life is Facebook. Facebook helps me to connect quickly with my family and pals across the world in a relaxed manner. I am able to know how each of my Facebook friends is failing and passing news to them at will. Sharing of photos, images, status and videos is easy in Facebook. In addition, I am on Twitter as it helps me to meet different people and organizations in a casual environment. With the hashtags in Twitter, I am able to know what the different parties are conversing about. My mother is the most important person in my life. She supports me in my education and career as an artist. She gives me moral support as she has a place for my
Dr. Martin Luther Kings I Have a Dream Speech in Three Frames Essay
Dr. Martin Luther Kings I Have a Dream Speech in Three Frames - Essay Example The report will explore Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream Speech. Examples will be provided of the Structural, Human Resource, and Political Frames from the video and transcript of the speech. This will exclude the Symbolic Frame as that information has already been provided per the instructions. As Bolman and Deal (2008) mention from his own unique and personal perspective, David King’s diagnosis makes sense. The reframing process, however, is different for every manager and leader as no two individuals look at a company from the same experiences, career path, education, beliefs, values, and interests. His recommendations made sense for the situation for him and the circumstances he was in at that point in time. He referenced his previous experience many times, but also referenced all four frames equally in his recommendation. It seemed as though, initially, he was relying much too heavily on the human resource frame to justify his actions, but as he later explai ned his thoughts more fully it became clear that he was considering all four frames. The opportunity he may have missed was explaining to the staff the issues related to structure he had observed, so that when dealing with the human resource tensions and conflicts rather than focusing on blaming one another or the details of what one person said to one another. He could have given them a little bit of analysis to divert the attention away from the people issues (Bolman and Deal, 2008). One of the benefits of understanding the Structural Frame, as an example, is that you know the concerns are not primarily the fault of the people. It seemed he spent the majority of his time delving into issues with the staff, which could lead some people to believe that administration was the primary problem. Appearances can mean a lot particularly when there is a change in leadership. His decisions were effective in the short run in that he calmed the situation down that was brewing between Carver a nd Dula, but in the long run there is a lot more work that remains to be seen. His stamina will be tested. From a Structural Frame perspective other possible actions that Mr. King might have pursued to resolve the challenges he could have begun his interviews with the administrators asking them more about the structure as they understand it or what type of structure they would like to see developed. He could have made some assumptions that with the number of problems the school had experienced prior to his joining, there were structural issues to begin with and launched into questions as to their thoughts, reassuring them that the true issues are not with the individuals. In other words, He could have done some homework in advance. His findings later of the lack of structure weren’t a surprise based on the previous symptoms of fighting and outright chaos. From a Human Resource Frame perspective other possible actions that Mr. King might have pursued to resolve the challenges would have been for each administrator to meet with him and express what they think needs to be done to bring the school back to what the original vision of RFK was.Â
Friday, October 18, 2019
Women's rights in Afghanistan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Women's rights in Afghanistan - Essay Example It has also been noted that during the most favorable times in Afghanistan, the overall literacy rate was less than 20% amongst males and less than 5% amongst females; surprisingly considered by some to be optimistic. Against such a backdrop, the country plunged into the hands of Islamic fundamentalists in 1992. This was deemed as a misfortune for women's rights. The new government of the country pledged prompt action to improve the conditions of women. A report by the international women's organization, Womankind Worldwide reported that millions of Afghan women and girls continue to face prejudice and belligerence in their day-to-day lives. Now, it has been acknowledged by the Afghan women's rights groups that women in Afghanistan now have a variety of rights, which they were deprived of earlier. The major religion practiced throughout Afghanistan is Islam. This religion guarantees equal rights to men and women before their Lord and gives them various rights such the right to inheritance, the right to vote, the right to work, and even choose their own partners in marriage. This was practiced over 1400 years ago. But this is not the case observed in Afghanistan, neither now, nor earlier. Here women have been denied these rights either by official government decree or by their own husbands, fathers, and brothers, now for centuries, even though their religion permits them the same. 1996 to 2001 was the worst of all times experienced by the women in Afghanistan, or of any other society. Women were degraded, forbidden to work, leave the house without a male escort, not permitted to seek medical assistance from a male doctor, and were forced to coverthemselves from