Saturday, August 31, 2019
Cross Cultural Leadership Essay
Leadership is the process of getting work done through others. A leader encourages and motivates others towards accomplishment of certain pre-defined organizational goals. The management maintains the status quo whereas the leadership is responsible for predicting fresh solutions and methodologies. The leadership is responsible for motivating people to bring out their best. The modern leader must be multicultural because corporate success, profit, and growth depend increasingly on the management of a diverse work force. Cross-cultural leadership is a term that identify the diversity of work culture, the fact that the leader (or leaders) may come from social, linguistic, ethnic, or cultural groups but work would be remain same for all. Working with people from different countries, conducting meeting, dealing with clients, entertaining, negotiating and corresponding with colleagues or clients can be a beneficial to the employee to understand the intercultural differences. Understanding intercultural difference ultimately breaks down the barrier and helps to build trust and increase good relationship which yields concrete results in terms of business success. Few key components of cross cultural leadership skill are: Attitudes towards time, Commitments, Success Status Authority Accountability Planning Negotiation Rewards Teamwork Personal boundaries and social interactions Effectively managing a multicultural business requires at least a basic knowledge of employee’s culture and traditions. Familiarity with both is essential because each has a bearing on an employee’s every day behavior. Whether we realize it or not, culture and tradition are powerful principles we always carry with us. Culture is always with people even though people are unaware of it.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Impact of Social Networking Websites on Business
IMPACT OF SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITES ON BUSINESS | Asheri George MatembeleApril 16, 2013| Table of Contents Abstract2 Introduction3 Literature Review3 Comparison of Social Networking Websites5 Benefits of using social network websites for business6 How to Use Social Networking Websites for Business8 Problems Associated with Social Networking Websites10 Conclusion10 References11 AbstractA social networking website is a social structure build-up of individuals or organizations called â€Å"nodes†, which are connected by one or more specific types of mutuality, such as friendship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike relationships of beliefs, knowledge, prestige and information. This paper focuses on social networking websites and their impact on business. It aims to identify opportunities and ways to be effective as promoters of businesses to Internet users all over the world, 24 hours and 7 days, creating unlimited possibilities for advertising potential.This paper revi ews the best social networking websites currently used as well as examples of ways in which business can use these types of websites to expand their target markets. This article also gives insight about the threats and challenges associated with social networking websites, as well as things for businesses to watch out for if they determine to use these types of websites. Social networking websites will continue to shape the ways in which businesses collaborate and communicate, both inside and outside of enterprise.Introduction A social networking website consists of a social structure build-up of individuals or organizations called â€Å"nodes†, connected by one or more specific types of mutuality, such as friendship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike relationships of beliefs, knowledge, prestige and information (McLaughlin, 2012). This paper focuses on social networking websites and their impact on business. It aims to identify opportunities and ways to be effecti ve as promoters of businesses to internet users.Social media are a platform for business visibility. Keywords create a marketing buzz. The most relevant social networking websites currently used are reviewed first and ways in which businesses can use these types of websites to expand their target markets considered next. Some of the threats and challenges associated with social networking websites as well as red flags for businesses to watch out are then discussed. Literature Review – What is Social Networking Website?A social networking website is an online service or website filled with millions of individuals who are seeking to meet other people, to gather and share first-hand information and their experiences about golfing, gardening, cooking, developing friendships or professional alliances, seeking employment, marketing such as advertising, get customer’s feedbacks and even groups sharing information. It is an online service, website or platform that focuses on b uilding and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, who, for example, share interests and/or activities.Social Network Services are also increasingly attracting the attention of academic and industry researchers intrigued by their affordances and reach. – Facebook Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, while he was a student at Harvard in 2004 and originally called thefacebook and that domain was registered by someone else back in 1997. The general concept was to digitize the legendary freshman-year â€Å"Facebook,†and allow students not only to gawk at one another’s photos but also to flirt, network, interact.Eventually, the web site moved beyond college to everyone and nearly 1 billion people have a Facebook profile. Facebook users can create a profile page that shows their friends and networks information about them-selves. The choice to include a profile in a network means that everyone within that network can view the profile. The profile typically includes Friends, Friends from other Networks, Information, Status, Notes, Groups, Likes, Photos, Videos and The Wall which is the major feature of Facebook. – Google+Google+ is basically Google's latest attempt at creating a social network. Unlike with Facebook where uploading a post will show up on user’s profile for all of user’s friends to see, Google+ lets users do things a little differently. Circles, Sparks, Hangouts, Instant Upload and Huddle are major features of Google+. The concept of Circles is user can have a family Circle, a BFF Circle, a co-workers Circle, and even an â€Å"Epic bros†Circle. Sparks is a feature that lets users select certain areas, interests or hobbies that user particularly like.Google+ Hangouts are quick video â€Å"conferences†that enabling broadcasters to go live with friends and fans, for around the world to see. Instant upload which lets users take a photo and instantly upload it to a priva te album in the cloud server. Huddle is one of the best features of Google+ is Huddle, which lets users coordinate with friends and family in real-time. * Twitter? Twitter was started out as a micro-blogging website has quickly grown into a social messaging platform and one of the top social networks in the world that allows users answer the question, â€Å"What are users doing? by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called â€Å"tweets†, to their friends, or â€Å"followers†. Twitter is phenomenon that transcends social networking to provide an outlet for news, trends, buzz, and chat among many other uses. Twitter is a combination of various forms of communication such as email, instant messenger, VOIP like as Skype, Blogs and distribute content rapidly on the web through RSS feeds. – LinkedIn LinkedIn is a social networking website designed specifically for the business community with over 120 million members which were officially launched i n May 2003.A LinkedIn member’s profile page, which emphasizes their working experiences and education background, has professional network news feeds and a limited number of customizable modules. Network members are also known as â€Å"connections†and unlike other social networking websites such as Facebook or Twitter. LinkedIn needs connections to have a pre-existing relationship. The members of can seek for jobs, join groups, research companies, and network with members of their network. Companies can post information about the company and career opportunities listings on company pages.Companies can also establish the connection with LinkedIn members for recruiting purposes. – MySpace MySpace is a popular online social networking website that composed of personal profiles aimed for mostly at a younger membership. It is extremely popular with teenagers and young adults. It allows users to post images of their self, blog about their ideas and concerns, and post comments on other users’ profiles. MySpace included features such as chat rooms, forums, classified ads, newsgroups and a venue for sharing videos or music like as other online social networking websites.A MySpace profile can be a very important connection to fans of celebrities because MySpace was originally founded as a venue for aspiring musicians and bands to share music and concert dates. The variety of details included in the profile is submitted voluntarily by users. MySpace is easy to use for anyone to submit profile information, even if they have lack of online experience. Comparison of Social Networking Websites There are several different social networking websites and hard to decide which are best for the business. Following figures and tables will give insight to choose suitable one for business somehow.Figure 1: Number of registered users on Major Social Networking Websites According â€Å"Figure: 1†, vast amount of users are registered in Facebook. Goog le+ and Twitter has only 25% of number of Facebook’s registered users. Businesses can be reached many targeted users on the Facebook easily more than other social networking websites. Figure 2: Percentage of Gender distribution by major social networking websites Benefits of using social network websites for business Businesses are getting insight about the benefits of using social networking websites to retain and attract customers.They began to see that their competitors are taking many advantages because of using social networking efforts, they quickly followed suit. Nowadays most of the businesses can be found on asocial networking websites. They are communicating with their customers and clients via social networking websites. They are updating their information or statuses and occasionally acting like they are a part of community. For some people, interacting with businesses on social networking websites gives them an opportunity to experience first-hand how that compan y deals with the public.Most people are becoming accustomed to receiving customer support via a social network. Social networking websites can break the barriers of customer contact significantly so that businesses are using social networks to help their marketing campaigns. For businesses that are willing to shoulder the load, this new medium represents an opportunity in order to keep in touch with customers and update them constantly about companies’ information. This represents are an unprecedented opportunity for businesses which are willing to add values and engaging with customers.The benefits of social networking for business cannot be underestimated as it becomes a crucial component to business. The benefits of using social networking for business are as follows: – Online Presence and Branding Business can create their profile in social networking sites and allows people to see their brand or products and get awareness from user that their business exists. They can post valuable content to those web sites to attract the users. – Customer Service and Engagement Social networking provides a channel for business to interact with their customers and enables customers to provide feedback on the marketing message quickly.It provides as a useful tool to have a direct conversation with their customer base and see patterns of customer’s feedback. It also gives company a platform to be creative in using different social media tools to engage their customers and gain their loyalty to the business. – Lower Cost/Free Advertising Businesses can advertise their products and services for free or at lower costs when they make full use of social networking sites. Social networking sites can be used as a media which help companies find new customers and break the barriers of customer contact. – Find Business Partners or EmployeesAt social networking sites, businesses can find out new business partners, employees, other brands and even their competitor. Businesses can send out messages to notify people they are hiring or accepting applications and they can use these social networking sites to seek out employees. How to Use Social Networking Websites for Business Businesses can establish and maintain business relationships with colleagues and their customers on social networking websites. Some firms are taking it further still and using social networking sites to actively promote themselves and their businesses.Businesses have a number of ways to develop unique advertising methods on each social networking websites and those websites offer several avenues such as the banner ad advertising, creating a profile and page or creating events and groups. * Banner Ad Advertising? Banner Ad advertising is a most popular and majority of advertising method on the Internet. Most of social networking websites have