head to toe, so much so, that even their eyes were to be covered. The female doctors, teachers and other professional s were forced to beg and even become prostitutes just to support their families. Their social rights were snatched away and were badly encroached. The year 2001, brought a revolutionary change in the social, political and cultural condition of women in Afghanistan. According to the newly adopted constitution, women's rights were recognized and they were given equal rights and duties as males, before the law. Women were now allowed to get back to work and resume to their social lives. The obligation on wearing the all covering burqa, was relaxed and they were now respected and even appointed to prominent positions in the government. Despite all these changes, there still remain many challenges for the women of Afghanistan. (Qazi, n.d.) No Improvement in Women's Rights in Afghanistan It is evident that the women in Afghanistan are looked down upon and not given their due rights. Their right to full participation in social, economic, cultural and political life of the country was drastically truncated and soon summarily snatched and denied to them. Women were completely deprived of their birthright of getting education, of the right to work, of the right to travel, of the right to health, of the right to legal recourse, of the right to recreation, and of the right to being human. They were not allowed to travel in private vehicles with male passengers; they did not have the right to raise their
Religion - The Upanishads Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Religion - The Upanishads - Essay Example For instance, when we get to question where life comes from or who created the earth and the heavenly bodies. The Kena Upanishad tries to answer these questions through use of events and words contained in the Kena Upanishad. The overall message underlined in the Kena Upanishad is that God (Brahman) is the overall in charge of everything in the world. A person who knows the truth will acknowledge the power of the Brahman and it continues to stress that human beings are mortal because they fail to fully grasp understanding of Brahman (Parmananda, 2004). Brahman is mentioned in the Kena Upanishad as the ultimate and the whole. The Kena Upanishad tries to explain that all we see or perceive in the world comes from one source which is the Whole. The Kena Upanishad strives to make it known that knowledge of God (Brahman) and the acknowledgement of his power is very important in life. Most of the Upanishads are related in their content and identification with one’s self. The Upanishads relate to the relationship between Brahman and us as human beings. One of the similarities between the Kena Upanishad and the other Upanishads is that it acknowledges that life without acknowledgment of the Brahman is pointless. For instance, in the Isha Upanishad it talks of seeing the world through Brahman as the only we to live since it is not possible to enjoy life and realize happiness. The phrase â€Å"He who sees all beings in his Self and his Self in all beings, never suffers†is a thought echoed through the other Upanishads. Another great similarity between the Upanishads is that all of them begin with a c hant. This is so done so that people can have the time to reconcile with their maker or Brahman. This is because it is difficult to cultivate the teachings of the deities if you cannot make peace with your brothers. The chant helps in withdrawing our minds from different distractions of the world before entering into the spiritual world. However, there are differences between the Kena Upanishad and the other Upanishads is that, the Kena Upanishad tries to explain the origin of Man. The main difference is the fact that this Upanishad tries to locate and expand the human being’s consciousness to the level it becomes identical to God’s consciousness (Easwaran, 2007). It does this through questions and answers, for instance when a disciple asks the teacher about the source of the world. He explains of the world emerging from a Whole and the whole becoming the World. The Kena Upanishads resembles the message available in other sacred books such as the bible whereby the orig in of the World and God is explained in the book of John. Topic Two The Upanishads are narrated in a way that makes the reader to more aware of his life through the teachings. Moreover, the Upanishads does not provide answers since it talks of the things that cannot be seen but rather believe in. Thus, I tend to agree with Alex Levin that the Upanishads make the reader aware of his connection to God through the spirit. The Upanishads are narrated in a format whereby the lessons of understanding God are done through thought provoking phrases. For instance, in the Isha Upanishad, there is this phrase â€Å"Whatever We see, movable or immovable, good or bad, it is all â€Å"That.†This phrase is not necessarily an answer but it tries to jog the mind of the reader to be fully aware of the questions that the Sage was asked. Several texts have been used in the Upanishad to make the reader alert and learn more and not just to get simple answers of life (Easwaran,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Personal Responsibility and Work Reconciliation Act Research Paper
The Personal Responsibility and Work Reconciliation Act - Research Paper Example This essay discusses that the current gender gap is not because women are less skilled than men but because now women demonstrate a higher propensity to attend college than men. Inequality in pay is due to the high extent of women’s segregation because of the nature of jobs. Hence, it can be said that women are now increasingly involved in competing with men in the job market. It is now required to eliminate the gender pay disparity because if single working mothers start earning as much as men there will be an increase of about 18 percent in the family income and the poverty will be reduced considerably. Major reforms relative to PRWORA have been in welfare fields such as housing, health care, child care and food. The federal government has allocated larger budgets for child care programs, which is evident from the fact that federal funding for child care has increased by almost 100 percent since the PRWORA was implemented. But some problems remain such as only about 12 perce nt of eligible households receive financial help under provisions of the Child Care and Development Fund. All families are not able to get benefits of state and federal schemes relative to child care, while tax exemptions continue to be meager in assisting families to adequately meet childcare costs. Additionally, the quality of child care is still poor because child care workers continue to be paid less. Even though there has been enhanced funding by the federal government in regard to child care, the pay of childcare workers has been stagnating.... Consequently, the outcomes of the PRWORA have been disputed and political campaigners have claimed either total success or failure depending upon their affiliations. At the same time, some facts cannot be denied such as the drop in volumes by about fifty percent in welfare relative to AFDC and TANF in spite of the several provisions that extended benefits external to the given rules. According to Boushey (2011), it is now evident that most of the former welfare recipients do not have work and those that are working earn between $6 and $8 per hour, which is too meager to sustain a family. The extent of poverty has increased amongst working families despite the decline in over all poverty rates. Families headed by single working mothers are the worst effected in this regard. Moreover, poverty has become more severe during the last many years for families that were already in deep poverty. Many families that were receiving welfare prior to the implementation of PRWORA are likely to expe rience greater hardships after they leave welfare. Over 33 percent of families getting welfare experienced situations when they were unable to get adequate food and the required medical care as compared to the position prior to the introduction of PRWORA. Families having one full time worker stood just a little less chance of experiencing one or more of such difficulties in comparison with the present welfare families. Almost 25 percent of families that became ineligible for welfare and had a single earning member went without adequate food, housing and the essential medical facilities. Most of the objectives of PRWORA pertained to addressing the high rate of single parenthood amongst poor households. It
White-Collar & Organized Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
White-Collar & Organized Crime - Essay Example However, white collar crime has evolved since the late 1930’s. White collar crime no longer needs to be in an occupational setting. Technological advancements have provided a new gateway for crimes to be committed. Historically white collar crime was associated with organized crime. Many people associate the mafia with white collar crimes. Through the use of the mafia members demonstrated power over others to achieve their economic advancements. This was further emphasized through government corruption. During the 1920’s it was not uncommon for mafia family members to bribe officials. Moreover, many individuals feared mafia family members and would not testify against them if they had witnessed a crime (Cornell University, n.d.). During this era determining the identity was easier of the victim was easier as technology was not readily available. Current white collar crimes often do not know their victims as many crimes take place online. However, these crimes do not necessarily need to occur online for the criminal to not know his victim. For example, the Enron Scandal caused significant harm to the stock market and all employees and share-holders within this company. The Enron executives could not have identified every possible person they harmed when committing their crimes. Although the Enron scandal happened approximately nine years ago many other businesses have committed similar acts. However, these acts may not be as extreme as the Enron scandal. According to the United States Department of Justice (2006), â€Å"In 2005, among 7,818 businesses 67% exhibited one cyber crime.†Moreover calculating the exact number of cyber crimes is often hard to determine. In the research by the United States Department of Justice most businesses did not report the cyber crimes to authorities. 2. White collar crime attempts to accomplish many of the same characteristics as organized crime. Although organized crime has declined the number of white collar
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Personal Responsibility and Work Reconciliation Act Research Paper