that kind of advertising method and running on every web page which a user must access to view messages, comm ents, and others’ profiles.Often these ads are animated or still images, making them users to see and click on them. eMarketer reported that the global revenue of banner ad advertising from social networks is expected to reach $10 billion by 2013. Figure 3: Social Networking Websites’ Ad Revenues Internationally Figure 4: Percentage Change of Social Networking Websites’ Ad Revenues Internationally – Creating a Profile and Page Many companies have profiles on social networking websites and the information on a profile reflect on those businesses.Therefore they post or upload about their services or products so that users may view them and engaging for clients. This would be a way to keep in touch with their customers for businesses. At the companies’ profile, the user could post concerns, comments, and ideas while viewing blogs on product updates. Companies can review the likes, interests and expressed needs of their customer base from profiles. The y can also use this information to determine how customers’ profile characteristics fit into their marketing targets. Creating groups and Events Another way to use social networking websites is the creation of groups or events according company’s product or service. Moreover, the business can create a group of people who like or interest the product and open discussion forums so that users can share about their experience with the products. Most of the social networking websites are allowed users to create events and those events could be sponsored by the company. The social networking website’s users are partically doing the advertising for the company. Problems Associated with Social Networking WebsitesMost of the businesses concern about privacy and security issues in social networking websites. This is the majority problem since the purpose of social networking websites is for public for personal reasons, a person’s whose privacy is compromised suffer s much distress. Increasing of hacking the account is also another problem suffered by social networking websites. Even though it is a problem, can be protected by user reducing the amount of their personal information they post on the internet. Some of social networking websites services do not agree security is not a major problem.Although many social networking websites have enhanced their security and privacy system, much remains out in the open for regular predators to harm and affect the lives of others. The purpose of visiting social networking websites for most of the people is for their personal reasons or for leisure. So that businesses should realize how to be contributing about their information among users with lack of risk and beware of the personal space of the users. Conclusion Social networking websites are becoming popular among current generation.Even there are many opportunities as well as challenges of social networking websites for business. Most important step for any business is to create a policy of using social networking websites. Businesses are struggling with rapidly developing of technology. Technology is constantly changing the way of doing business at internet and businesses should be aware of these changes. It is in the best interests of a company to know what social networking websites are suitable to its References Daniel Nations, The Top Social Networking Sites, AUG 12, 2012, from http://webtrends. about. om/od/socialnetworking/a/ social_network. htm Darren McLaughlin, Benefits Of Social Networking Websites For Business, AUG 20, 2012, from http://mosthostserver. com/? p=5118 Google+: A Basic Cheatsheet for Marketers, AUG 19, 2012, from http://www. sociableblog. com/2011/10/04/googlepl us-cheatsheet-for-marketers/ Jennifer Bergen, Google+: What is it, and how do I get it? , AUG 15, 2012, from http://www. geek. com/articles/mobile/google-what- is-it-and-how-do-i-get-it-20110628/ Part of the Internet acronyms and lingo glossary , LinkedIn, AUG 15, 2012, from http://whatis. techtarget. om/definition/LinkedIn Part of the Internet applications glossary, MySpace, AUG 17, 2012, from http://whatis. techtarget. com/definition/MySpace Using social networking sites for business marketing: Advantages and disadvantages, AUG 25, 2012, from http://brooger. com/using-social- networking-sites-for-business-marketing- advantages-and-disadvantages/ What is Facebook? , AUG 12, 2012, from http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-facebook. htm What Is Social Networking? , AUG 12, 2012, from http://www. brickmarketing. com/what-is-social- networking. htm What is Twitter? , AUG 15, 2012, from http://mashable. com/what-is-twitter/
Economic Developments Essay
The current system of the world economy has emerged as a result of the historical trends and economic developments that occurred in the past particularly during the periods of World War I, World War II and the Cold War. To a significant extent, the current world order and the capitalist and industrial prosperity that is being experienced today are products of historical economic developments. This paper examines the economic developments from 1913 to the present including the history of self-determination in the world economy in relation to the current world economy. Consequently, the role of the United States from being an isolationist to an economic hegemon is analyzed. Economic Developments from 1913-Present The period from Post World War I up to the present can be considered to be a see-saw of economic prosperity and economic crises for most countries. For countries like the United States the war had brought about economic development but it also caused the economic downturn for countries like France and Germany. Capitalism began to ensue and trading had been more active. Hence, the period from 1920-1929 signaled the massive economic progress in the world economy- industries were established and the percentage of industries to agriculture rose. After this massive growth however, the unemployment rate and poverty that ensued from the period of 1929-1941 had led to the Great Depression- interest rates were high, hyperinflation ensued and the rise in debt had led to stock market collapse. The world economy had experienced a systemic recession leading the collapse of markets worldwide. In this era, the GDP and GNP of nations dropped and poverty ensued as world trade had been inactive. After the Great Depression, the World War II had created another economic era- post World War II had been considered to be a golden era for capitalism worldwide. This is because of the rapid rise in industries, the technological advancement, the prospering and stabilization of world trade, domestic and international institutions had been established in order to facilitate the world economy. Consequently, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and the IMF were established in order to aid countries needing economic lift in order to aid in their industrialization. Backed by capitalism and foreign direct investments, this era can be considered the time when the world economy had boomed. However, after this period the time between 1970s-1980s, inflation and interest rates grew up and the fixed interest rates were deregulated in order to let the world economy repair itself. This era had however, contributed in terms of the massive plan to reorganize domestic economies through fiscal policies. The post Cold War on the other hand, marked the era when the US became the sole hegemon after the downfall of Russia. Before the Cold War, democratic countries can only trade with democratic countries and communist countries are only limited to trade with communist countries- the downfall of Russia opened the doors for all countries to be participants in the world economy. Hence, during the period of 1990 and up to the present times, despite some economic fluctuations, the world economy can be considered as stable and progressive. While there are ups and downs, the stability of the world economy in the present times cannot easily succumb to another depression. Self-Determination and in the World Economy Self-determination started after the World War I as a result of the Treaty of Versailles- it declared that the sovereignty of the states should take charge of the whole population. World War I led to the breakup of the Hapsburg and Ottoman empires and the birth of a new generation of nation-states. At Versailles, U. S. President Woodrow Wilson’s famous Fourteen Points–the fifth of which declared that sovereignty should take full account of the interests of the populations concerned–formed the basis for the treaty ending the war. After World Wars One and Two, self-determination inspired the demolition of empires and the formation of new sovereign states; the concept being thus extended in the 1940s and 1950s to apply in the context of the decolonisation process. In the 1960s and 1970s, the principle of self-determination clashes with the principle of territorial integrity and global leaders are increasingly seeing this angle to the problem. In fact, even the UN resolution 1514 adopted in 1960 which elevated the status of self-determination, had also emphasized territorial integrity: any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of national unity and territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the Purposes and Principles of the Charter of the United Nations. The international system was caught up in the contradiction and had exhibited some degree of ambivalence at least after the post-war decolonisation. It can be observed that the further extension of the principle today, as it inspires the surge of ethnic politics and threatens the break-up of the established post-colonial order. The United States as the World’s Political and Economic Hegemon The United States before World War I cannot be considered to be an economic or a political superpower, it derived its wealth from World War I from selling ammunitions and exploiting the economic opportunities caused by the war. However, in World War II, the US emerged as one of the more powerful countries not only in terms of technology but also politically and economically after surviving the Great Depression. The Post World War II established the United States from a country in the middle to that of a global hegemon. For one, post World War I saw the US to be involved in trade, the importation and exportation of goods as well as in searching for new territories to expand its power and industries. Post World War II saw the United States cementing its economic and political hegemony- it had established itself as one of the most prosperous and progressive countries not only through its GDP and GNP but also in terms of its ability to impose upon other countries. The United States during this time served as one of the economic powers together with countries in Europe, Japan and the USSR. Upon entering the Cold War, the world became a division of the US and the USSR or democracy versus communism. During this era, the United States served as an international role model for democracies as well as the patron of democratic countries. The fall of the USSR catapulted the US to its role today as a global hegemon- except for North Korea, there had been no real threat to the supremacy of democracy and hence, the United States. During this time until the present times, the United States had been a major player in sanctioning countries that do not abide by international laws and regulations as well as being a forerunner in providing foreign aids as well as regulating trade activities. To be a partner with the US would be tantamount to economic growth. The power held by the US both politically and economically can be considered to spawn countries even in Asia and Third World countries. Needless to say, the United States can be considered to be the most important international player today.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Provide an analysis of an organisation explaining the relative Essay
Provide an analysis of an organisation explaining the relative importance of each of Porter's Five Forces for the organisation - Essay Example Background of Sony Corporation Sony Corporation is one of the reputed Japanese brands in the segment of electronics, operating successfully from 1946. Being headquartered in Tokyo, it operates successfully in the entire world among many other rivals of that segment with the name of Tokyo Telecommunication Engineering Corporation. Later in the year 1958, it started its operation with its corporate name, Sony Corporation (Sony Corporation of America, 2013). The prime objective of the organization is to offer wide range of inventive products as well as multimedia services to its customers at a competitive age so as to satisfy their demands. Side by side, by doing so, it might also enhance its market share and equity by 35% as compared to other rivals of the market. Apart from this, by presenting wide range of innovative products, the brand image and position of the organization of Sony Corporation might also get enhanced significantly among the existing players and the new entrants. Thi s report mainly highlights the background of Sony Corporation in brief way along with its strategic position in the market of electronics among other rivals. Side by side, this report also describes the importance of each of the porter’s five forces for the strategic position of the organization of Sony in this age (Sony Corporation of America, 2013).