The Personal Responsibility and Work Reconciliation Act - Research Paper Example This essay discusses that the current gender gap is not because women are less skilled than men but because now women demonstrate a higher propensity to attend college than men. Inequality in pay is due to the high extent of women’s segregation because of the nature of jobs. Hence, it can be said that women are now increasingly involved in competing with men in the job market. It is now required to eliminate the gender pay disparity because if single working mothers start earning as much as men there will be an increase of about 18 percent in the family income and the poverty will be reduced considerably. Major reforms relative to PRWORA have been in welfare fields such as housing, health care, child care and food. The federal government has allocated larger budgets for child care programs, which is evident from the fact that federal funding for child care has increased by almost 100 percent since the PRWORA was implemented. But some problems remain such as only about 12 perce nt of eligible households receive financial help under provisions of the Child Care and Development Fund. All families are not able to get benefits of state and federal schemes relative to child care, while tax exemptions continue to be meager in assisting families to adequately meet childcare costs. Additionally, the quality of child care is still poor because child care workers continue to be paid less. Even though there has been enhanced funding by the federal government in regard to child care, the pay of childcare workers has been stagnating.... Consequently, the outcomes of the PRWORA have been disputed and political campaigners have claimed either total success or failure depending upon their affiliations. At the same time, some facts cannot be denied such as the drop in volumes by about fifty percent in welfare relative to AFDC and TANF in spite of the several provisions that extended benefits external to the given rules. According to Boushey (2011), it is now evident that most of the former welfare recipients do not have work and those that are working earn between $6 and $8 per hour, which is too meager to sustain a family. The extent of poverty has increased amongst working families despite the decline in over all poverty rates. Families headed by single working mothers are the worst effected in this regard. Moreover, poverty has become more severe during the last many years for families that were already in deep poverty. Many families that were receiving welfare prior to the implementation of PRWORA are likely to expe rience greater hardships after they leave welfare. Over 33 percent of families getting welfare experienced situations when they were unable to get adequate food and the required medical care as compared to the position prior to the introduction of PRWORA. Families having one full time worker stood just a little less chance of experiencing one or more of such difficulties in comparison with the present welfare families. Almost 25 percent of families that became ineligible for welfare and had a single earning member went without adequate food, housing and the essential medical facilities. Most of the objectives of PRWORA pertained to addressing the high rate of single parenthood amongst poor households. It
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 9
Management Accounting - Essay Example Coordination involves the systematic combination of various processes to achieve optimal results of pre-planned outcomes. It involves three main processes, which are performing situational analysis, competitor analysis and self-evaluation. Both micro-environmental and macroâ€â€environmental aspects must be considered. Concurrent with the above process, clear and specific objectives must be set. Vision statement, overall objectives both short-term and longâ€â€term are crafted (Abdel-Kader and Luther, 2006)). With regard to situational analysis, the above processes give rise to a strategic plan. The plan provides details of how coordination is to be achieved. Coordination involves managing dependencies among activities. Chandler suggests that to understand the business coordination concept, a simple intuition must come into mind that, if there is no interdependence, there is nothing to coordinate. It is comprehensible that players carrying out interdependent actions may have inconsistent interests and that might be called opinionated processes. These are ways of managing them in order to ensure best results are realized. According to Chandler, coordination occurs in many kinds of systems, biological, human, computational among others. The question on how community run enslavements among their actions are middle to parts of organization theory, sociology, management science, social psychology, linguistics, law and anthropology. Coordinating these dependencies gives rise to direct and indi rect costs (Lisa, 2006) Indirect Costs are the ones that have been sustained for universal or joint objectives and cannot be enthusiastically recognized with the exact final cost objective. They can also be defined as costs that cannot be directly quantified and may need further analysis to quantify them. They are incurred for various or interlinked activities and are not easily categorized into specific
Monday, October 14, 2019
Role of students Essay Example for Free
Role of students Essay students are actually a big power. if they can co-ordinate themselves, with PT assistance they can do a lot .They can organize groups to help orphans,give classes to poor .make awareness among people against drugs, personal abuse,bribery.they can promote natural ways of farming to avoid poisonsthere are many issues .net is a good source of knowledge make forums,groups and bodies for different issues.they can write organize shows.unlimited opportunities for real ,bold students.Imagination and intelligence matters. Any of your good deeds will surely make our INDIA physically and economically healthier.for passive students they must only opt for there interested subject and strictly follow there subject oriented job and do it full heartedly that too will help a lot.We really need dedicated officers at all fields. students are actually a big power. if they can co-ordinate themselves, with PT assistance they can do a lot . They can organize groups to help orphans,give classes to poor .make awareness among people against drugs, personal