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Teaching recovery heart and soul Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Teaching recovery heart and soul - Thesis Example abused may provide a feeling of temporary relief from their emotional problems but this always results in bigger problems for the affected individuals†(33). In addition, individuals undergoing recovery may occasionally be faced with the challenge of how to deal with their feelings and emotions. With regard to its definition, heart and soul approach as a recovery strategy refers to the incorporation of spirituality and mindfulness as a therapeutic tool to enhance the recovery of drug addicts. On the other hand, spirituality can be defined as any practice that enable an individual to discover his or her being while mindfulness is all about purposeful paying of attention to the present moment in order to enhance self awareness. According to educator Parker, J. Palmer (2003), spirituality is an individual’s eternal yearning to connect to a higher power. A number of authors (George DuWors, 2011, Galanter, 2007 and Avants, S. Kelly, 2011) have also defined spirituality as the belief in a higher purpose and meaning of life. Generally, the use of spirituality in the addiction recovery process is quite distinguished from religious based sectarian practices and other theistic connotations. Davis (2010) argued that â€Å"the use of spirituality and mindfulness therapy in the recovery process of addicted adolescents and youthful students generally focuses on the spiritual side of addiction recovery by cultivating a belief in a higher being than one’s self to improve their emotional sobriety†(104). The two interrelated concepts are critically important pillars of the current holistic therapeutic approach used in drug recovery process. For example, spirituality and mindfulness is increasingly becoming one of the most commonly used therapeutic options in the addiction recovery process of adolescents as a complement to the mains tream approaches. The increasing use of spirituality and mindfulness in the contemporary Western psychotherapy is particularly attributed to a
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Ethnology book report for Social Anthropology Essay
Ethnology book report for Social Anthropology - Essay Example te a reading material that would serve as an eye opener to the present human generation with regards the implicative existence of minor groups in the past so as to make a careful description as to how these groups were able to influence whatever culture, traditions and social understanding the present human generations recognizes today. Hence, as a careful discussion of the said issues, the book offers a clear picture of the past towards the development of the Cree and Martu communities. With the said discussions, the book is then able to give the readers a clear vision and better understanding of the issues that actually make it certain that the said indigenous groups of people have greatly contributed to the progress of human communities towards the present. More than that this published reading also gives a careful examination as to how the present human generation should give important views of appreciation towards the past generations that characterized the ancient human civilization. Anthropological studies have determined and distinguished many indigenous societies and tribes, which can be traced as the roots of most of the major physiological and cultural ancestry of the present contemporary civilization. During the cultural and social development in the human civilization, most of these indigenous tribes have been affected and experienced drastic cultural changes from their traditional ones. Some merge with the others to create a larger and greater social group who used their powers and influence to dominate others while the other social minorities were dominated by greater ones eradicating their personal socio-cultural nature. However at the present, there are still some indigent social tribes who were still able to preserve their own original nature and stay secluded from the major civilizations influence like that of the imperialism of west and the colonialism of the other dominant nations. These social minorities still managed to live with their
Monday, August 26, 2019
Developing and leading effective Teams Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Developing and leading effective Teams - Article Example In terms of the type of team essential for the accomplishment of the problem affect nurses and patients, I would advocate for a primary work team or primary care team (Calendrillo, 2009). It is a team that concentrates on interacting with the patients at both the professional and personal levels to get feedback important in boost healthcare services given by the hospital. On that note, there are benefits and disadvantages of creating the aforementioned type of team. On benefit involves constant communication that ensures the execution of roles and responsibilities within the health sector (Beeson, 2011). Second, the creation of ground rules often emerge in such scenarios because of certain expected behaviours and guidelines. However, the disadvantages encompass inability to reach quick agreements because of team binding regulations. I, therefore, would prefer staff members with both interpersonal and intrapersonal skills because they will understand how to interact with others (Kelly & Tazbir, 2013). Their skill sets and positions will offer a chance for trust during
Sunday, August 25, 2019
A Critical Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
A Critical Reflection - Essay Example I realized that I could make some money if I sold some branded wristbands to my friends at margin. Although the venture collapsed shortly thereafter due to lack of sufficient resources, it played a critical role in shaping my life towards always looking for opportunities to satisfy unmet business needs. I believe that success does not come only from working hard but also by seizing opportunities at the right time. Essentially, entrepreneurship requires one to have a knack of identifying the unmet needs, assessing the business potential of an idea and then finally committing to implement the idea. Since my first experience in business at the age of ten, I have made significant efforts to improve my personal organization skills in order to be effective. One of the key areas that greatly influence entrepreneurial success is time management. Planning and productive use of time is essential in helping one to achieve his or her goals (Bird and West 2007). In order to manage my time effecti vely, I always plan my work well in advance and try to follow the schedule accordingly. However, sometimes I do get distracted by other responsibilities such as family issues and deviate from my set plans. Also, private engagements and having fun consume a significant portion of my time which would otherwise be utilized in a more productive manner. Entrepreneurship often involves the pursuit of new and innovative ideas. Thus, an entrepreneur inherently works in a highly stressful and challenging work environment. I have managed to internalize and apply this skill in my life by exercising self awareness of my personal strengths and limitations as I pursue business goals. According to Rae, interpersonal interaction is a core component of entrepreneurship capabilities (Blenker et al 2012). Business inevitably involves interactions with people of various backgrounds. For instance, a businessman has to interact with customers, competitors, suppliers, government authorities and other stak eholders. In my daily endeavors, I always aim at growing my network of social and industry contacts. I have learnt that it is through interactions with people that I am able to find out what is important to them and understand the situation from their perspectives. This is fundamentally important for an entrepreneur as it helps one to gain comprehensive understanding of the customer and lays the foundations for creating a product that perfectly addresses the needs of the clients. Teamwork is essential in entrepreneurship since the tasks involved are often enormous and difficult for a single individual to handle (Clarke and Robin 2010). Working in teams requires the leader to rally individuals to towards the attainment of a common goal. Negotiations are also critical as part of interpersonal interactions since an entrepreneur has to bargain for the best deals possible. From the entrepreneurship module, I have that negotiations require proper planning, clear goals and patience (Robson 2010). These components are important since they help one to get the best results from any negotiation and reach a favorable agreement. Teece (2010) noted that an idea remains simply an idea unless it is rigorously assessed to ascertain its potential value. Imperatively, it is foolhardy to rush into executing a business a idea before investigating its viability. The first step of entrepreneurship is coming up with new or better ideas to solve challenges in the society. It is evident from the learning in this module that once an opportunity has been identified, the entrepreneur should investigate and develop options for exploiting the opportunity. It is also necessary for one to entrepreneur to identify how the available resources
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Films Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Films - Essay Example The technology in the production was more of building sets-up, which was more expensive than location shooting. For movies to attract any investor they need have new story telling techniques strong story line, plot, and assurance of investment return (Dirks 1). The economic situation was another reason. During recession, Hollywood studios like MGM studios abandoned their core business and ventured into other area to generate income. Some of the storyline were based on true-life events like Vietnam War that occurred once, although over a long period time (Dirks 1). All this factors made one single production to be very expensive and therefore not worth having sequel. Waterfront is an American crime drama film, which was directed by Elia kazan. The film received many awards, which included best picture, best actor, and best director. The film was shot in white and black. This film was based on a series on true story of occurrence at the waterfront of Manhattan and Brooklyn. It exposes the bigger picture of corruption, extortion, and racketeering. Therefore, the basic concept was borrowed from a real life event that had taken place (waterfront commission). A third party that had sued because he claims the story had been stolen from him making it end in court
Friday, August 23, 2019
Emergence of modern man Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Emergence of modern man - Essay Example The purpose of this short paper is to explore the influences of evolution and natural selection on modern man and to analyse whether these are continuing to have an effect on our species. The reason that many scientists argue that evolution and natural selection does not continue to exert an effect on modern man is because there are so many protections from nature. Food availability is one of the most important things for a species’ survival (Bootle, 2011), but many humans living in the West do not have to worry about food availability because much of it is available very cheaply and nutrition is found all year round. Many food items can now also be preserved to last through the winter, and these developments have come from a high level of intelligence. This, however, may be one of the problems. Some argue that the effects of obesity on our population may be having an effect similar to that of natural selection in the wild (Bootle, 2011), and could be used as evidence against our collective intelligence. Disease is also another one of the biggest parts of natural selection in the wild (McKie, 2002). However, modern man has developed a number of ways to prevent disease. Even in prehistory, there is evidence that there may have been some attempt at preventative and curative medicine (Regal, 2004), which suggests that man’s high intelligence has a function of preventing parts of natural selection. In modern times, several diseases which would have killed people prior to reproduction (and thus have bred the trait out), such as asthma and diabetes, are present in the population because they can be treated (Regal, 2004). This could also be evidence that natural selection is not as powerful for man as for other species. Perhaps one of the most interesting elements of the human species is that it occupies a huge amount of space on the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Using Calculus in curves for bridges, tunnels, and more (engineering) Research Paper
Using Calculus in curves for bridges, tunnels, and more (engineering) - Research Paper Example examine the role of calculus in physics at large and specifically determination of the use of calculus in the development of bridges, tunnels as well as curves. There is high level of integration of calculus within the entire discipline of physical sciences. (Charles, R. I. 2005)This can be found in both physics as a physical science and biology as a physical science. One can also be able to find calculus in statistics and all the disciplines that relate to it, engineering and its entire spectrum, in economics, business as well as in medicine. Other areas that has witnessed the exploitation of the use of calculus include modern development. By modern development, it is important to appreciate that areas such as architecture rely extensively in the use of calculus. Another are of modern development is the field of aviation. In this area, calculus are used extensively as this paper will try to reveal in the subsequent pages. From this end, the study shall examine specific areas and also try to elaborate the importance of the use of calculus in those particular areas. The first most important area where calculus has been extensively used is â€Å"finding the slope of a curve†. There is a generalized method that can always be used to find a slope of a curve. Usually, this require particular formula of operation. Calculus can always provide a tried and tested formula for this with almost absolute accuracy. The nature of the slope is that it is always fairly elementary. By the use of some algebraic formulas, this can always be determined without any problem. To find the steepness of such a slope, there is a need to utilize calculus in determining such slope. Finding the steepness of a slope can be important in a lot more areas of the study. For example, in civil engineering, construction of roads and bridges will rely on the ability of the engineers to calculate the steepness of a given place. This would enable them determine what actions need to be taken on
Voice of the Customer Case Study Essay Example for Free
Voice of the Customer Case Study Essay 1. Explain how the Voice of the Employee sup ports improved internal processes (Voice of the Business), and how the Voice of the Business supports customer satisfaction (Voice of the Customer). As stated by the United States Postal Service annual performance report, The Voice of the Customer goal category focuses Postal Service resources on growth to generate sufficient revenue to support the public service mission of universal service that â€Å"binds the nation together. †Providing timely, consistent delivery across all classes of mail will increase customer satisfaction and generate growth in support of our central mission (2002). The Voice of the Employee goal category focuses on creating a workplace environment that fosters a motivated, productive and inclusive workforce and embraces the values of fairness, opportunity, safety, and security. The Voice of the Business goal category focuses on maintaining the affordability of Postal Service products and services by improving productivity so as to control costs and improve contribution levels to grow business (USPS annual performance report, 2002). For each Voice, a goal statement focuses on the overall performance sought. For Voice of the Customer, the goal is to provide services that meet the needs of different customers in competitive markets and grow the revenue necessary to support the public service mission of the Postal Service. For Voice of the Employee, the goal is for a motivated, productive and inclusive workforce and a goal of affordability for the Voice of the Business. 2. While Figure 8. 14 shows only representative measures associated with the balanced scorecard, suggest some other measures that might be included, using your knowledge of postal operations. Traditionally, performance measures used to assess success were financial in nature. This allowed only one view of what happened. The measure is complete only at the moment, and there are limited indications where current operations are effective or ineffective as the measures are historical in nature. Financial measures are outcome measures that show what has happened in the past. A more forward looking set of performance measures tells managers and employees where they are headed, what aspects of the organization are succeeding, and what aspects need improvement to effect future successful outcomes. For example, customer satisfaction levels tell us something about the future predisposition of customers to use our service in the future, which relates to future financial measures. In the same manner, if we know there is a connection between meeting customer requirements and internal process measures that are tracked, and then there is a clear sense of what we need to do in managing our processes in order to meet customer needs (Thompson Mathys, 2006). 3. Note what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using a Balanced Scorecard approach. The first advantage of using the balanced scorecard method is that by looking at four aspects of a companys performance, you really do get a balanced view of company performance. Unlike traditional methods of tracking the financial health of a business, the balanced scorecard gives you a full picture as to whether your company is meeting its objectives. While it may seem that a company is doing well financially, it may be that customer satisfaction is down, employee training is inadequate, or that the processes are outdated (Bowen, 2011). As explained by Bowen (2011), by using a balanced scorecard approach, the immediate future isnt the only thing being evaluated. Often, when an accountant sees the financial bottom line (perhaps the company isnt doing well), suggestions are given that are immediate, but do not look at the long-term. Using balanced scorecards allows for stakeholders to determine the health of short, medium, and long-term objectives at a glance. Finally, by using a balanced scorecard, a company can be sure that any strategic action implemented matches the desired outcomes. Will raising the price of a product help the bottom line of the company in the long run? It might, if the customer is satisfied with that product, or if the processes involved with creating that product make the product of a higher quality (Bowen, 2011). While there are many advantages to using balanced scorecards in your accounting toolbox, there are a few disadvantages to the method as well. First, the balanced scorecard takes forethought. It is not a tool you can just think up one night to solve a problem. Instead, it is recommended that you hold a meeting to plan out what goals you would like to see your company reach in each of the four above areas. Once you have clearly stated objectives, you can then begin to break down these objectives in what you will need, financially, to bring these objectives to fruition. As explained by Bowen (2011), while the balanced scorecard gives you an overall view of the four areas for concern in business growth and development, these four areas do not paint the whole picture. The financial information included on the scorecard is limited. Instead, to be successfully implemented, the balanced scorecard must be part of a bigger strategy for company growth that includes meticulous accounting methods. Many companies use metrics that are not applicable to their own situation. It is vitally important when using balanced scorecards to make the information being tracked applicable to your needs. Otherwise, the metrics will be meaningless.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Kalabagh Dam Consequences
The Kalabagh Dam Consequences The Kalabagh dam is controversial for many reasons. A key reason has to do with the decision making process, which is highly centralized, politically coercive, and technically flawed. Regrettably, when the need is for broad-based stakeholder consultations, the existing trend is towards even greater centralization. For instance, the rotating chairmanship of the Indus River System Authority has recently been converted into a permanent appointment, provincial resolutions against Kalabagh have been given short shrift, the Council of Common Interests (CCI) has consistently ignored the matter and community concerns continue to be met with blatant disregard. Small wonder then that the political leadership in the smaller provinces and civil society are up in arms against Kalabagh. In this essay, we critically examine four contested aspects of the Kalabagh dam. These relate to: water availability; environmental impacts; food and energy; and technical and financial feasibility. The work of colleagues is gratefully acknowledged. Water availability is an over riding concern. Is surplus water available to justify the Kalabagh project? WAPDA itself the generic source has sown confusion on this issue. It cites two average flow figures: 123 MAF (million acre-feet) and 143 MAF. The first calculation is based on a 64-year period (1922-1996) and includes both wet and dry cycles. The second estimate is based on a much shorter and wet cycle period of 22 years (1977-1994). Since the total requirement (inclusive of the additional allocation of 12 MAF under the 1991 Water Accord), is calculated at 143 MAF, there is a clear short fall of 20 MAF if we use the first estimate. This means Kalabagh may remain dry every 4 out of 5 years. Even the higher flow figure (143 MAF) overlooks certain factors. The first of these is system (evaporation and seepage) losses. If such losses increased from 6.2 MAF post Mangla to 14.7 MAF post-Tarbela, presumably, they will be even higher post-Kalabagh. This would have adverse implications for inter-provincial water distribution. New irrigation infrastructure appears untenable in view of these losses, since the increased upstream off-takes would be at the expense of downstream flows. This concern is also ignored when presenting Kalabagh as a replacement for Tarbela. Tarbela is projected to lose 5.3 MAF of its storage capacity by the year 2010. Since Kalabagh would, essentially, be replacing this loss, the Right and Left Bank