abuse,bribery.they can promote natural ways of farming to avoid poisonsthere are many issues .net is a good source of knowledge make forums,groups and bodies for different issues.they can write organize shows.unlimited opportunities for real ,bold students.Imagination and intelligence matters.Any of your good deeds will surely make our INDIA physically and economically healthier.for passive students they must only opt for there interested subject and strictly follow there subject oriented job and do it full heartedly that too will help a lot. We really need dedicated officers at all fields. students are actually a big power. if they can co-ordinate themselves, with PT assistance they can do a lot .They can organize groups to help orphans,give classes to poor .make awareness among people against drugs, personal abuse,bribery.they can promote natural ways of farming to avoid poisonsthere are many issues .net is a good source of knowledge make forums,groups and bodies for different issues.they can write organize shows.unlimited opportunities for real ,bold students.Imagination and intelligence matters.Any of your good deeds will surely make our INDIA physically and economically healthier.for passive students they must only opt for there interested subject and strictly follow there subject oriented job and do it full heartedly that too will help a lot.We really need dedicated officers at all fields. students are actually a big power. if they can co-ordinate themselves, with PT assistance they can do a lot . They can organize groups to help orphans,give classes to poor .make awareness among people against drugs, personal abuse,bribery.they can promote natural ways of farming to avoid poisonsthere are many issues .net is a good source of knowledge make forums,groups and bodies for different issues.they can write organize shows.unlimited opportunities for real ,bold students.Imagination and intelligence matters.Any of your good deeds will surely make our INDIA physically and economically healthier.for passive students they must only opt for there interested subject and strictly follow there subject oriented job and do it full heartedly that too will help a lot. We really need dedicated officers at all fields. Today,the condition of India is not so good.The students or youths have a great responsiblity to make their country well.As we all know ,in India health and education facility is not so good.If we are not healthy and literate then we are not able to do anything in our life. As we all know there are so many schemes introduced by the government,but the citizens ae not able to implement those schemes because of corrupt political leaders in India.For economically development government should improve our literacy rates,GDP,employment and public facilities etc. In India most of the roads are not in a good stage,Government health centres and schools are not working,how development can take place in India.If students are aware with this problem they can do a lot for their country.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Stop and Search Controversy
Stop and Search Controversy The power to stop and search has been a prominent policing tool since the Vagrancy Act of 1824. The briefing, Series 2, Edition 3 March 2012 , it has come under regular legal, political and societal scrutiny because of its broad and discretionary use by its police officers. However has also been praised as it has not only combated crime however prevented criminal acts happening as police can stop and search anyone who they have reasonable suspicion are carrying weapons, stolen goods or going equipped for stealing. Stop and search is extremely subjective in the view that we must trust the officers views are wholly unbiased and prejudice and there is no untoward intent of the officer when using stop and search legislation. Since the very onset of the enactment of legislation in this area of police discretion, there has been controversy because of the subjectiveness afforded to police officers; the controversy being this discretion may be abused. Also the broad term of reasonable suspicion and what is seen as reasonable. There are also fundamental human rights breaches that have been evident in much of the case law. Stop and Search is now governed by 2 statutes; stop and search with arrest situates under the police and criminal evidence act 1984 whilst a stop and search without an arrest comes under section 60 of the criminal justice and public order act. Section 60 of the 1994 criminal justice and public Order Act was introduced to originally tackle people going to illegal raves which were a major problem in the 1980s and early 90s. It gave police the power, if they feared violence or disorder, to stop and search suspects at a specific time and place. I will further be discussing the controversies surrounding Police stop and search and concluding with my own views on this subject. Before the introduction of the police and criminal evidence act in 1984, the police stopped and searched individuals under what was called the sus law. This being because the police only had to have suspicion on their part in order to stop and search an individual, it did not need to be reasonable. The only national stop and search legislation was for the pursuit of drugs and firearms, unlike now with the introduction of the Terrorism act and Sporting event act. Eventually the Brixton riots in 1981 brought a stop to the use of the sus provisions due to the negative relationship it caused between the police and the public, in particular, ethnic minorities. Lord Scarmans Inquiry into the Brixton riots acknowledged that stop and search was a necessary tool to combat street crime and petty crime but expressed genuine concerns over the extent