canals would divert even more of Sindhs allocations than they presently are. In addition, illegal off-takes would also tend to be exacerbated. Consider now the environmental implications of constructing yet another large dam on the Indus River ecosystem. A catalogue of existing degradation provides the context for future environmental impacts of dams like Kalabagh. Degradation of the Indus delta ecosystem, as a result of reduced water outflows, is already a highly visible phenomenon. The present level of silt discharge, estimated at 100 million tons per year, is a four-fold reduction from the original level before large dams were constructed on the River Indus. The combination of salt-water intrusion (some reports show this as 30 km inland), and reduced silt and nutrient flows has changed the character of the delta considerably. The area of active growth of the delta has reduced from an original estimate of 2,600 sq. km (growing at 34 meters per year) to about 260 sq. km. The consequent ravages to the ecosystem have been exceptionally severe, in particular to the mangroves, which are its mainstay. They sustain its fisheries, act as natural barriers against sea and storm surges, keep bank erosion in check and are a source of fuel wood, timber, fodder and forest products, a refuge for wildlife and a potential source of tourism. Without mangroves and the nutrients they recycle and the protection they provide, other components of the ecosystem would not survive. The direct and indirect benefits of mangroves are enormous. In 1988, Pakistan earned Rs.2.24 billion from fish exports, of which shrimps and prawns constituted 72%. Additional income is generated from fuelwood, fodder and forest products was another Rs.100/- million. Not only is this revenue at risk from mangrove loss, but the physical infrastructure required to replace the natural protection provided by the mangroves (dykes, walls) would entail enormously high capital and maintenance costs. The health of mangroves is directly linked to fresh water inflows. Releases below Kotri barrage in most years and excluding floods average 10 MAF. Of this, little or none actually reaches the mangroves. The rest is lost due to evaporation or diversions. According to the Sindh Forestry Department, about 27 MAF is required to maintain the existing 260,000 ha. of mangroves in reasonably healthy condition. This is 27 MAF more than currently available, a situation which has contributed to ecosystem instability and mangrove loss. Within the framework of the Indus Water Accord, an additional 12 MAF would be diverted for upstream dam construction including Kalabagh. This would reduce existing sub-optimal flows further and aggravate an already critical situation. A community of about 100,000 people, residing on the northern side of the Indus Delta, depends on the mangroves for their livelihood. The prevailing view is that being under privileged, such communities are prone to degrade their environment. However, it is difficult to fathom why poor communities should endanger the very basis of their existence. The more likely explanation is that community practices have not changed, but they appear unsustainable because the resource base has begun to degrade. Communities are more often the victims than the agents of such degradation are. The real culprits are water diversion; biological and chemical water contamination and large-scale commercial practices, compounded both by institutional ignorance and complicity in such practices. Mangrove loss is only one among the many manifestations of biodiversity deficits emerging along the entire length of the Indus River ecosystem. The ecosystem has been severely fragmented over time by its extensive network of dams, canals and barrages, resulting in threats to a variety of species and organisms, the most notable among them being the Indus dolphin and the palla fish. Both can be classified as indicator species, as their impending loss represents the loss of a way of life, characterized by interdependence between communities and their environment. Another myth firmly embedded in the minds of our planners is that large dams are the perfect flood prevention devices. The evidence for Pakistan shows otherwise; that its large dams not withstanding, there has been no reduction in the incidence and intensity of floods nor in the associated losses in lives, crops, livestock and infrastructure. There is no seeming pattern to the floods other than the fact that they could have coincided with wet cycles. In actual fact, the severity of flood impacts appears to have increased after the two major dams, Tarbela and Mangla, were constructed. In actual fact, the shrinking of the riverbeds due to water diversions reduces their absorptive capacity and hence enhances the danger of flooding. River ecosystems have a natural capacity to deal with floods and these natural processes provide many benefits. Flood plains, wetlands, backwaters are commonly referred to as natures sponges; they absorb and purify excess water as a hedge against lean periods. They act as spawning grounds for fish and wildfowl. The floods themselves replenish agricultural soils. Communities living around these areas adapt to this natural rhythm and use its bounty to ensure reliable and sustainable livelihoods. It has also been pointed out that dams dont prevent floods, they merely create flood threat transfer mechanisms. The solution is to work with communities, rely on their knowledge and to supplement their flood mitigation and coping strategies. Two of the most commonly cited arguments in favor of large dams relate to food security and energy. Such arguments have become increasingly compelling in the light of perceived threats to food security and the recent furor surrounding the private power projects. We examine both of these arguments in turn. Additional water from Kalabagh can enhance crop production in three ways: by irrigating new land; by enhancing cropping intensity on existing land; or through yield enhancement. The first option appears tenuous. It is claimed that Kalabagh will irrigate close to an additional million hectares of barren land, and bring Pakistan closer to wheat self-sufficiency. However, the reports of the National Commission on Agriculture and the National Conservation Strategy suggest otherwise. They indicate that available cultivable land is almost fully utilized, leaving little scope for extensive cultivation. Between 1952 and 1977, about 80% of the increase in total cropped area was due to the cu ltivation of new land. Since then, this proportion has fallen dramatically, with double cropping accounting for the bulk of the increase. The reports suggest that in addition to the water constraint a very tangible land constraint exists as well. Crop production can also be increased through cropping intensity increases or crop yield enhancements. Both are water dependent and establish an a priori justification for Kalabagh. The NCS report states that at present 12.2 million hectares of land are available for double cropping while only 4.4 million hectares are being double cropped clearly water is the constraining factor. With respect to yield enhancements, water is again required in large quantities by the high yielding seed varieties (wheat, cotton, rice, maize) and for its synergetic effects upon chemical inputs. However, a critical choice needs to be made here. Does one opt for additional water, or can the same results be achieved through improved water use efficiency? Higher water retention in the system risks aggravating an already massive problem of water logging and salinity. In fact, the controversial and exorbitantly expensive ($780 million), 25-year National Drainage Plan project has been launched to mitigate its impacts. Kalabagh is bound to add to the problem, not only in its immediate environs but also where new irrigation infrastructure is to be situated. A clearly preferred choice is to use existing water more efficiently, and to focus on the necessary institutional changes for its equitable distribution. Some of the proposed measures are canal and watercourse rehabilitation, land leveling, improved on-farm water management and, at the policy level, switching demand based management while protecting the needs of the poor small farmers. These are clearly win-win solutions as they are relatively low cost, efficient, equitable and environmentally friendly. After the recent commotion over private power, the government began to hype up Kalabagh as an alternative source of cheap and clean energy. In the process, it switched adroitly from its earlier position that energy demand had been overstated, to one where it now posits a deficiency in supply. However, the cheap energy argument is becoming increasingly untenable both financially and technically. Donors such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank are unlikely to provide concessional funding for Kalabagh. This reflects their commitment to the thermal based private power projects, as well as the censure they have faced for getting embroiled in projects with major environmental and resettlement costs. And even if concessional funding was available, it is still not clear that hydel unit costs would be lower than thermal, once these costs are factored in. At this point, the whole debate appears to be moot since the government is scampering for funds to keep the economy afloat against the backdrop of sanctions. Even so, renewed policy statements suggest there is a resolve to proceed when the situation permits. Apart from the political compulsions, there is an inertial aspect to this decision as well. Institutional and financial paralysis inhibits the scope for energy conservation, efficiency improvements and diversification. The options have been identified often enough: on the supply side these are reduction of transmission and distribution (TD) losses and renewable energy development technologies (solar, wind, biomass). On the demand side, both technical and economic options exist for energy conservation. While these have been employed to some extent (tariff increases, energy efficient lighting), the efforts are a far cry from the kind of sustained initiatives launched in some South Asian countries, such as Thailand, where revamped e nergy supply systems are part of a larger network, with linkages to RD, the private sector and trade facilities. The title of a study Tarbela Dam Sedimentation Management, carried out by TAMS-Wallingford (March 1998) is self-explanatory. It shows that a de-silted Tarbela would yield the same irrigation benefits as Kalabagh, but at one-seventh the cost in net present value terms. The study states that, replacement of [irrigation and energy] benefits by constructing a new dam and reservoir down stream is feasible, but will be expensive, environmentally damaging and socially harmful. An alternative option cited is the construction of new outlets at the Tarbela Dam that will enable sediment to be flushed from the reservoir. The proposed Tarbela Action Plan is based on computer simulations of sediment flows. These simulations were designed to determine whether flushing was technically feasible and could be used to enhance long run storage capacity and to predict future sedimentation. Based on these simulations, a three phased action plan was proposed. The implementation of this plan would ensure long term and sustainable storage with only a small annual reduction in capacity. The estimated increase in retention at 6 MAF is exactly what the Kalabagh reservoir is designed to hold. Our conclusion is that the burden of proof is on those who advocate building the Kalabagh Dam. Our findings show that it is not economically, socially or environmentally viable. Also, the proposed benefits are based on faulty or misunderstood premises and, in any case, there exist in each case more viable and cost effective alternatives.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Product Placement In Movies Media Essay
Product Placement In Movies Media Essay Many people who saw Home alone remember the scene in the beginning where the McAllister family sits around the table having dinner. Fuller, go easy on the Pepsi, Kevins aunt said to her son. But this phrase is much more than just a warning against drinking too much soda. These products are not appearing by accident. In a quest to cut the commercial clutter and declining television ratings, marketers have tried their hand at more subtle or intrusive ways of displaying their products in big-screen movies through what is known as product placement. Product placement, also called embedded marketing, is defined by the European Union as any form of audiovisual commercial communication consisting of the inclusion of or reference to a product, a service or the trade mark thereof so that is featured within a programme [1] . It is a form of advertising that is used in movies and TV shows where branded products are placed in a movie setting. It usually aims to be inconspicuous and be part of the scene so that the audience will see a product in the natural environment. Product placement practices also exist in music videos, radio programs, video games, plays, novels etc. Placing branded products in entertainment media like movies is not a new developed concept. There is no doubt that the consumer is more likely to accept product placement in movies compared to traditional advertisements. Product placement can add credibility to a movie. It is easier to identify with a story or with a movie character when they used products familiar to everyday life. Product placement is a substitute for the traditional TV advertising. It has been used since the invention of the small screen. Product placement or brand placement appeared first in motion pictures as early as the late 1940s and early 1950s. One example was in 1948 in the movie Mildred Pierce where an actor drank Jack Daniels whinsky. Since Reeses Pieces appeared in the movie E.T. The Extraterrestrial, over 20 years ago, product placement has developed and evolved significantly. After the film realesed, Hersey claimed a 65% increase in sales of Reeses Pieces candy. This success generate an intensified interest in product placement area which has led to the establishement of agencies that specialize in product placement. Some of the company that provides product placement servicies are: Creative Film Production, Creative Artist, Krown Enterteinment, Norm Marshall Associates, Robert Kovologgs Associated Film Promotions, Unique Product Placement, Creative Entertainment Servicies. [ 2] This agencies examine film scripts, search for appropriate settings in movies where their clients products can be placed and then make suggestions to the film makers. The product placement in a movie can be as simple as a product being used in one scene (e.g. when a character uses a particular brand of beer or soft drink), a brand being mentioned by a character in the story, or a logo visible in the background of a frame (e.g. when a brands logo is visible on a billboard or the side of a truck). At the other extreme, a product placement can be an integral part of the movie. In the movie Youve got mail, AOL Internet service was an essential part of the movie and was connected to the plot throughout the entire movie. The multifaceted nature of product placement makes it an interesting, complex, marketing practice. In any James Bond movies, the agent has always been drinking martini, driving luxuries cars, wearing the fanciest suits and the most expensive watches. James Bond movies are famous for being the ones with the biggest amount of product placement. They include mostly upmarket range products. CinemaScore To determine how much a marketer should pay a movie producer for a product placement, Ed Mintz developed a sistem called CinemaScore which is similar to the Nielsen ratings in television advertising. CinemaScore is the industry lider in measuring movie appeal among theatre audiences. For over 34 years, CinemaScore has been polling moviegoers at major movie releases on opening night to collect demographic information and calculate a distinctive CinemaScore grade. A movies overall CinemaScore can range from A+ to F. For example, using the CinemaScore formula, they calculated a $28,130 placement fee for the placement of Coke in Crocodile Dundee II based on projected $100,000 million revenues at the box office and recall data obtain from exit surveys. Types of product placement strategies Product placement strategies can be categorized by the mode of presentation (the senses activated by the stimulus) into three modes: visual only (VIS), audio only (AUD) and combined audio-visual (AV). The first mode (VIS) involves showing a product, logo, billboard or some other visual brand identifier without any relevant message or sounds on the audio track which draw attention to the product (e.g. Danny DeVito drinking Coors Light with the label clearly exposed to the audience in Twins). The second mode involves the mention of a brand name or a character conveying brand-related messages in audio form, without showing the product on the screen (e.g. Martin Sheen yelling to a waitress Get this kid a Molson Light in Wall Street). The third mode (AV) involves showing a brand and at the same time mentioning the brand name or conveying a brand-relevant message in audio form (e.g. the main character in Waynes World saying the choice of a new generation before taking a sip from a can of Pepsi). Placements in any of the three modes may be subtle or prominent. Prominent placements are those in which the product (or other band identifier) is made highly visible by virtue of size and/or position on the screen or its centrality to the action in the scene. Subtle placements are those in which the brand is not shown prominently (e.g. small in size, a background pop outside of the main field of visual focus, lost in an array of multiple products or objects, low time of exposure). Mode and prominence are relevant to the ease with which a product can be incorporated into a movie, and therefore the cost to the marketer of reaching an audience in this way. Of the three modes, VIS is the most frequently used, but it runs the risk that viewers will not attend to or recall the products presence in the scene in the absence of audio reinforcement. AV overcome this problem, but it is the most expensive and difficult mode to accommodate. Similarly, subtle placement which can be incorporated into a scene as background and do not require a plausible basis for the overt integration of the product into the action are relatively less costly than prominent depictions. A worldwide trend in advertising, product placement, is a vehicle for everything from foodstuffs to electronics or automobiles. So, how does it work exactly? Its actually pretty simple. Basically, there are three ways product placement can occur: it simply happens it is arranged and a certain amount of the product serves as compensation it is arranged and there is financial compensation Sometimes product placement just happens. A set dresser, producer, director or even an actor might come across something he thinks will enhance the project. Usually, this has to do with boosting the level of credibility or realism of the story being told. One exemple can be found in the surprising use of a can of RAID- an ant killer made by the SC Johnson company- in an episode of the popular HBO series The Sopranos. According to an article in USA Today, Therese Van Ryne, a spokeswoman for the SC Johnson, said that the company was not approached about the use of their product. The most common type of deal is a simple exchange of the product for the placement. Let supposing that someone of the crew knows someone who works for Honest Tea. The movie people approach the Honest Tea folks with a proposal and the deal is made; in exchange of the airtime, the cast and crew are provided with an ample supply of Honest Tea drinks at work. Sometimes a gift of the product is not an appropriate form of compensation, so money powers the deal. Why do they use product placement? To achieve prominent audience exposure, visibility, attention and interest To increase brand awareness To increase consumer memory and recall of the brand/product To create instant recognition of the product/brand in the media vehicle and at the point of purchase To bring desired change in consumers attitudes or overall evaluation of the brand To bring a change in the audiences purchase behaviors Product placement can have a significant effect on message receptivity. The sponsor of product placements is likely to gain goodwill by associating itself with a popular program targeted to a specific audience. The more successful the program, the longer shelf life of the product placement. Nielsen Media Research has shown that product placement in television shows can raise brand awareness by 20%. [3] Product placements can have a significant effect on recall. For example, memory improves when visual/auditory modality and plot connection are congruent. Verbal and visual brand placements are better recall than placements having one or the other. To increase brand memory, brands should be prominently placed and be accompanied by an actor in films or television programs. Brand evaluations can become more positive when the placement is more editorial instead of commercial and when non-users of the brand are reached. Behavior and behavioral intentions are influenced best when the audience has positive evaluations of brand placement, when placements are presented in editorial formats, and when placements are repeated. [4] Conclusion Product placement is gaining more and more popularity and at the same time has turned into a huge, profitable business for both the broadcasting companies and the producers. In the past decade product placement has become a very sophisticated business. Today, every movie contains product placement. While in the James Bond-Movies 007 drinks Martini, Will Smith drives a Porsche 911 Turbo in Bad Boys. There could be mentioned thousands of examples like this I think product placement is an innovative way to advertise a product, Ray said. When you show the usefulness of your product by showing how it makes other peoples lives easier, youve created an advertisement that is invaluable. (Neuroscience major Andrew Ray) Douglas McKinley, an advertising professor at BYU, sees product placement as a necessary monetary help for a film industry. We have all come to accept product placement as a legitimate way to help fund the movie, McKinley said. (Product placement can be) good if the product is written into the script so that it looks like part of the landscape. The next time you watch a movie try to keep an eye out for products or brand-names you recognize. It is highly likely that you will see one of the major soft drink companies represented. Once you spotted something, see how many other scenes include that product. You will start to see a trend. How, you will wonder, can the actor hold the Coke just the right way every time so that the logo is perfectly visible?