to which the sus laws were used in regards to the police officers own prejudices and views. In 1999 Stop and search came under scrutiny yet again du ring the Steven Lawrence murder enquiry, when Lord Macpherson revealed the shocking disproportionate amount of stop and searches in ethnic minorities, which in turn led on to accusing the police of holding prejudices and being institutionally racist. Lord Macpherson called for stop and searches, whether or not they resulted in an arrest to be recorded so that officers could be monitored and held accountable for if any racially aggravated stop and searches were made. Police work and especially stop and search works on the provision of reasonable suspicion and discretion. Discretion, although many may disagree, is not doing as you please. Discretion is bound by norms, thus including; professional norms, correct community norms, legal norms, and moral norms. Philosophers such as Ronald Dworkin and H.L.A. Hart have cleverly referred to discretion in the police force as the hole in the doughnut ; doughnut theory of discretion, Dworkin described discretion as a donut because it is not free-standing but part of a process. Discretion, like the hole in the doughnut, does not exist except as an area left open by a surrounding belt of restriction. Discretion is not outside the law but internal to the law [1] and where the law runs out; natural law theory. Thus meaning unwritten law that is more or less the same for everyone everywhere, based on customary behaviour. In other words Unwritten law is the body of morals and principles everybody obeys and lives by. This idea refers to discretion as the empty area in the middle of a ring consisting of policies and procedures. It is an empty space inside of the law surrounded by statues and rules. Police discretion and the way it operates can be explained by 3 broad terms; individualistic cultural and structural. Individualistic explanation states that police work and the macho image of the police attracts people with authoritarian personalities, research however carried out by Waddington (1999a) does in fact not support this view and states that police recruits are not more authoritarian then normal civilians. Brown and Willis (1985) and Fielding (1988) explained how the training process for these new recruits has a temporary liberalizing effect however exposure to permanent practical police work leads to an authoritarian perspective and outlook. The work of Zimbardo may give some explanation as to the sudden behaviour change in these new police recruits. Zimbardo (1973) conducted the Stanford prison experiment as he wanted to study conformity and was interested in finding out whether the rough treatment reported among guards in American prisons was due to the authoritarian personalities of the guards or had more to do with the prison environment. He took a group of 75 volunteers whom he tested for psychological normalitys, and assigned them to either the role of the prisoner or prison guard. For every 9 prisoners they had 3 guards. They put them in a prison environment and watched as each volunteer began adapting to their roles. The findings were phenomenal, Within hours of starting the experiment the prison guards began to act in a sadistic manner, dehumanizing the prisoners and some even began tormenting and bullying them and alongside this the prisoners began conforming to their newly established roles by taking the rules very seriously and become depressed and telling tales on their fellow inmates. Perhaps this experiment and its findings can give an explanation on the alleged view that police recruits adopt an authoritarian perspective perhaps due to its macho nature and the control they have suddenly been ascribed. Zimbardo concluded after the experiment that people will readily conform to the roles they have been ascribed, especially when they are strongly stereotyped. Canteen Culture could also give an understanding of the individualistic explanation and racism. The police must work as a united front to not only protect the public however to also protect each other so therefore, therefore due to the close proximity of the officers in the police force it is only inevitable officers will begin to conform to certain beliefs and values held by their colleagues, especially if they are outspoken about these. Canteen Culture, Ike Eze-anyika, Faber and Faber (20 Mar 2000). Police sub-culture ( Canteen Culture) is often portrayed as a pervasive, malign and potent influence on the behavior of officers. The grounds for this portrayal are, however, insubstantial and appear to rely more upon the condemnatory potential of the concept than its explanatory power. The cultural explanation of police discretion as said by Skolnick talked about this in a different way by identifying 3 main aspects of police culture and discretion, there is a suspiciousness which they have against certain groups of potential criminals that they treat with prejudice, there is the internal solidarity and social isolation which I believe both internal and support each other; solidarity in which the police must remain a force which supports each other as police individuals against danger in the streets and also the social isolation in terms of because of this solidarity the police have it creates more of a rift in society between the protectors and the protected. This creates citizens feeling like they are just stereotypes viewed by the police and they cannot complain about the police because of this solidarity they have or that they are just merely subjects without autonomy. New research from the official human rights body reveals racial disproportionality in the amount of Stop and searched being made. Police forces are still more likely