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Sole MExican :: essays research papers
Tank: Press Circle(6), R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. The tank will appear in front of you. This may be repeated as many times as needed. Information in this section was contributed by SionYoung via Grub Fisher, Justin, Adam Santilllana, James Henderson, and others. Dodo car: Press Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Information in this section was contributed by Gxp via WISBIZKIT69, Adam Santilllana, Carl Buckley, and others. No wanted level: Press R2(2), L1, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent. Information in this section was contributed by Adam Santilllana, Woody Woody, Carl Buckley, and others. Higher wanted level: Press R2(2), L1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent. Information in this section was contributed by Adam Santilllana, Carl Buckley, and others. All weapons: Press R2(2), L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Repeat this code for more ammunition. Information in this section was contributed by Adam Santilllana, John Wooley, Carl Buckley, and others. To get unlimited ammunition, enable the "All weapons" code continuously until whatever you want is at 9999 shots. The next time your clip runs out, it will reload automatically but the magazine (9999) will stay the same. Information in this section was contributed by Michel Soucy. Full health: Press R2(2), L1, R1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Information in this section was contributed by Adam Santilllana, John Wooley, Carl Buckley, and others. If your vehicle is on fire, enable the "Full health" code to extinguish it. Information in this section was contributed by Rene Arrezola. Full armor: Press R2(2), L1, L2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Information in this section was contributed by Adam Santilllana, John Wooley, Carl Buckley, and others. More money: Press R2(2), L1, L1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Information in this section was contributed by Adam Santilllana, Carl Buckley, and others. The Sole MExican :: essays research papers Tank: Press Circle(6), R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. The tank will appear in front of you. This may be repeated as many times as needed. Information in this section was contributed by SionYoung via Grub Fisher, Justin, Adam Santilllana, James Henderson, and others. Dodo car: Press Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Information in this section was contributed by Gxp via WISBIZKIT69, Adam Santilllana, Carl Buckley, and others. No wanted level: Press R2(2), L1, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent. Information in this section was contributed by Adam Santilllana, Woody Woody, Carl Buckley, and others. Higher wanted level: Press R2(2), L1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent. Information in this section was contributed by Adam Santilllana, Carl Buckley, and others. All weapons: Press R2(2), L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Repeat this code for more ammunition. Information in this section was contributed by Adam Santilllana, John Wooley, Carl Buckley, and others. To get unlimited ammunition, enable the "All weapons" code continuously until whatever you want is at 9999 shots. The next time your clip runs out, it will reload automatically but the magazine (9999) will stay the same. Information in this section was contributed by Michel Soucy. Full health: Press R2(2), L1, R1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Information in this section was contributed by Adam Santilllana, John Wooley, Carl Buckley, and others. If your vehicle is on fire, enable the "Full health" code to extinguish it. Information in this section was contributed by Rene Arrezola. Full armor: Press R2(2), L1, L2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Information in this section was contributed by Adam Santilllana, John Wooley, Carl Buckley, and others. More money: Press R2(2), L1, L1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Information in this section was contributed by Adam Santilllana, Carl Buckley, and others.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Good and Bad of R.A.T. Theory. Essay -- Essays Papers
The Good and Bad of R.A.T. Theory. Why do people commit crime? It depends on who you ask and how you look at it, also what you define crime as. There are many theories out there about why people commit crime. One of these theories is Routine Activities Theory. Routine activities theory was first articulated in a series of papers by Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson. Crime and victimization involve the intersection of three factors: targets, guardians, and motive. The following quote gives a description of these three motives. Cohen and Felson assume that both the motivation to commit crime and the supply of offenders are constant. Every society will always have some people who are willing to break the law for revenge, greed, or some other motive. The volume and distribution of predatory crime (violent crimes against a person and crimes in which an offender attempts to steal an object directly) are closely related to the interaction of three variables that reflect the routine activities of the typical American lifestyle: 1. The availability of suitable targets, such as homes containing easily salable goods. 2. The absence of capable guardians, such as police, homeowners, neighbors, friends, and relatives, 3. The presence of motivated offenders, such as large number of unemployed teenagers. The presence of these components increases the likelihood that predatory crime will take place. Targets are more likely to be victimized if they are poorly guarded and exposed to a large group of motivated offenders such as teenage boys. Cohen and Felson argue that crime rates increased between 1960 and 1980 because the number of adult caretakers at home during the day... doctors blames victims.†South China Morning Post Ltd. 29 Nov. 2002. Ragsdale, Shirley. â€Å"Anger against someone who looks like an Arab is misdirected†The Des Moines Register Online. 21 Nov. 2001. Siegel, Larry J. Criminology: The Core. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. United Sates. 2002. Witosky, Tom. â€Å"Pierce deal: Positive Step for Victims?†The Des Moines Register Online. 11 Nov. 2002.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Particular social system Essay
Ethics is the discipline that deals with the good and the bad as well as with the moral duty and responsibility of an individual. It can also be defined as the study of the choices made by individuals as regards right and wrong (Marie, 2005). Ethics is mainly concerned with the philosophy that results in a particular behavior. Ethics are of different types, and they differ in terms of their application in different contexts. Ethics state the working of a particular social system. They point towards the utilization of morality. At birth, as indicated by Be The Dream (2009), everyone is practically a blank slate. The period of infancy is characterized by total emptiness. The only skill an infant is equipped with is crying in order to attract the attention of the other people. Infants are contented with just lying watching the world revolve around them until they need something. However, as life progresses, individuals develop values in accordance with what they have previously learned or gone through (Be The Dream, 2009). The main intent of developing ethics is to set up the capacity to come up with rational judgment and ethical decisions. The whole process of personal ethics development is continuous and goes on through out life (Marie, 2005). Personal ethics, morals and values go hand in hand. Values are beneficial aspects learned from childhood, either as a result of interaction with the environment or from parents. Morals are the inherent beliefs that develop from the values system of the way an individual should react in a particular situation (Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2010). Ethics, on the other hand, are characterized by an individual’s reaction to difficult situations. Ethics play a major role of testing the morals of an individual. Personal ethics are instilled by the culture, environment as well as the background in which an individual is brought up (Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2010). Family values in addition to traditional values are very important in the upbringing of a child. These values play a major role in assisting an individual develop personal ethics at a very tender age. Various personal ethics include: honesty, loyalty, punctuality, open-mindedness, self respect as well as respect for others and fairness (Marie, 2005). Hatcher (2007) states that the expression of one’s ethics is not always comprehended in the global context at large, immediate surrounding, or even among the closest family members. This is mainly as a result of the difference in the development of personal ethics. Personal ethics develop early in life through interaction with family, church, school, and other members of the general community. All these people play part in helping one mold his/her beliefs (Hatcher, 2007). Personal ethics are established through unconscious observations as well as experiences of childhood. Personal ethics narrate values that help an individual make sense of his/her life. They enable one to make moral decisions that are not inclined towards the good of an individual but to all people. An ethical person undergoes extensive internal battles, trying to figure out whether his or her actions will negatively impact on others. Personal ethics enable individuals to make decisions that are meant for the benefit of all. They act as an innate factor that enable individuals make rational and morally correct decisions (Hatcher, 2007).
LAND by Masanobu Hiraoka
Monsanto Hiram animation video mostly because of how much I enjoyed watching it. The first time I viewed it I could not concentrate on the important graphical elements or how well the animation was done; The first thing did, was enjoy the mixture of the amazing colors moving and transforming Into shapes on my screen with the perfect sound going along with these moving colors. The many more times after that I watched it I kept getting impressed on how well everything is made and this is what I will discuss in this essay.Monsanto Hiram Is both an Illustrator and animator born in Kyoto, Japan. He created his first animation projects during graduation year at his university. His videos have a great Influence on Japanese culture and artists like Tattoo-u Amounts and Daisies Garish. He doesn't work for any studio but does a lot of commercial work besides his artistic projects, which he creates for fun. The artistic style of â€Å"Land†(released September 2013) Is very similar to hi s past projects but Its easy to observe how his recent millions have improved a lot.I think the concept of this video was just to create a wonderful imaginary world were a boy can walk through it and mess around with the metamorphosis of different objects. Primary and secondary imagery and effects make this composition very complex, uncluttered and Interesting. Its obvious where the artists wants us to look, he leads our eye to the most important subject the whole time but, everything around it never stops moving. This method keeps the imagery from looking flat because not much depth and dimension is used in the animation.The mood of this piece Is generated from three principal elements: the music, the colors and the shapes. Shapes start flat and are being transformed the whole time, they are even converted into geometrical objects that look as if they had a third dimension. The colors change through out the video but never go out of a specific color palette. The colors vary from pa stel blue, green. Pink, white, yellow, etc. This makes the animation feel natural and not aggressive as If It were to use Blvd reds.Colors are amazingly coordinated with the music. Most of the time it makes you feel relaxed and happy, there are no dark and sad shades of color and the tone of the music never changes drastically to keep you in the same mood. The music was created by a Spanish girl named Lamar Molder and makes you want the video never to end. I noticed that the video also utilizes some of the animation principles. Here I will discuss a few of them: Squash and stretch – we can appreciate this principle since the first seconds of the film.Forms are being squashed and stretched and give the ewer a sense of Hewlett and flexibility which make It more appealing to the eye. Anticipation There is not much anticipation except when there are repetitive patterns, but mainly, the artist prepares its audience to be ready for anything unexpected to happen. Staging – Hi ram uses staging through out the whole animation. He makes you look at forms by making them move, isolate, pop, change 1 OFF through – This principle is shown by objects that keep on moving until they are out of frame or transformed into other visual objects (metamorphosis).Slow in and out – Every single wave of color has a smooth way of appearing and disappearing. Arcs – objects move sometimes following the laws of physics and sometimes not, but in general the animation has a continuous arc movement that makes the objects look realistic by how they move. Secondary action – Even though we are following a main subject the whole time, objects around it never stop moving. Personally, what I most found impacting about Hooray's work in â€Å"land†was that I did not need a message or complete story structure to get hooked.After watching a few seconds I was expecting anything to happen. The planning for this must have been really difficult and for a long time. Every element in the frame matches with the next one that is coming in and with the one that Just left. If I could think of any recommendation to make the piece better, it would be to play around a little bit more with depth and different dimensions to give the moving objects more distance from one another so the frame does not get crowded at any time.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Major Trends in 21st Century in ESL