to use stop-and-search powers against black people than white people, stopping black people up to 28 times more and therefore may be breaking the law due to breaching their powers and wasting police time. The police force has been accused of being predominantly occupied by white middle class males with old fashioned work practices and whos face fits. A report by the equality and human rights commission reviewed the police force 10 years after the Steven Lawrence inquiry, in which Lord Macpherson branded the Police and Its Officers as institutionally racist. The report found a huge amount of black men on the national DNA database as appose to other ethnicities. The power is used most by the Metropolitan police, which carried out three-quarters of the stops between 2008- 2011, almost 258,000 in total. Although they could hold the largest amount due to the population size in the metropolitan districts. The next heaviest user of these powers was Merseyside with 40,940 stops. Due to these extortionate figures it was established that something must be done and also perhaps that many of the people they stop may not be educated in this subject and may not necessarily know their rights. A mobile application was introduced early 2012 to inform the users of their rights when being stop and searched. Many people may be unaware that The police have to follow the correct code of conduct when stop and searching an individual; An officer should tell you their name, the reason why you have been stopped and the power that you are being stopped under. They should also give you their badge number, the name of the police station and provide you with a receipt at the end. This app tells the user their rights when being stop and searched. This could be either a blessing or a curse. Perhaps if the user of the mobile application was aware of their rights they could stop any mistreatment or exploitation, However on the other hand if there is a large amount of clued up young p eople then when they do get stop and searched they may feel very confident and start telling the police how to do their jobs and maybe even state that the police did not follow one of the rules even when done so just to get out of an arrest or fine etc. h Although the police force have been branded institutionally racist It could be argued that the police get these racist perceptions from the media. If one crime has been reported, eg- a mugging, the media have been known to blow this story out of proportion and create a societal panic. Pearson was writing in the 1970s, during the time when muggings and the moral panic surrounding it was rife. The word mugging was an invented word to describe a theft against a person, the media stated that muggings were spiralling out of control and were a new dangerous crime. The media were also highly racist and said the crime was committed most by young black males thus resulting in the police using their stop and search powers more and especially on young black males, which in turn led to the police recovering more illegal articles and led to more arrests. This only because the police stop and searched more people. With these new figures young black males were then labelled as thugs and deviant and therefore left people and also the police with a negative perception towards young black males. This has also been seen lately with the knife crime moral panic and also the London riots as the media stated that working class undeducated young males from broken families decided to revo The police force is stereotypically renown for being a macho profession, and there perception of their job role should be on the streets searching for true criminals; murderers, rapists etc, however they are on the streets stop and searching individuals for petty crimes in most cases. They therefore perhaps to gain some job satisfaction feel they have to find prohibited articles or make an arrest and fight crime therefore they want to find criminals instead of being satisfied that there are no criminals which could result in a high amount of stop and searches. They have work pressures that determine their career on the basis of how many arrest they make and illegal articles they find. They therefore obtain their job satisfaction by finding criminals, by stop and search, rather than being satisfied that they live in a society where there are no criminals. On the other hand with the higher volume of stop and searches results in a higher amount of arrests which shows that justice is bei ng done and therefore heightens the morale of the police officers who are fighting the more every day street level crime. Along with lord Macpheresons statement he released during the enquiry into the steven Lawrence case and also Lord Scarmans statement during the Brixton riots in which he claimed that the police abuse their powers yet again Stop-and-search powers have come under criticism again when they were ruled illegal by the European court of Human rights in January 2010. The Strasbourg court has been recently hearing a case involving two civilians who were stopped near an arms fair in London in 2003. The court heard the case of Kevin Gillan and Pennie Quinton who had been stopped outside the Defence Systems and Equipment International exhibition at the Excel Centre in London Docklands in 2003, Both individuals were held for twenty to thirty minutes. The court stated that their right to respect for a private and family life was violated. The European Court of Human Rights also said their rights under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights had been violated. Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000 gives power to the home secretary; Theresa May, to authorise the police force to make random searches in certain circumstances, but The court said the stop and search powers were not sufficiently circumscribed and there were not adequate legal safeguards against abuse. Subsequently both individuals were awarded 33,850 euros ( £30,400) to cover legal costs. Lord Carlile; the governments independent reviewer of anti- terrorist legislation stated, In my view, section 44 is being used far too often on a random basis without any reasoning behind its useThe fundamental point that the court is making is that it increases the possibility of random interference with the legitimate liberties of the citizenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦On the other hand, we have to be safe against terrorism. There is therefore a very difficult balancing exercise to be done and Im sure Section 44 will come under intelligent scrutiny in the coming months. Speaking to BBC Radio 4s The World At One, Ms Quinton said Its not about saying that theres no need for stop and search. What were really saying is people have a right to privacy and there needs to be a balance between police powers to ensure our safety but also our rights to a private life. To conclude; the police force and more specifically the stop and search powers they hold have come under regular scrutiny by many different proffessionals; Lord Scarman, Lord Macphereson and the European court of human rights, to name just a few. The Police force works mainly on discretion and they are trusted upon to make the right decisions, act subjectively and have reasonable suspicion however it is hard to define what is reasonable. This term is too broad and vague and a police officers perception of what is reasonable may differ from his colleagues. Another important point to remember is that each police officer has his own views and prejudices and even if they do not consciously work upon these prejudices they are still engrained into the officer and this may change or dim their view on certain individuals. I believe police should work with discretion to not only to protect the public however also themselves against any foreseeable danger. Police officers get into numerous situations daily and therefore too many laws would be needed to govern every situation in which discretion is used. On the other hand, the stop and search figures brought to the publics attention over the last two decade do indicate levels of racism in the police force however with more and more ethnic minorities and also women beginning to occupy the force there is no room for racism or sexism. Society is rapidly changing alongside peoples perceptions of other races. Finally, I strongly believe that stop and search over the past years has caused a lot of controversy. The concept of stop and search; stop anybody whom you believe to be reasonably suspicious, does seem to work on paper however in practice the officers deeply engrained morals and prejudices seem to subconsciously effect their work which is evident in past figures. Further along Stop and Search does also need reforming due to the very public way in which the individual is stopped which leads to labelling by passing people, even if the individual is completely innocent.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Regret and Obligation :: Just Assassins Camus Essays
Regret and Obligation ABSTRACT: In Albert Camus' 1950 play Just Assassins, terrorists are at work in nineteenth-century Russia. They kill people, and they all believe that there is a superior moral reason for doing so. But they also know that killing is wrong. In their own view, they are innocent criminals; innocent, because their action is justified, but criminals, because they kill. So tacitly they conclude that they deserve punishment that will remove the regret from their shoulders. Their execution, by the same despotic authorities they are attacking, completes their actions: regret, caused by justified killing, gets its counterpart. Regret is an interesting mental phenomenon. Some people say that feeling regret is irrational, or even that it is immoral. But surely the usual opinion is that in some situations regret is an appropriate way to react. An interesting question is what it means to say that sometimes it is 'appropriate' to feel regret. Do we have a moral obligation to feel regret sometimes? H ow could one have an obligation to feel anything, since, at least seemingly, feelings are not voluntary acts. If we do have a moral obligation to feel regret in some cases, does it follow that all good people are emotionally "hot," while "cool" persons, who are not able to feel deep regret, are bad? It is not crucial what one does; it is crucial what one does after that. Robert Musil, Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften Regret is an interesting mental phenomenon. (1) Some people say that feeling regret is irrational, or even that it is immoral. (2) But surely the usual opinion is that in some situations regret is an appropriate way to react. An interesting question is what it means to say that sometimes it is 'appropriate' to feel regret. Do we have a moral obligation to feel regret sometimes? How could one have an obligation to feel anything, since, at least seemingly, feelings are not voluntary acts? If we do have a moral obligation to feel regret in some cases, does it follow that all good people are emotionally 'hot' while 'cool' persons, who are not able to feel deep regret, are bad? If persons feel automatically regret when they realize that they have done something blameworthy, is it not useless to suppose that they have a moral obligation to do so? In the next few pages, I would like to briefly consider the above questions and to explicate ways how regret might be a moral virtue.
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