Teaching students to be literate is a high educational priority throughout the world. Though this area is one of our greatest priorities, it is also one of our greatest challenges. The classroom environment has changed from many years ago. Teachers face the challenges of a large population who do not speak English and have high transient rates. For this large population, becoming proficient in a new language is a very difficult transition. This process can be frustrating and sometimes painful. Students learning a new language need as much language support as possible. Those who have taught students learning English as their second language know that any language support is helpful for their language acquisition. English language learner (ELL) students need a variety of language experiences. They need to hear language, write language, speak language and read language. Nowadays it is believe that computers and some other gadgets can play an integral part in providing ESL students with valuable language experiences as they learn a new language. Interactive whiteboards and iPad Interactive whiteboards are the most valuable digital resource in the classroom. hiteboards can be a vehicle to access online instructional and professional development resources and though tablet-style eReader devices such as Apple’s iPad haven’t been around for long, they’re already considered the second most useful mobile classroom technology behind laptops, according to some researches. Educators are incorporating more internet-dependent a technology in to their instruction, the reason of this is because digital media is a core learning support, nowadays it’s a core part of a teacher’s job. Smartphone. Another important technology used in classrooms is the Smartphone. Smartphone owners use them on the move to access information and entertainment such as music, audio books, reading, and for viewing photos and video clips. One-third of Facebook traffic is now via these devices used simultaneously for instant messaging, email and Twitter. The mobile phone application, or app, brings all the above to life in one self-contained mini-program. The growth in apps for communication, gaming and simple utility (finding the quickest route on public transport) is phenomenal. Apps are often seen as synonymous with the iPhone, which has been the leader in this area, but many commentators expect the Android operating system, which works on smartphones from other manufacturers, to overtake Apple. Apps have enormous potential for language learning because they allow for multisensory learning on the move: for learners to use chunks of time in a wait in line or on public transport. And because smartphones can store so much data or retrieve it via the internet, apps can serve as rich media dictionaries and reference tools. Technology used to improve: Verbal interaction Children need to be able to interact with each other so that learning through communication can occur. Computers can facilitate this type of environment. The computer can act as a tool to increase verbal exchange. An example in how useful can computers be for this interaction are computer books, these are interactive stories that appear on the computer screen as an actual book with text and illustrations. There are also a variety of interactive choices students can use to read the story, including: real voices that read aloud, music, and sound effects. The story is also highlighted so readers can follow along with the text. Verbal interaction and the use of a variety of language functions by English language learners can be facilitated by the use of the computer. The group's computer book reading environment fostered language development by providing an opportunity for verbal interaction. The use of the computer can be a useful supplement to the traditional curriculum of the ELL classroom by promoting verbal communication and the acquisition of English. Vocabulary development One way to use computers for English Language Learners is to teach vocabulary. Students need to learn vocabulary in context and with visual clues to help them understand. Computers can provide this rich, contextual environment. The computer also allows students to become active learners in a one-on-one environment. Computers can incorporate various learning strategies as well as accommodate a variety of learning styles. Reading There are several ways in which technology can be used to improve reading ability.. Most simple reading texts are also very primary in content. Older children may consider themselves too old to be reading such primary content books. Computers, however can increase the interest level for older students while keeping the text simple and easy to read. Another benefit of using computers for reading instruction is that the computer offers immediate feedback on performance. They also can provide added practice when necessary. Computer software and games provide many fun opportunities for students to practice literacy skills. There are numerous software packages for improving spelling, phonics skills, grammar and sight word vocabulary. When English Language Learners are learning their second language, any and all language experiences are valuable to assist in reading ability. Writing As demonstrated, computers and software can help English language learners develop vocabulary skills and knowledge. Computers can also help ELL students develop their writing skills. Writing paragraphs in a language that is still somewhat unfamiliar to students can be difficult. When using a computer, however, the use of graphics can make this much more enjoyable. Using clip art can also help students to convey their thoughts more clearly. To highlight, students have a lot of choices, such as underlining, italicizing, or changing the font size, color or type. Using a computer as a medium for studying grammar is much more motivating for a student as opposed to writing with a pencil. Computer-assisted instruction has been shown in a range of studies to facilitate learning in a variety of ways. Computers can be used to aide in teaching English Language Learners in core academic subjects, such as reading and writing. Computers can aide in vocabulary development as well as verbal language development. Ultimately, however, it is important to recognize that computers are not a substitute for effective teaching. Computers are a tool–they are simply one type of supplement to the regular curriculum in teaching English Language Learners as they develop their English language skills.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Management and Harbin Engineering University
Question1 – Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies. * †¢I am a grade eight pianist and play a number of other musical instruments including guitar and drums. I used to be a member of a band for two years and participated in a number of performances. I successfully organized two Christmas parties for the department when I was in Harbin Engineering University. †¢I enjoy playing basketball, swimming, playing pool as the methods of relaxation. Question2 – What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity? * I worked as a team member of the event management section belonging to the student union of University of Strathclyde. â€Å"Battle of Bands†is one of the event I worked for with five team members to deal with the Finance and Marketing parts. Set up the budget and successfully generated funding from companies. Question3 – What factors have influenced your career choice? I am an enthusiastic team player and appreciate the value of working well with others. I have a natural affinity towards problem solving and enjoy reading and researching developments in the financial industry. During my spare time, I found myself reading and researching stock market data and investing in a portfolio of my own. I was frequently asked to completing tasks at short notice, which required me to have great organizing skill and work well under pressure. My general interest and passion for the industry is one of my principal reasons for pursuing a degree in Finance. Question4 – Outline your career ambitions and objectives. * My short-term objective is to work in a fast growing company which can provide me with great opportunities to add value to the company by using my education and variety of experiences and eventually increase its bottom line. My long-term objective is to become a qualified professional and a considerable manager or leader of the company. On the other hand, I will attain the professional qualifications such as CFA, ACCA, etc. Question5 – At KPMG our global values guide the way that we interact with each other and help to create our open, friendly and supportive culture. Please tell us about a situation where you have used two of KPMG's values to achieve a positive outcome. *
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Ma Earth Essay
Ans1. Heather before being a marketing manager she loved the company and its products. And not only because of its products but also because of their values, that they promised to use all natural ingredients and also ensured that they wouldn’t harm the planet. But in reality the story was different. When she was given the responsibility of campaigning one of its product Ore Essentials, she came to know that the story behind growing the product is quite different. Ma Earth Skin Care was using a different strategy to maintain its image in the market. The company was paying the tribes neither for growing the product there nor for purchasing. They were actually buying its product at a cheap rate from a mainstream supplier. But the company wants to convey its message to the customers that the product is very precious and rare, and they get it only from the tribal area. So this was the ethical issue Heather was facing. She wasn’t ready to accept the way the company was marketing its product. If Heather shows its customers how the company is getting its resources for the Ore Essentials i.e. if she tells them that though the company says that it gets its resources from the tribes but in reality it doesn’t, this would cross a line into unethical territory. Whereas if Heather supports the company i.e. if she shows that the company gets its resources from the tribes rather than showing the actual truth, it can be considered ethical. Ans2. From the customer point of view, the company was fulfilling its corporate social responsibility by paying the tribes for their wellbeing in return for their effort to grow the plants and maintaining them. The company provided the tribal people a school, a health clinic as well as food and clothing. This way the company is effective in practicing its social responsibility. But even though the company is supporting the tribal people, they are cheating its customers by showing false claims. This way the company is not fulfilling its social responsibility.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Celluar pathology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Celluar pathology - Assignment Example By studying the density of blood vessels resulting from evaluation (Nico et al. 2008). Nico in particular describes the issue of micro vessel or microvascular density as being the gold standard with respect to the morphological assessment of angiogenesis in In addition to describing the physiological mechanisms, It is also possible to make generalizations concerning high levels of angiogenesis and specific types of carcinomas, specifically cancers of the prostate or the breasts – characterized by high levels of micro vessel formation. Considerable research has been devoted to the characterization of breast cancer, with confirmation of the importance and predictive power of angiogenesis in the tumorigenesis process. There is considerable support for the utility of micro vessel density analysis as a predictive methodology for these tumors, with historic evidence that angiogenesis precedes the malignant transformation of mammary cells into fully cancerous carcinomas arising from relatively benign papillomas. (Srivastava et al. 1988). There is little doubt that higher rates of angiogenesis do indeed correlate with the emergence of certain tumors, but at present the connection may not be absolute: breast cancer studies indicate that lesions with the highest amount of micro vessel density do carry the greatest risk of breast cancer, but it is not entirely certain whether there is an absolute threshold of density that transfection of cancerous tissue with factors antagonistic to angiogenesis decrease the probability of further growth and malignancy (Miller & Sledge, 2003). This is compelling evidence describing particular mutation of a particular oncogene. As cells continuously grow and divide in the millions over many years, each replication event creates a probability that the right (or wrong) mutation will occur in cells that already carry some growth irregularities. If this chain of mutations is not counteracted by surgical or curative methodologies, then
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